Is this what they call, too strong?

Ketsu was having a large headache, the cause of it? His supposed 'captain' the one who was supposed to be an EXAMPLE for the rest... Was EATING WAY TOO MUCH!

"KURO! You do realize we can't have you eat THIS MUCH everyday! That would deplete our resources very quickly!" Ketsu yelled at the teenager who just whined, like a kid.

"...I ate two Devil Fruits, I literally need more energy to keep up with this, or I'll turn into a corpse!" The captain, Kuro replied and sighed. " It's half not by choice, the other half is just my actual gluttony side..." At the last part he just lowered his tone and voice slowly.

Ketsu glared at him, and sighed.

"Besides...We have enough supplies for two years,right?" Kuro said,making Ketsu sweat a bit and then nod."That is true…"He muttered. Kuro took this as a chance to escape, and so he did, going to another part of the ship.

"Craw craw!" He heard a bird sound, and looked up, noticing a bird with a blue hat which had one single letter 'M' inscribed in it. In it's back there were papers, which were tied to the bird using a leather rope.

A single newspaper was released by the bird at the Black White Pirate Ship.

Kuro took one and started to read,"The Shirokuro or White Black pirates,captain Kuroken or also called "Black Lightning" companions,"The Swordsman" Haken,"The Navigator" Yuki! Have been giving bounties by the Marine Headquarters.

Bounties,30.000.000 Kuro

22.000.000 Haken

11.000.000 Yuki!"

He gulped down."30 million…!"He then grinned as Haken and Yuki did,but Ketsu just smiled at the three, as he was not known yet, he had yet to receive a bounty, which made him feel rather comfortable, as he wouldn't get chased by marines... Yet.

"Wait!Look at this!" Kuro said as he pointed at the newspaper."The Commander and the strongest marine in the Four Seas is dead.Pirates have started to become higher in number.

The Greatest Pirate in the four seas,Golden Sword,Gorudo swore that he would invade the Southern Sea and then the Northern Sea two weeks later,beginning at the Fuyu Island,the island of snow!"

Gorudo,he was one of the greatest pirates if not the greatest in the four seas.He was known as the Golden Sword Of the Four Seas and was 33 years old.Even in the Grand Line people who can defeat him number to only hundreds.He had a crew army of fifty thousand pirates with a hundred ships."He probably will have a total of seventy to eighty thousand pirates in the end when he starts the war."Kuro stated.

For him a thousand marines were nothing,even ten thousand would be little.The problem was that there were three grand and powerful pirates as main crewmates:

The Right Hand,Tetsu.He ate the Tetsu Tetsu No Mi,which allows him to create Iron at will.He is known as the Weapon Producer,he gets thousands of hundreds of beri's every month just by using his Devil Fruit ability.

The Greed,DonYoku.He ate the Yoku Yoku No Mi,which allows him to eat things at will because of the greed.But unfortunately nobody who ate that devil fruits survived past thirty five years, because of the ability, as they all ended up eating themselves.

The Doctor,Ishi.He ate a devil fruit which allows him to heal and injure a person at will.But it becomes harder if the enemy is very strong.

There is also the mysterious shadow,Kage.He ate the mysterious Shadow Devil Fruit and can become a shadow and steal one's shadow, he can also use it in combat, which was also terrifying, at least to Kuro.

"Guys,are you ready?" Kuro grinned."We can't let evil pirates get hold of our home right guys?" He continued,they nodded."Then let's go!" He continued.

"Besides... This would be a very cool time to start our entrance to the world! We'll show them who we are! We'll defeat them all!"


Two weeks later.

At a snowy island reaching a thousand kilometers in space thousands to hundreds of thousands of people started to move.They were preparing for the war,the war which would decide the fate of the Four Seas.Most of the people moving were Avengers,reaching a half.A quarter were marines and another quarter were commoners or beggars.Walls were built at the middle of the island,two actually if you count the other one.

"Run faster!The pirates of the Golden Sword Crew are faster!"A Marine Captain roared."YES!" The Allied Troops shouted in confidence, without the slight appearance of fear or any sort of such emotions in their voice.

The other side was even more lively, however.





Meanwhile at the sea…

Hundreds, if not a thousand ships from small to big were heading there, if they had not arrived yet.

"That bastard,The Golden Swords thinks our four seas would just sit down and hear him shout that oath?FUCK HIM!" A pirate with only an eye and a pirate hat roared.He was a well known pirate with a bounty of twenty million beri!

"Golden Sword?Golden my ass!He is just a mere pirate from the Southern Sea!Let alone the first half of the grandline even it's beginning is impossible from him!"

"If there is a person who'll conquer the Four Seas, It's ME!"

Another pirate even more well known roared.

But behind every ship,a few tens of kilometers a huge ship was heading there.It was the Shirokuro Crew!Thanks to Ketsu,the speed of the ship was a few tens of times faster than the average huge ships.

It used his Light Devil Fruit ability to a certain amount, and also Kuro's Lightning Devil Fruit ability, to boost the speed, that might tire them a bit, but the amount required was low so not much damage was done to the two.

"Are we there?" Kuro asked bored."Not yet…"Haken who was at the top,Crow's Nest said.Yuki was in her room,the Navigator's Cabin drawing maps.Ketsu was fixing something in the first floor.The main deck was filled with grass and was green making it more lively.Haken had improved quite a lot since two weeks ago.

"Ah,I can see the island!" A few minutes later Haken exclaimed loudly,waking up Kuro.He ran towards the end of the main deck and saw the island,even though it was really vague and blur.Close to the island he could see dozens if not a hundred and more pirate ships and about the same amount of Marine Ships. He could also see larger human like creatures. Giants.

Giants were in both sides. They were laughing loudly as they fought each other. Giants lived to fight, ever since their village was half destroyed by natural causes, more and more of them left their home to prove their strength.

Which resulted in them either becoming a Pirate or a Marine.

"Let's go!" Kuro added even more Lightning to boost the speed of the ship, reaching extremely fast speeds for a ship.


The Pirates on the ships heard sounds behind and then looked.They saw a ship,a huge ship.When they saw the flag their eyes were wide."Who are they?"The ship was coming closer and closer."Isn't it coming way too fast?"The ship was destroyed.

That was natural, as the ship was made by normal wood, while the ship the Shiro Kuro Pirates were on, was made from the strongest of woods, Tartaros Wood.

Kuro grinned."OPEN THE WAY!"