Ferris Wheel

Chen Mei Ling's spirits lifted back up after resting for a bit at a nearby bench, once again excitedly pulling Jia Bi Yu to the next attraction as though she had totally forgotten about the roller coaster experience.

She led him to all of the major attractions until the sun was about to set.

Inside the haunted house, Jia Bi Yu had gotten so alerted by the sudden appearance of zombies that he took out his sword from his dimensional space, getting into his fighting stance ready to go for the kill, shocking the staff acting as the zombie instead.

Chen Mei Ling had to quickly grab onto his arms before simply explaining that it wasn't a real zombie, and apologizing profusely to the staff.

She was only able to make the excuse that he was a magician in training and was practicing his illusion tricks before the suspicious staff left with his head down confusedly.

She scolded him after they had gotten out, warning him to hide his magic from others or the government will come to find them for trouble.

He understood that he had to keep his skills hidden, but habits die hard even after two years of inactivity.

He could only incessantly agree with her admonishment before she finally stopped due to being thirsty for talking for too long.

She decided to pull him along to the last attraction in the amusement park, the Ferris wheel.

They were both tired after a long day of rides and this was the perfect way to end their outing.

The peace and quiet inside the cart, as the Ferris wheel started to turn counter-clockwise, made them both relax their shoulders against the seat.

Jia Bi Yu watched as the girl across from him serenely stare out at the view beneath their feet with both of her hands supporting the bottom of her chin.

Turning back to look at him, a soft smile formed on her face.

"Thank you for taking me here today, Yu gege."

He simply smiled back in return as he continued to watch her with tenderness in his eyes.

The Ferris wheel came to a stop when their cart got to the highest point as the two continued to look at each other in silence.

Suddenly their whole world brightened as all of the lights on the Ferris wheel turned on.

Chen Mei Ling gasped as she leaned against the side of the cart, peeking out in amazement at all of the different changing colors.

A loud boom came from above as big beautiful fireworks lit up the night sky.

Her eyes twinkled along with the spectacle as the smile on her face spread out even wider.

Jia Bi Yu decided to grab a taxi instead of riding the bus, as it was already dark out.

On the way home, he felt something softly lean against his shoulder.

He turned to find Chen Mei Ling nodding off to sleep, seeming extremely exhausted from the long day.

He slipped his arm behind her neck, gently moving her head down so it laid on his lap.

She let out a few soft groans as she tried to find a comfortable position before steady breathing can be heard from her.

He placed his hand on top of her head and smoothed out the strands of her hair, smiling fondly at the fragile girl below.

As the taxicab came to a stop at the traffic light, Jia Bi Yu spotted a person being surrounded by a group in a dark alleyway.

He couldn't make out their traits as no lights shone upon them, but it was not something he could just ignore.

As a heavenly knight serving under the King, he had the duty to protect the weak and fight against injustice.

He quietly asked the driver to pull up next to the sidewalk before gently nudging the girl awake.

She groggily looked up at him in confusion as he wiped the saliva stain at the corner of her mouth.

"You head back first. I forgot I still had something to do."

She wanted to ask more questions, but seeing the serious expression on his face, she could only nod in agreement and leave the questions for when he gets back.

"Come home early."

He only nodded in reply as he handed a few bills to her, before turning around and walking briskly away, disappearing as he turned onto a small street.

She couldn't help but worry as this was the first time something like this had happened when they were together.

Who knew what he did when he was alone.