Taking Revenge.

A few days passed quickly.The discovery of the new marine ranks and a Fifth Divine Beast shocked all of them(two of them actually)."That means,I can only defeat Private Soldiers?Urgh…"

Yuki smiled and said,"There was also a rise in marines coming to each sea.There has been a huge training exam for citizen or avengers who wanted to become full-fledged marines.Captains have been sent in every major island like this island"

Kuro calculated,"There should be around nine more huge islands like this for a total of nine captains...Ten captains?"Haken replied,"Yes,but I doubt that is all.There should be a few more in the biggest island,Wrath."

Wrath,The island said to have been the place where Gol.D Roger was executed,but it was far away.Now it is covered in war and chaos."I doubt there are more than three there."Kuro said scratching his temples.

"Ever since the great tremor which changed the geography of the world and size humanity had to re-map every map in the world.Even the Great Navigator,Nami's map of the world was worthless now."Yuki said,"My dream is to create a real world map of the current world and also become the greatest Navigator of the world."

There were many who said that,but none had the heart to do that.But Kuro could see that she really wished to do that."Then where exactly does DemonEv live?" Kuro said,"He lives in the specially created mansion for him called "DEV".His crew members all live around there."

"Is that so?How many kilometers from here is that place?" Kuro asked,"Around 96km" Haken replied,he had studied every centimeter of the map in the last three years."Then,I can use my haki to find that place,that is just at my limits."

"But unfortunately I will have to be closer to know how many people are there." Kuro said sighing.His area of Observation Haki was huge,even Great pirates of the Grand Line may not have a hugger area zone.Haken smiled,"Captain,Can you let me defeat the True Crewmates of his?"Kuro replied,"Let me at least one,I want to get myself ready for the battle."Haken sighed.

"Let's go…" Kuro smiled and flicked his fingers.Lighting Beasts were formed.Their eyes were transparent and you could see the grass,but their bodies were made from lightning.Haken jumped onto one of them,they didn't really do damage to who Kuro didn't want to hurt, even Yuki jumped in one as Kuro did."Then let's go!Lightning speed -50!" The lightning beasts started to head north with the speed of fifty kilometers a hour.

"So slow...100!"The lightning beasts raised their speed to 100."Captain...Isn't this too fast?!" Haken asked while his eye twitched.He could barely keep his eyes open,he was scared that the wind pressure may take his eyes inside or roll them.Yuki was even worse,she who was a normal person or so they thought was probably going to fly away if not for the Lightning Beasts holding her carefully.

"Fine,tch 70!"The speed was lowered to seventy,but it still wasn't easy for them to endure it."This is better captain…"Haken sighed,he couldn't ask for slower as it would take a lot of time to reach the city.It was already nine at morning so they had to hurry a bit."Well...DEMONEV OR FOR SHORT DEV,WAIT FOR ME!"Kuro shouted jokingly as nobody would hear him from here.

And so they almost arrived there.But first they had to create a plan which Kuro denied,"What plan?!There is nothing to plan here!Look,he is just there close to the huge pool with his crew members drinking wine and sake!"Haken couldn't deny what he said."Then…"

They jumped straight into the the land inside the mansion,a bit away from the pool."You idiot!"Haken froze,who could survive such a huge distance jump,but what dumbfounded him was a pair of lightning stairs.Every step Kuro made a new stair made of lightning would help him descend."Haha."

Yuki followed behind.Finally one of the people below recognized them."Who are these kids?"He saw the lightning stairs and shouted,"Enemies!"The surrounding people immediately started to shoot bullets from their weapons.*poof*poof* but none managed to reach them,instead the bullets were returned.

"What about this?!" One of them suddenly took a bazooka and put a cannon inside.*BOOM* the bazooka exploded and killed or wounded the nearby people.What Kuro did was an overload,he put so much hotness with lightnings inside the cannon making it explode early.

"Hmph,let me take care of these kids." A slightly muscular and tall man said.He raised two huge longswords and roared."Titan Twin Sword Style - Autumn Reaches!" What a strange name,was what they thought.Two huge slashes made from pure ki appeared from the swords after we swung them.They were heading towards them.

Haken smiled,"Leave this to me."He was a person who still hadn't created his own style.He unsheathed his sword and muttered,"One For TWO!" He swung the sword and a bigger sword ki slash shot towards the two slashes.The two attacked collided with each other . Haken then continued,"One Wins…"*BOOM*The two slashes were sent in two different directions,killing a lot of crew members.

The single big slash went towards the tall guy who tried to block it with his own body,but it was impossible,he was cut in two,Haken felt like vomiting.This was the first human he ever killed.Well the third?

