The Upper Realm

The Abbot came rushing over when he got notified of what had happened.

Upon arriving, he witnessed such a scene of his disciples all kneeling down in reverence towards Jia Bi Yu.

The Abbot was still in the unknown about what exactly he had done, but he had already long concluded that Jia Bi Yu was a being of the higher realms.

He assumed his disciples saw Jia Bi Yu using abilities that were impossible for those of the mortal realm.

The Abbot knew that those above did not like having their identities known and preferred to go about as mere mortals when down on Earth.

He quickly waved at the group of monks kneeling on the floor.

"Ignorance!" he said this calmly with not the least bit of raised tone yet in the ears of the other monks, it sounded like thunder crashing down on them, waking them up from their fanaticism.

"Quickly go back to your duties," the Abbot continued. "Now!"

The group of monks quickly got up, bowed towards Jia Bi Yu, and left unwillingly while they kept looking back at him.

The Abbot turned towards Jia Bi Yu with a glint in his eyes.

He quickly gave a Buddhist bow towards the latter and likewise, Jia Bi Yu gave a Buddhist bow back.

"Please forgive the young ones, Senior," the Abbot apologized on the other monks' behalf. "They do not know the rules of the upper realm."

Jia Bi Yu squinted his eyebrows slightly as Wu Shang Tang looked at the two back and forth in surprise.

"Upper realm?" Jia Bi Yu questioned the Abbot.

Thinking Jia Bi Yu did not want to admit his true identity, the Abbot's nerves tensed up.

"I apologize Senior," he quickly said.

Jia Bi Yu did not know what to say.

It seemed as though the Abbot did not know everything about where he was from.

With a hint of smile in his eyes, he looked at the Abbot.

He might as well play along and get more information from this old monk.

"It is of little importance. Do not worry," Jia Bi Yu said. "Tell me about the upper realms."

The Abbot looked back in surprise.

Shouldn't the man himself know more than he did?

Pushing his questions to the back of his mind, he did not dare to withhold what he knew.

"The upper realms are located in dimensions separate from the mortal realm we are in," he started to explain.

"There are three main realms of reality, with the middle realm being the mortal realm, occupied by humans.

Above, we have the nine heavens, where the many deities and spirits reside, ruled by the Jade Emperor.

The higher one's merit and cultivation are, the more likely they will be granted a palace in a higher layer of heaven.

Those who reside in a higher layer are ranked higher in status than those below.

Below, we have the eighteen layers of the underworld where demons and ghosts reside.

All beings must go through the underworld where the six paths of reincarnation lie.

The vilest of criminals are tortured in the lower layers of the underworld.

The deadlier their sins and crimes, the lower they are placed and likewise, the harsher the torture they receive."

The Abbot looked at Jia Bi Yu who was just standing there lost in thought.

"How does one go to the other realms?" Jia Bi Yu asked the Abbot.

"When one has cultivated to a higher realm, they will be able to be granted entrance into the nine heavens.

As for the underworld, one would need to shred their mortal bodies and enter the paths of reincarnation.

There has been cases of mortals entering the other two realms through tears in space and time or with heavenly treasures, but nobody knows the exact way.

When one has a higher cultivation, they will also be able to travel between the three realms at will."

The Abbot looked at Jia Bi Yu with a certain glint in his eyes.

The latter fell back into his thoughts.

he asked the dragon inside his mana pool.

Rubbing his eyes until they turned a hint of red, Ian gave out a loud yawn.

"Yes mother?"

Ian closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, he opened them and replied, "My powers cannot encompass this whole world. If it's just around your current location, there is a faint leakage close by."

Jia Bi Yu widened his eyes with excitement.