Dream Of The Future. Pirate King. I shall be.

Kuro started to open his eyes.He only saw a classic roof and a colder(Think of it as an AC).Colder's were developed around three years ago and are very used in summer and spring.He tried moving his body but he couldn't feel them,instead pain could be felt.

"Are you okay,Kuro-kun?"

The doctor of the crew,Marasa for short Mara kindly and softly said.She was wearing a doctor's uniform."Your wounds haven't still healed.You have been sleeping for one full week.If I hadn't immediately interfered you probably would had died out there,and eaten by crows…"

Just that thought made him shiver and open his eyes."One-chan aren't you supposed to comfort me?"He laughed forcefully,trying to make the mood better."Then I will have to let you rest."She said but he immediately said,"Ah,can you call oji-san,Fukuro-san?"

She nodded.She opened the door and then left the room.After a few minutes,Fukuro with a few bandages in his body entered.They were just small injures but Mara was a good doctor so she still bandaged them.

"Are you okay,Kuro?"He said with a bit of regret in his eyes."Don't regret."Kuro immediately said."Eh?"Fukuro didn't understand what he meant by that."Don't regret letting me enter the war.It was my choice."Kuro may not be a smartass , but he was not stupid.He was far more matured that his age.

"Hahahah,here I am being criticized by a child...But thanks…"Fukuro said after a small laugh."By the way why did you call me?"He continued and Kuro replied."I am actually interested in why did you become a pirate."Fukuro was silent for a moment.

"Why did I become a pirate?There are many reasons,but the main one is to free.To be part of the free seas and oceans."Kuro was also silent for a moment and then laughed."Who is the most free person in the sea then?"Fukuro smiled at this question,"The Pirate KING."Kuro muttered this title a hundred times and then smiled,"Then I will become the pirate king."

"You?HAHAHAHA"Fukuro laughed loudly.Just how many people sailed to become the Pirate King.But from these millions of pirates none managed to become one!Even in the last five hundred years just two Pirate Kings appeared .Gol D.Roger and Monkey.D Luffy.

"If You think I can't why don't we make a promise or bet?"Kuro said with confidence."Fine let's make a promise."And so they did…


Three weeks later.Today Fukuro's crew and him would head to the New World or also called Gold World.Or to be exact they had already headed there . Kuro said goodbye to them and then started his training in the mountains."HA!HA!"

He swung the sword several times.His power had risen a lot since three weeks ago.'The technique I used before...Lightning Dragon was it?Does that mean this sword uses Lightning?'But no matter how much he tried,he couldn't do the same attack.It was like he did that unconsciously.

"I have to try to remember the feeling I had the time I used it…"He muttered and tried to remember it.Once,twice,ten,twenty,thirty,fifty and finally at the 100th time he succeeded . But it was slightly weaker than the previous one."I DID IT!" he yelled in joy.

"RAAAOR!" The roar of a wild beast reached his ears.It was coming this way.He became ready to fight it,"Food…"He muttered.The wild beast finally appeared.It was a ten meters Wild Tiger with black lines over his body and the other parts were yellow.It was a boy.It had sharp teeth,claws and fangs.Saliva fell from his mouth,it probably hadn't eaten in days.

"Come here little kitten."Kuro smiled.The wild beast couldn't hear anything as it was really hungry so it jumped and opened it's claws ready to kill him in one attack.But unfortunately it had chosen the wrong prey to attack.

Kuro unsheathed his sword and thought,'This is the perfect target to try Lighting Dragon.'He took an attacking stance and swung the sword,"LIGHTNING DRAGON!"From the skies a Lightning Dragon fell and burned the poor wild beast to black matter.

"Not bad,not bad…" Kuro smiled and was confident in this result.It took him half a day to use the Lightning Dragon to the first time he used it.

Trying to get used to it,he repeated it another hundred times.He was confident that the Lightning Dragon now was 5% more powerful than before.But it wouldn't be easy to rise it another 5% or 10% anymore.Each time he made it stronger each time it would become harder to use it.

He then took the corpse of the now without skin wild beast and after taking the blood out started to cook it.He easily managed to do that and then ate it.It took only twenty minutes to eat such a huge beast,and that was only because he wanted to enjoy such a delicious meat.

But later he tried to develop other techniques using the Lightning Dragon,like:Lightning Clad,Lightning Sword,Lightning Beast,Lightning Army and others.But he was curious why could he use lightning.He never ate the lightning Devil Fruit.And even if he did,he would at least remember it's uses.

'It is not like I care anyway!' Kuro scratched his head cheerfully and continued his training for the next years...