"Good Job,Haken."Kuro started to call him by his first name."Then it is my turn...but before that."He said and then gave a strange looking staff to Yuki."Use this when you are in danger,even High Soldiers will be instantly killed."

Yuki nodded, Kuro slowly descended with Haken."Then…" He flicked his fingers and an huge lightning almost destroyed the mansion,but before that a huge barrier of ice appeared and blocked the lightning,even though it was destroyed.

"Devil Fruit?"Kuro was stunned.Who would think that in a backwater South Sea a devil fruit user would appear."Who DARES TO ATTACK MY HEADQUARTER?!"A furious voice was heard everywhere."DEv?" Kuro was amused,it would be a good fight.He used observation haki and found him.

He was a brown skinned tall and middle aged man.His hair was brown and his eyes were blue.He had a huge scar in his chest and a blue jewel in the middle of his forehead.He was muscular and around 2,10m.

"So you are mister Demonev?" Kuro smiled,"And may I know who you are?"Demonev tried to be as polite as possible,but rage and fury could still be seen in his voice and eyes,"My name is Kuroken or Kuro for short,which means Dark Sword…"

"Kuro is it?Can YOU PLEASE GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW?!" Demonev or DEV for short roared with fury."That is not possible right now…"Kuro said and instantly clad his hands and arms in lightning.He did the same to his legs and shot in an incredible speed.Dev spit a bit of blood in the ground.He was sent flying by Kuro's fist.But he knew he,Dev wasn't dead.In the last second he clad his stomach in ice.

"Tch,lucky man." Kuro sighed.He wanted to finish this as fast as possible."AAAARGH!Ice Swords!" A thousand ice swords appeared in the air and flew towards Kuro."Observation Haki."He easily dodged all of them.

"Then how about these! Kori Yama(Ice Mountain)!"DEV yelled and raised his hands in the air.Slowly a huge amount of ice formed a small mountain.The pirates tried to run but it was simply impossible.But Kuro was calm and sighed."Lightning Bullet,version 2!" he raised a single finger in the air which later formed a bullet,"ON!"He shouted and the bullet flew in the air and slowly became bigger and bigger.It was now half the size of the mountain.


The Mountain started to crack and became smaller pieces which were destroyed by the fragments of the lightning bullet."Is this all?Yawn…"Kuro yawned but the next moment he was sent flying."Urgh...I was careless! I forgot to use Observation Haki!"He managed to stop himself before he reached the wall but spat blood." I was careless…"He shouted but then clapped."Well done…"Then he raised a hand in the air."Lightning Punishment!" The sky turned black covered in gray clouds as a lightning descended.BOOM!

DEV was struck by that lightning.He growled and roared in pain but he was still alive."You bastard!Ice Creation-Dragon Of Cold!" The next moment a huge dragon made entirely from Ice started to form."ROARAAR!"It roared and then flew towards Kuro with no wings.

He sighed,"Again?"He raised both of his hands and muttered,"Lightning Connection."Suddenly five rocks released Lightning and destroyed the Ice Dragon in seconds."Impossible!" Dev was stunned!


Meanwhile when the whole battle began."Are you the famous Swordsman,Indra?" Haken grinned.Before him was a brown skinned young man with red jewels around his head.His hair was light brown and his eyes were black."Yes,and you should be the rumored Beast Slayer,Swordsman Haken?"

Indra replied.They both nodded and the next moment they were clashing with their swords."Two In ONE!" Haken shouted and his sword unleashed a ki Slash twice it's usual power.But Indra sneered,"Blood Slash!"From the blood of his crew members,a slash of ki four times bigger than the Ki slash made from pure ki was unleashed.

The two attacks collided but the bloody ki won.But that was just a distraction.Haken smiled,this was his haki infusion attack,"Armored Ki Slash!" He slashed the sword and a ki slash with a blackish energy around shot towards Indra.

Indra hadn't expected this but he barely managed to avoid fatal wounds."Urgh…"


Meanwhile at the lightning stairs which now formed a huge plasma Yuki was observing everything.

"Are you glad?" Suddenly the voice of a girl rang out."Eh?"Yuki was surprised."Are you glad?"The girl repeated."Of course no!"Yuki replied shouting.She looked at the girl.She was at her late or mid twenties.Her hair was black and long reaching her waist and pink eyes.

"I suppose you are the rumored,Yuki-chan who stole a Treasure Map from my crew?Ah,what bad manner!I forgot to introduce myself.I am Hana."Hana introduced herself . Yuki froze.Hana was a pirate with a bounty of more than eighteen million beri . Eight million higher than the twin pirate sisters.