Hooded Man

"Hey Azri, what do you want to do??" questioned Dagon. " Uhhhhh..." Dagon hearing this gave a long sigh, and looked towards Azri. Azri feeling his stare looked towards Dagon. "RACE!!!" both of them then ran towards the forest.

In the forest a huge snake could be seen fighting a tiger over a dead body of what seemed like a deer. When all of a sudden two figures ran out from the bushes. "Dagon, I'm still faster than you, HAHAH, OH WHAT THE." the figure then ran into the tiger knocking the tiger back. This was Azri and Dagon. "That's because I controlled my speed, Hah." Dagon lightly laughed as he looked where Azri crashed into.

The snake noticing the boy with black hair knocked the tiger away, tried to go for the deer. The tiger jumped back and attacked Azri.

Azri heard a noise behind him as he got up, " OH SHIT!!" Dagon was laughing but he heard Azri and looked up to see a tiger jumping at Azri, "RUN AZRI RUN!!!" Azri jumped towards Dagon at a surprisingly fast speed.

The snake then tried to escape noticing the tiger was back and slithered away with the deer corpse. Looking over at the corpse that was now gone, the tiger was furious. ROOARRR the tiger roared and then looked at the twins with anger in it's eye. Since it couldn't eat the deer it'll have to eat these human children.

Dagon was frozen in fear at the sound of the roar. While Azri fell down, startled. They both were looking at the tiger as it neared them. Dagon tried to move but could only look towards Azri with a scared look. Azri sensed Dagon's look and turned to face him. " Don't worry, we'll get out of this."

Just then the tiger jumped at Dagon who was the closest to it. Azri panicked and tried reach Dagon before the tiger could. But the tiger was too fast and pinned Dagon on the ground with his paws, and tried to bite his head off. "NOOOOOOOO" Azri shouted.

Just then a black light enveloped both the tiger and Dagon. The tiger stopped midway in fear. Both Dagon and the tiger looked towards Azri, who now had a black aura around him as well as small wings the size of a adults arm behind his back.

"AHHHHH" Azri screamed in pain and lunged toward the tiger with his fist. The tiger scared released his paw on Dagon and ran a distance away. Azri chased after the tiger who ran. Dagon got up surprised by what he saw, he wasn't scared anymore but was shocked.

The tiger slashed his claws at Azri. Azri used his arm to block the attack. "AHHH" As blood gushed out from where he blocked the attack. Azri then tried to attack the tiger but to no avail. The tiger was too fast for Azri to even hit. "YOUUUUU" Screaming out towards the tiger, Azri started to levitate, soon you could see his black wings flapping and then his body diving towards the tiger at twice his normal speed.

The tiger felt fear from the wings of Azri's. Seeing Azri approaching faster and faster, it tried to dodge the hit. Azri dived and eventually he hit the tiger albeit barely. The tiger was hit on one of his legs. Azri the got up after diving and looked towards the tiger with his red eyes shining a bright red color. The bleeding from his arm got worse as Azri hit the tiger, it almost was like his arm was broken. The tiger was scared, why did he have to bite more than he can chew.

"AHHH" Azri screamed as his arm glowed with a red hue. Just then Dagon caught up to see Azri flying in the air and his arm glowing red, while the tiger was limping and looked scared towards Azri. Dagon was also a bit scared of Azri but somehow knew nothing bad would happen to him.

Azri screamed once more and the glow on his arm disappeared, but his eyes still shined brightly red.

The tiger seeing this tried to run but with it's limp it could only jump. Azri saw the tiger escaping but when he tried to chase the tiger he suddenly coughed out blood and fell forward to the ground.

Dagon rushed forward to catch the falling Azri. Tears ran down Dagons face as he looked towards Azri. "AZRI NOOO, Don't die, please, Don't die!!" Just then out of nowhere the snake from early tried to jump on Dagon and Azri. Out of nowhere the winds in the area picked up and blocked Dagons view. All he heard was slicing noises and then the wind disappeared. Dagon still teary eye'd looked around to see what happened.

There on the ground was the snake but cut into pieces. Dagon was surprised and scared. He began to look around. Weakly he spoke, " Wh-who's there?" A figure appears out of the bushes. It was a hooded man. "Relax kid, the bad monster is dead." Hearing this Dagon was surprised and looked at the the snake for reassurance, but seeing it sliced up he was relieved. " Now answer me this kiddo, What's a kid doing this deep in the forest full of beasts?" Dagon looked at the man with a weird look. Mustering all his courage he told the man, " I live here... It's not even deep..." The man hearing this laughed. "Listen kiddo I mean no harm but you do realize that you and your friend there are at least 50% deep into the Dire Forest right? I've never heard of anyone living this far in?"

Dagon realized that he didn't even recognize the surroundings. This made him more sure of what the man told him. " C-Can you take me and my brother home?" Dagon asked after a brief period of silence. The man smiled, "So he was your brother, I see I see, here let him take this." a item flew towards Dagons hand. Dagon looked at the item questionably. "Don't worry it'll help heal him." The man told Dagon.

Dagon was delighted to hear this and immediately feed Azri the item not even questioning if it was harmful or not. A few seconds later and Azri was looking much better than before and his heartbeat was normal again. Feeling this Dagon sighed in relief. The hooded man frowned, "That was a tier 9 bodily restoration pill, he didn't wake up from taking it? How deep were his injuries? Even if they were that deep he would've been dead right? I mean they didn't even start Cultivation yet?" The man thought to himself.

Dagon carried Azri and bowed to the man. "T-Thank you kind sir, Thank you for saving my brothers life. I have nothing of value on me so I can't repay you." Hearing this the man smiled at Dagon, "So you got manners, It was nothing kiddo I just wanted to eat some snake meat." Dagon surprised at his word smiled at him, " Can I ask you to take me home, it should be... hmm I can see smoke that way so it should be over there." as Dagon pointed in a direction the man grabbed both Dagon and Azri and flew in that direction.