Wu Shang Tang

Jia Bi Yu dusted off his hands as he looked admiringly at the beautiful picture he had just painted in that back alley.


He snapped out of his thoughts, finally remembering the young man who he was trying to save in the first place.

Maybe it was because he had not been in a true fight in over two years, despite not going all out, he couldn't help but lose himself in the heat of the moment.

While still feeling the excitement of the fight earlier, if one could call it a fight, he slowly turned towards Wu Shang Tang with an eerie smile across his face.

That one smile was able to bring all of his enemies to their knees in dread without even a fight, especially with the few splotches of blood currently on his face, a large contrast from his translucent jade skin.

Where did the blood even come from?

Despite Jia Bi Yu's current appearance, Wu Shang Tang still donned that same innocent smile on his face, staring worshippingly at him as though a crazy fan who had just met their beloved idol.

Jia Bi Yu couldn't help but take a step back, a bit daunted by the overly enthusiastic aura he was giving off.

As though not noticing his discomfort, Wu Shang Tang moved towards him with quickened steps while Jia Bi Yu moved backward at the same time.

Feeling the kid was harmless, he did not just turn and run off but had instead stopped in wait with his eyelids still twitching.

Wu Shang Tang grabbed onto both of his hands as soon as he caught up to him, shaking them up and down excitedly.

"You were so amazing just now! You just went hai-yah here and hai-yah there. They couldn't even follow you with their eyes!"

He animatedly punched at the air, trying to imitate Jia Bi Yu unsuccessfully.

Jia Bi Yu held his temples with his right hand as he held up his left in front, stopping the bad act.

"That was nothing. I'll take my leave now that you're fine. You should also quickly head on home. Goodbye."

He turned to leave, hoping to never see this group and Wu Shang Tang again.

Right as he was turning, his arm was once again grabbed onto, halting him in his tracks.

Somewhat unwillingly, he turned back with a 'smile' towards the one who stopped him.

"Is there anything else?"

"You can't just leave me alone. What if these guys wake up?"

He pointed at the corpses on the ground, ignoring how beaten up they were.

They would be out cold for just the night if lucky.

Jia Bi Yu looked down to where his index finger was pointing, the smile on his face stiffening by the second.

"Don't worry. They won't be waking up anytime soon."

"But they can still come to find me after."

"Why are they even after you?"


Wu Shang Tang scratched his head feeling a bit shameful.

"Girl problems haha..."

"You didn't steal their boss' girl, right?"

Jia Bi Yu stared at him suspiciously.

Widening his eyes, Wu Shang Tang shook his head and both of his hands hurriedly at the same time, denying the accusation with all of his being.

"No no no! I would never do something so low!"

Noticing the lack of belief from the other person, he stammered through his explanation.

"T-Their boss just thinks I'm after the girl he likes!"

"If you didn't do anything that led to his misunderstanding in the first place, then he wouldn't have gotten his underlings to go after you."

"You've got to believe me! I just treated her like any other friend of mine!"

He looked at him with puppy eyes.

Wu Shang Tang was taller than him, so being looked down from above with such eyes did not have the intended effects, but had instead made Jia Bi Yu want to take another step back.

Maybe if the receiver was somebody else, they would have easily fallen for his innocent expression with those slightly wet eyes.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Jia Bi Yu heaved a sigh in defeat.

He couldn't take the nauseating act any longer.

"Give me your number!"


"So I can call you if they come to find me!"


Taking out his smartphone, he tossed it at Wu Shang Tang while letting out a big sigh.

He barely ever had to use his phone, his only contacts were Chen Mei Ling, Chen Mei Ling's school, and the elderly Chen couple.

He found it troublesome to use, and it was only a means to fit in with the rest of the people in this world.

If Wu Shang Tang wanted his number, he could just find it himself.

The young man was shocked at the suddenly thrown object, almost dropping it as he caught it with both of his hands.

He breathed out a sigh of relief after successfully catching it, looking accusingly at Jia Bi Yu.

The other just shrugged his shoulders and ignored his glare.

The phone unlocked without the need for a passcode, surprising him at the lack of security, but he still happily pressed the phone icon with his thumb.

He hummed a little tune as he inputted his own number before pressing the dial icon.

After a few seconds of silence, as it tried to connect the call, the phone in his pocket rang out with the generic ringtone.

He handed Jia Bi Yu's phone back to him, before contentedly waving him goodbye and walking off into the dark of the alleyway.

He turned to wave back just before his figure disappeared into the shadows.

Finally with the pest, umm...Wu Shang Tang, gone, Jia Bi Yu lifted his phone up, looking at the still bright screen.

His eyelids started to twitch once again.

Xiao Tang Tang