Amusement Park

"Then, can you take me to the amusement park this weekend?"

She looked at Jia Bi Yu anxiously, afraid he would say no.

"Amusement park?"

She nodded quickly with anticipation in her eyes.

"What's an amusement park?"

She forgot he still lacked some basic knowledge on this world despite having been here for two years already.

Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she explained to him what an amusement park was, slowly turning her original pleading tone into a bragging one.

Even though she seemed extremely experienced with them, she had not been to an amusement park since she was ten years old.

Most of her experiences were already seven years behind, and the rest of her explanation was only from what she had read online.

Jia Bi Yu did not know what to do with her as she went on and on.

She only stopped when he agreed to go, her hands pounding into the air as she jumped around in delight.

Chen Mei Ling had slowly picked up his skills in cooking over the years, and now her cooking can be considered somewhat on par with chefs in five star restaurants.

Dinner was very sumptuous, having three meat dishes, one vegetable dish, and a soup.

Her love for meat had clearly not diminished, but had instead increased from having experienced all of the heavenly delicious meat dishes cooked by Jia Bi Yu.

Like usual, she retired to her room right after dinner, planning to continue studying for the college entrance exams the following year.

Ever since she started school again, she has been spending at least a few hours every night learning all of the different subjects on the exam.

At first, she couldn't understand a single question, but with a genius always by her side, she was finally able to get above a 90 on a practice exam today.

It didn't take long before the weekends arrived, the long awaited day Chen Mei Ling had been looking forward to all week.

Without an identity, and Chen Mei Ling being too young to obtain a driver's license and car, their only mode of transportation was either by public buses and subways, or taxis.

Wishing to enjoy the time and scenery along the way, they chose to take the bus that went directly to the amusement park, despite it being a lot slower.

Time quickly passed and the buildings flashed by as she talked about all of the recent happenings at school.

One can really hear the happiness in her voice when she talked about which classmate did this and what classmate did that.

Stepping off the bus, they arrived in front of a large gate decorated with many colorful cartoon animals, from big brown grizzly bears to small white chubby bunnies.

Surrounding those decorations were cutely painted five leaf flowers of all colors in the rainbow.

The entrance was crowded around by a sea of parents and their young children, along with a few couples here and there.

Grabbing onto Jia Bi Yu's hand, Chen Mei Ling quickly pulled him along towards the ticket booth, half running as she excitedly led the way.

It wasn't until thirty minutes later that it was finally their turn.

They walked up to the young woman in the booth on the far left, her eyes listless as she kept her eyes on the computer screen, letting out a small yawn right as the previous family of three got their tickets and left.

It was another boring day for her, doing the exact same thing over and over again.

Lazily looking up at the pair that just got there, her eyes widened at the gorgeous long haired man.

She did not even register Chen Mei Ling into her mind, her world blurred out everything but Jia Bi Yu.

She quickly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, letting out a loud gulp that the two clearly heard.

Noticing her unprofessional behavior, she quickly straightened her back, a sharp glint in her eyes, as she tried her best to act serious.

If it weren't for the earlier foolish look on her face, they would have thought she was a very straight laced person.

Even that 'professional' aura didn't last long, as the tone in her voice gave away her true self.

"W-What is your name handsome? Do you have a girlfriend?"

The hunger in her eyes was as though she was the big bad wolf in the three little pigs, wanting to eat up the delicious man known as Jia Bi Yu.

Only after asking her question did she notice the girl standing beside him, a belly full of envy as she eyed her from head to toe.

She bit her lower lip in disappointment, as she once again concluded that all of the good quality men were taken.

That was to be expected, as any good looking men who were single either had some sort of problem, or did not like women in the first place.

Her tone clearly cooled by a few degrees as she hurried through their purchase, even to the point that it seemed like she just wanted to throw tickets at them for free just to get them out of her sight quicker.

The pair could only look at each other bitterly in resignation, as an understanding formed between them.

This was so much of a common experience that they had already gotten used to it ages ago.

Of course, each and every time it happened, Chen Mei Ling would put on a sly smirk as she teased Jia Bi Yu.

It was more surprising how she never seemed to be bored of this despite his lack of reaction, his face still sporting that cold expression with not even the slightest smile or anger peeking through.