
The dark room was five meters long and five meters wide. Three fourths of the room is filled with only one hundred chairs. This was not enough for the two hundred orphans so some had to sit on the floor.

The last quarter of the room was an empty flat area covered in a large plastic bag. Inside, the bag had many tools: screwdrivers, pincers, saws, knives, hammers, and boiling liquids.

The bag was obviously for disposing Gina's dead body.

In this room, Gina would be violently murdered for every orphan to see. Though the orphanage can kill her painlessly, for the sake of instilling fear to the orphans, she would be physically tortured as a reminder for all the orphans of what would happen when they are disobedient.

One of the matrons commanded, "Enter the middle of the bag and then stay still. We'll remove your clothes right after."

Gina knew that she would die once she entered the bag but she still entered it fearlessly.

The matrons and patrons knew that she was a special child but they never saw a child so accepting of her death.

The matrons removed her clothes for everyone to see and prepared all the tools for her torture.

As they matrons were about to finish their preparation, a tall and skinny man entered the room.

Patron Mark was known for being one of the kindest members of the orphanage. Everytime he looked at a child who was crying, he would comfort them as much as he can.

The new orphans loved him because he helped them with their homework and even fed them with extra food during meal time. In other words, he was the ideal patron that all members of the orphanage should be. Sadly, his kindness was a facade because,

He was a murderous sadist.

Patron Mark had a weird rule which was that he only allowed himself to be sadistic when he was given a valid reason. When he saw the dark room, he became the only patron that wanted the children to be disobedient so he can have a valid reason to satisfy his desires.

He was kind to the new orphans because he wanted to see their faces when he tortured others. When he saw the new orphans faces when he entered the dark room, he loved their shocked faces.

"Children. Today you would be witnessing the punishment for the disobedient. Though her injury was inflicted by a former patron, if she had not shouted at him she would have never gotten injured. The orphanage does not accept this type of behavior no matter how talented you are."

Everyone knew that Gina could be sold for over a million units but her deformity might create rumors about the orphanage's treatment to their children so she had to be disposed.

Also, disobedience is the reason they chose to punish her because they did not want the orphans to use the physical injury rule against them.

"Gina. Do you have any last words?"

To further take away the attention from Logan, she harshly spoke to Patron Mark,

"Every child in this room would beg for forgiveness and cry so much that even the darkest of hearts would feel pity but I don't see you grieve every child you killed. You love killing children and even get a kick out of it. No matter how much you argue in the pearly gates, you would go to hell and be cursed by every child you killed. After my death, believe me, I would haunt your dreams and torture you one hundred times more than I will feel today."

Patron Mark, though he was surprised, smiled and laughed.

"You are the first one to fight back and, being only three years old, I am surprised and commend you for your bravery. Every child I've killed had cried and begged for their lives and it annoyed the hell out of me."

He looked at Gina directly in the eyes.

"I was bored with the emotions of the orphans I killed so I searching for something new. Seeing you break might be the challenge I was looking for."

The preparation finished and the torture began.

For the first time, Logan looked at a horrible scene without vomiting or looking away. Every time someone was being killed in the dark room, Gina would always shield his eyes. This time was different not only because Gina wasn't by his side but because he wanted to see everything.

He saw Gina's nails pierced by screwdrivers, her fingers plucked with pincers, her groin washed with boiling acid, and watched her limbs slowly detached. Because Patron Mark was experienced, he was able to prolong Gina's life.

Even though she was screaming loudly and felt tremendous pain, she smiled at Patron Mark to prove that no matter how much pain he caused, she would never beg.

Many children looked away, covered their ears, and started crying. This was expected but one of them stood out.

It would be normal for Logan to cry heavier and louder than everyone else because of how close he was to Gina but he silently looked and stared.

He watched every move and every emotion that Patron Mark had and imbedded it to his mind.

He watched Gina's body parts fly away from beginning to end and imbedded it to his mind.

As Gina drew her last breath, even though she was unrecognizable, she looked at Logan and smiled to prove to him that she didn't suffer and imbedded it to his mind.

Most people would try to forget this scene but Logan didn't. He wants to remember everything for his revenge against the orphanage.

As Logan thought about revenge, he realized that he saw all eight emotions on the room. There were eight emotions that human beings have: Anger, Anticipation, Disgust, Fear, Joy Sadness, Surprise, and Trust.

He saw Anticipation and Joy from Patron Mark,

He saw Surprise and Trust from the matrons and patrons,

He saw Disgust and Fear from the orphans,

And he felt Anger and Sadness.

By seeing and feeling all eight emotions at the same time, something emerged from Logan's mind. He suddenly felt thoughts, ideas, and memories from every person in the room.

With all this information crashing into his head, Logan felt extreme pain and fainted.