Opening of the Gates

The three days passed by quickly as Jia Bi Yu constantly went to find the Abbot, bombarding the poor monk with questions about the upper realms.

It got to the point where the Abbot started to avoid Jia Bi Yu, using the excuse of helping with the preparations for the fissure to hide for hours each time.

He was afraid to say no, but he really couldn't take it any longer.

When the morning of the third day finally arrived, the Abbot finally reappeared in high spirits, leading Jia Bi Yu back down to the fissure in the painting world.

He secretly shed tears of joy at finally being free from Jia Bi Yu.

When they got to the platform, the 145 figures were already standing there awaiting the two's arrival.

They all had exhausted looks on their faces despite not being corporeal bodies.

Maybe it was because they were in soul forms that the large amounts of energy used in the last few days really drained them out.

They all couldn't help but stare bitterly at Jia Bi Yu.

They promised themselves that if he was to ask them to open the gates ever again, they will refuse no matter who or what he is.

Jia Bi Yu merely smiled at them and said, "Thanks for your hard work."

They really wanted to punch that smile out of his face.

The leader of the group, who Jia Bi Yu had assumed was the first generation head of the monastery, turned and gave a nod at the Abbot.

The Abbot then led Jia Bi Yu to stand at a safe distance from the platform.

When the first generation saw them in place, he turned back towards the group and gave them a signal to start.

They all simultaneously executed the same hand symbols before finally pointing at the door with two fingers, shouting out "Open!" as beams of light shot out from them, landing directly onto the door.

The door gave out a loud rumble causing the big platform to shake.

The monks stood their steadily, keeping their focus on the door.

The dark fumes started to puff out from the edges at a faster rate.

They all watched in wonder as this was the first time the door has opened in over three thousand years.

With a loud creak, the door slowly opened as a cold chill creeped out from inside, wanting to freeze everything in its path.

As that ghastly energy seeped across the platform, it was halted from moving a step outside by an invisible barrier.

The monks inside started to chant the Buddhist scriptures as a holy aura starts to form and expand from their bodies, purifying the evil miasma around the platform and all that kept coming out from behind the door.

The Abbot signaled that Jia Bi Yu could now walk up closer for a look, but warned him not to walk onto the platform as it can break the balance the monks had formed.

As Jia Bi Yu came just before the barrier, Ian's voice suddenly sounded from within his mana pool.

"Mother, I detect a strong dimensional energy portal. If I can absorb this, I can further develop the dimensional space."

Jia Bi Yu widened his eyes in surprise, since his space has somewhat stagnated in growth as the higher level Ian's dimensional power got, the less effective the spirit stones were.

Back then, it was merely like filling a small cup, but now it was like a drop of water in a large lake.

It would take a ton of spirit stones before there was an actual effect.

However, he did not know if collapsing the fissure would have any consequences on the surrounding space.

Plus, he was hoping to use this fissure to go check out the underworld.

he asked.

"Since the painting world is sustained by the energy from this portal, when the energy source is taken out, the painting world will start to collapse in a day if no new energy source is found."

He would have to discuss with the heads about this as this space seemed important to the monastery.

As though sensing Jia Bi Yu's hesitation, Ian then said, "If I absorb the energy from the portal, it is possible to recreate it inside the dimensional space."

"That's where you're wrong, Mother," Ian said proudly with his head tilted up slightly. "I can control everything inside the space."

Jia Bi Yu's eyes brightened with realization.

Ian was the child of that mysterious Dimensional Dragon God, Orion.

Even if he was not created from the very primal form of the dimensional attribute, he should have inherited some of its essences.

As the holder of the most original dimensional energy, it was not a surprise that Ian was literally able to create his own mini world with separate laws from the outside.

In this mini world, he was the god, and since it was created with Jia Bi Yu's mana and inside his mana pool, Jia Bi Yu was even above god in his own dimensional space.

He couldn't help but become excited.