The New Room

Beta put the harpy corpse back into his personal space and cleaned up the place before sitting down on the table, waiting for Furie to wake up. At the same time, he was observing her bodily functions with Death's Gaze's see-through ability. Whenever he saw a vein that couldn't quite handle the new, stronger blood pressure, he would help alleviate the pain and use Surgeon's Rule to adjust it.

Beta looked at her body as if he was enchanted. The liver that Beta had given her, helped greatly in closing up her stitched chest, showing scabs only a few minutes after it has been stitched. It also cleared her blood of harmful bacteria, drugs that had been in her body for a long time, and infections she suffered from. It never ceased to amaze him every time he sees such a process. Even with his previous failed experiments, the same amazement he felt before could still arise in him.

It was no wonder that beasts were more superior than humans. With their strange abilities, it evolved their bodies too to be able to handle all that power and potential within them. Therefore, for Beta, their organs were much better substitutes compared to humans. But there was still the case of stabilization. Though he's more confident with the result now, there might be some hidden effects that he hasn't encountered yet. He looked at Furie again with a more hopeful look.

"I'll have to give her the other organs later as well in order to support the heart and liver properly, but for now, she needs to rest. As it is now, she would only collapse if anything more happened. I can't make any mistakes this time. The mistakes I've made with the others have all been avoided this time to ensure the best results.", Beta said to himself as he looked at Furie while sighing.

Two hours later, she finally woke up. When her eyes opened, a brown ceiling with roots on it greeted her. Her body quickly shot up and she looked around herself while hiding behind the table. Beta was already worried that something might have gone wrong after all, but he tried to talk to her calmly anyway, testing if his experiment gone wrong or not.

"What's wrong?", Beta asked as if he wasn't concerned at all.

Furie peeked up from behind the table and looked at Beta carefully before inspecting her body and looking at Beta as if he was an enemy.

"Where are my clothes?!", Furie asked with an angry look. She had trusted him, and yet she woke up after being put to sleep, completely naked at that.

"Eh? Oh... I had to remove them for the operation. I'll just give you something else for now.", Beta said nonchalantly while taking out a black robe and throwing it into her direction.

Furie quickly covered her body. still looking at Beta cautiously. As for Beta, he did the same thing.

"Looks like she's still sane, and according to the speed she had when hiding behind the table and grabbing the robe, she seems to have gained some upgrade in strength and agility already. I really wonder how much she will gain from this.", Beta thought while observing her. There was something that he noticed quite quickly after taking a look at her exterior body. The fingernails have grown substantially and seemed to be sturdier than normal ones.

"I haven't changed anything about her body, so how is it that there is a change like that? The harpy I used also had this characteristic... What exactly is changing her body?", Beta asked himself while holding his index finger and thumb to his chin as well as looking at Furie's body up and down.

"How do you feel?", Beta asked after some time of keen observation.

Furie was flushed all over due to Beta's shameless stare but still came back to her senses when he asked her a strange question. After carefully feeling up her body, only then she noticed that her body felt different from before.

"It feels much easier to move... It's like my body is lighter than before. Also, my senses are much better. One thing is sure though... I'm stronger now! What's more... I feel like I can be as fast as the wind...", Furie said with glowing eyes.

She truly had become stronger than before. To measure how much stronger she got, Furie ran through the small underground base and got faster and faster. She felt so free and ecstatic that she almost went upstairs to run towards the streets. But then she suddenly noticed that the door was blocked with some force so she couldn't even get close to it. Still, it didn't stop her from running in circles again while giggling with all her might.

Beta thought that this scene looked like a little kid playing around, but he watched it without saying anything nonetheless. Ten minutes later, Furie stood still and looked at Beta in reverence. Before she was still wary of him but now, she clearly knew that he had said the truth about making her stronger. She stood still before him and slowly bowed down. "Thank you, master!", Furie said happily.

"Eh? I don't really like being called master...", Beta commented after hearing that.

"This is different! I'm not calling you master because you own me. I do it because I acknowledge your incredible skills!", Furie said, now looking at Beta solemnly.

