
Beta was a little surprised to see her happy like that. He thought that she would make a fuss for being in the same vicinity of his experimental subjects. But then again, he has not mentioned to her yet about what he plans to do to them.

"As long as you're happy then it's all good.", Beta said.

After some time that Furie talked to him, Beta decided to first check up on the missions he gave Gerald and the others. He gave her some food that he had stored in his void bag and left the bunker shortly afterward. Beta strolled through the streets without any specific aim. It took half an hour for someone to appear before him. Kiev, one of the kids in Gerald's squad, stood in front of him and looked at him curiously.

"You sure have built quite a big information network by now. Seems like you're all natural.", Beta said with a grin.

Kiev just nodded while looking shy due to the sudden compliment and didn't say anything. He just waited for Beta to talk since he knew that Beta didn't come only to praise them and chat, but for something important. He could also guess what Beta came for so he was already prepared on what to answer.

"How's the progress on your tasks? Especially the second one.", Beta asked with a little hope. Staying idle with his training didn't suit him, and just training his current legs didn't seem too useful to him if he was to change it soon.

"Task one should be finished soon. We have clues on the second one and will accomplish it within two days at most.", Kiev answered quietly.

"Good! You're very efficient! I'll do some experiments the next two days then. If they are successful, I'll be able to help you guys out greatly.", said Beta enthusiastically.

It wasn't only the human organs that Beta wanted to switch to beast ones. If he was able to exchange eyes for an example, he would be able to create a squad that had the eyesight of an eagle. This would be great for archers or even in melee where you have to carefully watch your opponent's movements and find flaws within them.

The possibilities were endless as long as Beta could finally stabilize the patient after the transplant. He already had minor breakthroughs after his experiments from last year, so he wants to apply all his findings and hope that it would be successful as it should. He only has a few subjects to experiment on after all as well as a limited time to work only at night before going back to school.

Beta wished Kiev goodbye and hurried to his underground base. The next few days would be a great time for him since he will do the things he truly enjoys, experimenting and upgrading himself after it. The plans of what to do in the next few days unfolded themselves in his mind and he only got happier.

Soon, he would know if beast transplantations work the way he imagined it. He arrived at his base and slowly moved the stairs downward. When he arrived, Beta was greeted by Furie, who had already been waiting for him. She looked better and livelier while staring at him as if she expected him to teach her now.

"It's not time yet. First, we have to strengthen your body a bit.", Beta said with a knowing smile. He then added, "I'm only here to give you some food and feed the subjects. I'll be going out to search for some herbs for you."

At first, Furie was disappointed because she wouldn't learn anything yet. But she quickly regained her vigor once she heard that Beta is only going out to get some herbs for her. The mention of food was, of course, another reason why she wasn't unhappy with it. Within all the time she had spent within the slave trader's 'warehouse', the best thing she got was some dried-up bread. Now, under these new circumstances, she was sure that she wouldn't be treated badly. After all, Beta wants her to regain her strength faster. And it came just as she... not expected it.

Beta gave her a bowl that contained some kind of paste. It looked like it was a mix of several very nutritious things that were just mashed up together. Furie wasn't sure but she could swear she saw a bunch of insect parts within it. The only good thing about it was that it was heated up and a few small pieces of meat were mixed into it. This was the first hot meal she got in a long time. Too bad it was something like this weird looking paste.

"Hahaha! I knew you would have this kind of reaction! You didn't eat properly for a long time so your body got used to a small amount of food. Because of this, I prepared a small, but very nutritious food mix. Don't worry, after you recovered a bit, you'll get proper food again.", Beta said while laughing a bit.

This situation reminded him of his own after waking up in the ruins of his old home. Eating bugs and raw frogs definitely weren't delicious. But it was what he needed at that point. And the same goes for Furie now. He still couldn't help but laugh at her face slowly grimacing at the sight of it.

Furie wasn't overly happy, of course, nor was she looking forward to eating it. However, she got a warm meal that would fill her stomach. That's already more than she could've hoped for a few days ago. She took the spoon Beta had given her with the bowl and slowly started eating. To her surprise, it wasn't as bad as she expected at first, and after some time, she sped up and finished the bowl.

Beta then said that he will be back and left Furie as he went into the direction of the forest outside of the city. The approximate locations of the herbs that he needed were already known to him so he didn't worry about losing time with finding the said herbs. As he picked up the herbs and thought about the concoction process, Beta once again got reminded of his past.

The herbs he was gathering right now were needed for a tonic that he always used to get whenever he was beaten by his brother so badly that he couldn't even move anymore. It was still a vivid memory because even then, his parents didn't let him rest. In fact, even his parents were also culprits, especially his mother.

Beta's mother had a habit of always letting him choose between several tubes and pills for testing. One was the medicine he needed at that moment, while the others were poisonous which ended up killing him. He could barely tell any difference so he became a victim often rather than being saved. His mother, on the other hand, would only laugh at his demise and blame him for not learning and listening properly.

As a result, after dying due to this kind of incident a few times, Beta studied herbs, medicines, their smell, and taste more and more with great obsession. Only by doing so was he able to truly survive an ordeal such as that. He needed to be a hundred percent sure about his decision since his mother would not hesitate to feed him whatever he picked first.

Beta stood next to the last herbs he needed and harvested it carefully. Every now and then he was attacked by some wild animals, but they were nothing to worry about and ended up being his dinner for today. After finishing things up there, he entered the city again and went to his underground base. Furie was surprised to see that Beta was back so fast, but she just smiled at him and went into her room after making sure that Beta didn't need anything for now.

Beta himself was quite happy with this behavior. He didn't want to just start concocting the medicine right there and then because he needed a quiet place for that task, which wasn't exactly guaranteed with a little curious kid around. So, seeing that Furie was behaving as she should, Beta was glad. But still, he needed to ensure that nothing else will happen so he cleared another small room, added the usual runes, and closed up the room for isolation before getting ready. He was now standing in front of a table he created that had a bunch of herbs laid out on.

"Well then… Let's start!", Beta said with shining eyes.