Blue Sea Town!

Kuroken,Furoko and his crew arrived at the town below the mountain.It was lively for a small town which was located in a big island which was around 2.500km There were two marine bases in the Island.This was South Sea so having a lot of marine bases was rare especially since the chaotic apocalypse forty eight years ago.

Ten marines were guarding the opening of the town so they had to be careful.Kuroken had no worries so he easily entered.He distracted the ten marines so that Furoko and his crew could enter the town easily.

POOF!POOF!BOOM BOOM!Suddenly Kuroken and the others heard sounds of rifles releasing their bullets.Behind them the ten marines had started to attack!"Dammit!"Furoko raised his hand and suddenly it became black.It was Haki of colour of armaments!Suddenly Furoko disappeared.The next moment the ten marines were sent flying.

"Here they are!"

Suddenly even more marines came!This time they numbered to thousands!They had surrounded the entire town!The citizens were in shock to what to do.Some ran and some asked for help from the marines.

"We are in trouble!"

"Tch,Murasa attack!" Furoko yelled and Murasa,the silver haired girl nodded.The next moment a huge wave of water blew the marines away.This was the Logia

Devil Fruit,Water Water Devil Fruit or Mizu Mizu No Devil Fruit

It was powerful.From the looks of the silver haired girl,she probably had awoken.Furoko was smiling deeply then he yelled at the mohawk guy,"Kaiyo attack!"Kaiyo raised his hands in the air and muttered,"World Breaker" the space cracked and the marine were sucked inside.This was the Space Devil Fruit!

But there were still thousands of marines coming as reinforcements.The Marine Ranks had changed.They were from:Servant,Soldier,Private Soldier,Captain,Commander,Sea General,General,Core General,Vice Admiral,Admiral and finally the Fleet Admiral.The strongest marine in the South Sea was an Sea General who currently was at his death's step.The other sea's had only Commanders.

The number of marines now surpassed ten million so putting a million in the Four Seas wasn't a lot for them but after the chaos the number of marines in the South Sea was lowered by tens of times thus raisiing the number of pirates.For every one marine there were three pirates.

"Weaklings...If you want to defeat me go call your damn Sea General!" Fukuro swung his sword after unsheathting it and a aura of energy made every Marine fly away tens of meters.It was 100% sure that some had died from that single attack.

"Is that the true power of Pirate Emperors?" Kuroken muttered in excitement.There were many people who claimed they were Pirate Emperors but not even ten pirates had the power of an Pirate Emperor.The Current Pirates were destroying islands.Although there were thousands to tens of thousands of islands just in the South Sea,there were still quite a few who were in danger.

Unlike before,after the chaos the terren and geography of the World had changed.The World Gobernment had no power now was disappear from earth years ago.Now a new power rules the Marine.They call themselves the Four Divine Beasts.

The Marines who survived started to run in fear.Six thousand Marines from the ten thousands Marines sent to kill Fukuro and his crew died.Three thousand and five hundred were injured and five hundred were slightly injured.But for the Sea General,that was one third of his total troops.But ten thousand marines weren't enough to even make them flinch.Besides,this wasn't even Fukuro's full crew!

Every Crew had more than ten members:A Fighter and Warrior,Captain who should be a warrior,Cook,Musician to make harmony in the crew,Navigator,Doctor,archaelogist and a Shipwright.In total nine.But for huge ships nine wasn't enough.You need lackeys to fight with you.The Great War around 200 years ago when Monkey D.Luffy and Rorona Zoro together with their friends and allied crews attacked the World Government was a huge war.They had around 100,000 people while the government a million.

That happened around 200 years ago and ended 199 years ago.In one year the whole World Government which governed the whole world fell.Then 99 years later and around 100 years ago,the new age came.The Four Divine Beasts Calendar.

But that was old and now the Four Divine Beasts were normal.It was rare for somebody to remember the World Government.But the Four Divine Beasts don't hide it.They actually let schools teach the history of the world to the children.


Meanwhile at the Main South Sea Headquarter of the Marine's.It was huge it covered a zone of ten km just in buildings.The Port was covered in Marine Warships.But this time the Warships returned with thousands of injured people.

"Heavens!Did the mission fail?!But wasn't Emperor Furoko heavily injured?"

"Wasn't that just a rumor?Maybe Sea General Oku(Oak) really has gotten old…"

"What the hell are you saying?!He still is just fifty nine!"

Several Marine Soldiers and Servants murmured and whispered in their ears.Sea General Oku was a really strong Sea General.He had thirty thousand Marines under his command and if he wanted he could also have twenty thousand more extra marines.His title was"Dark Oak(Daku Oku)"

Meanwhile in a pretty dark room where only a candle was burning a fifty something old marine was sighing.His hair was white and his beard was also the same.His eyes were blue but he was no longer burning with excitement.He had the chance to enter the New World,but when he saw it,he was sure that there was no chances of him surviving.

"I even told these young ones to be careful and immediately return if they aren't injured...Sigh...Do they take Emperors of the New World to be so weak?Even the proclaimed emperors aren't so weak to be defeated by ten thousand marines without killing half of them."

Before him was a chess board.He played alone as he moved the horse taking the soldier in the left side…