Beta wanted to say something, but on the other hand, he wasn't too opposed to some compliments of this sort so he let it be for now.

"Hahaha! Alright, I'll accept your reasoning!", Beta said with a nose that seemed to pierce the heavens.

"But enough with the chit chatting. I'll train you from now on, but I'll need to prepare something first. For now, drink this.", Beta told her, placing a pink bubbly fluid on the table before going to another corner of the underground base.

From then on, Furie only saw Beta, who let earth disappear just like he had done when he made the room for her and the few men. As she was wondering what he was doing, she looked at the tonic in her hands with excitement and fear. Its effects were clearly miraculous, but its taste was something from another world as well... She willed herself forcefully and gulped the whole potion down in one go. This was when she remembered something. All her senses had improved including her sense of taste. Due to this, the taste of the tonic that was already unbearable before was even worse.

"Gaaaahhh!" Beta smiled widely the moment he heard someone scream and mumbled to himself, "As I planned... hehehe".

Half a day later, Beta was finally finished with his work.

"Furie, it's time. Come over.", Beta said, his voice coming out of the newly created room.

Furie, who was already bored after waiting for so long, followed his instruction happily. She couldn't wait to see what exactly Beta had been doing for half a day. However, when she entered the room, she was quite disappointed. Not only was there nothing but a big room, there also was no sight of Beta, who had called her.

"H-Hello?", Furie asked, slightly afraid. Where was he? Did his ghost call out to her because he died in an accident with his experiments? Is she supposed to serve a ghost master now? It shouldn't be possible, but thinking about Beta's strange skills when it comes to medicine and runes, Furie's thoughts became more and more ridiculous. She tried to say something again to call Beta but then she heard a subtle noise behind her.

Suddenly, the entrance behind her closed up with earth and another entrance appeared. Out of there, came one of the men Beta had captured. He looked ferocious, as if he had nothing in his mind but killing while letting off obvious bloodlust.

"Furie, once the match starts, you will have to kill the man in front of you. If you do not succeed, he will." Echoed Beta's voice in the room.

These were almost the same words Beta's father had said before his very first fight started. This was something he had never forgotten. Now, that he himself used them, he felt kind of awkward. However, it had a similar effect to Furie as it used to have on Beta. Confusion covered her face and she didn't know what to do. The man with the ferocious face slowly moved towards her and she simply didn't know what to do. What she didn't know was that this man's face was like this because Beta told him that he would be able to leave this place if he was able to win this fight.

"P-Please! I didn't do anything wrong! Master, why are you doing this?", Furie asked, crying, and then looking around her at the walls as if trying to find Beta.

"Hehehe... Looks like this will be an easy fight!", the man in front of Furie said, getting a knife out that he had hidden before, licking its blade slowly, trying to intimidate her even further.

Furie slowly backed up as she looked at that scene, until finally, her back hit a wall. The man stood in front of her, enjoying the sight of her with mockery on his face. He didn't wait any longer and simply stabbed his knife into her stomach with no hesitation. Seeing the damage he caused, he declared the match as won.

Furie who looked at the knife in her stomach and the blood that kept on gushing out from her body in complete shock. She fell on her knees and looked at the man in front of her, tears rolling down her face without end.

"Hey! Why aren't you releasing me yet?! I've clearly won the fight!", the man shouted at the walls.

Furie looked at her wound again as her heartbeat suddenly quickened. Her eyes turned black, leaving a pair of dark yellow pupils in the middle. Interrupting the screams of the man, a clanking noise was heard which made him turn around. What he saw was Furie who had pulled out the knife and thrown it on the ground. He was just about to say something when Furie instantly appeared in front of his face, slitting his throat with only her bare nails.

As the man fell down due to the force of her body rushing against his, including the weakness that followed after the slitting of his throat, Furie didn't stop attacking and also slit open his belly, ripping out his intestines as if she was digging through his body.

"Furie wins. Leave the room to the left side." Beta's voice once again echoed through the room.