The Grand Line.

The Marine Commander growled, if this continued his entire troops would be exterminated easily. "SHOOT! Use the improved cannons this time!" He roared. The so called 'improved cannons' were merely a more efficient way of using cannons, but they were a bit more destructive and faster.

The cannons shot,finally Kuro stood."Lightning Burst,Omega!"Lightnings came out from his hands twice faster than usual and stronger.The cannon and the lightning burst fought each other,and the cannon crumbled to small pieces, and flew at several parts of the sea.

Kuro looked at Ketsu, who nodded, before roaring," Lightning Purple THOR HAMMER!" He slammed his fist into the ground, and the sky literally cracked, forming a lightning dragon, which shot down at the marine ships.

He then slammed his hand into the floor again, this time using his darkness to boost something inside the ship. Ketsu grinned, while Haken and Yuki found something to support their body, while Miru was running towards the kitchen.

"NOW!"Kuro shouted as Ketsu instantly moved a lever forward.He started touching buttons and then looked at a red button."GO!"He pushed it and the ship transformed.Three cannons appeared.Two before one behind.Energy gathered as the ship flew,beyond the red mountains,slightly touching them.


Yet it did not stop there,one,two,five,ten,twenty it passed fifty kilometers before safely falling into the water again."..."Kuro quickly ran towards the end of the ship and vomited and vomited and vomited."It seems we went way too fast…"He said and drank a cup of orange juice.

"Where did you even get this?!" Yuki shouted, she wanted a cup of orange juice too! "Miru gave it to me before he went to the kitchen." Kuro smirked.

"I feel like dying." Haken scowled as he threw up into the sea, Ketsu just chuckling, as he was not human, but a Light Demon, this did not really affect him that much. Besides he had done this before, so the effect was really low.


Two hours later.

We Can finally relax.

That was what everyone thought, before the weather literally turned to stormy, annoying the Shiro Kuro pirates to max. A few hours later, when it was getting calm, a newspaper hit Kuro's head. The main page read :

"The Shiro Kuro pirates just entered the Grand Line, the Black Lightning's bounty has risen:

His bounty reached a huge number of 90.000.000 Beri and also his crewmates all surpass 50.000.000 Beri!"

Kuro sweated,"Will they ever settle for a nickname for me?"

Was the main talk.Then came some unknown pirates with smaller bounties who were almost at the Grand Line or were inside it.It seems that the marine now clearly considered him a threat and instantly raised their bounty after they entered the Grand Line.

"It seems the real danger will only begin."Kuro said sighing in excitement.It was unknown if he was happy or sad.


Two hundred thousand kilometers away from that place a single ship appeared.Compared to Shirokuro's Ship it was smaller, however it was a ship for only one person. Only the shadow of that person could be seen.

"The Shirokuro Pirates, it'll be interesting, should I crush them?"The person grinned evilly.


Two days later,Kuro was happily eating dishes of food."Kuro, I found two hundred cannons in the black market for five hundred Emerald Coins,So I bought them."Ketsu said.Coins were another way to pay things,emerald were the rarest.A single piece was a thousand Beri,thus he used 500.000 beri.

" I also bought two thousand cannon balls,which will be needed if we want to shot at least four balls for a cannon."Ketsu added.They all had 20 million beri to waste.Haken used 20 million beri to buy a nice sword.Yuki used half for her maps and Miru for his food.

Kuro wasted none and had a total of 50 million beri in his hands.Their total balance was around 200-300 million beri, but let's say they had to save them so they could fix their ship from future destruction.

The wood which formed their ship was extremely rare, and while 200-300 million beri would not even be close to making one, to find small pieces of it for that price was not really that hard. Despite it not having been damaged that much, if it got hit by cannon balls it would be damaged, slightly.

Kuro took out a few bounties.They were the updated bounties.The first picture was his,with a cold grin.The second was Haken unsheathing his sword,third was Miru,fourth was Yuki with her staff,fifth was Ketsu.

But there were no clear information about the crew,except their devil fruits and a bit more.It was strange,really strange.Little did they know that a certain Admiral deleted every single information about them. That certain Admiral might be really... hard to know who it was.

"What about training now?"Kuro said almost ordering the crew.The Training Room had a lot of space and tools.Kuro used a special invention to train his Devil Fruit powers,which would certainly help him in the future.

Ketsu was also a bit of a scientist and inventor.He could be called a mad man?Haken's training tools and inventions were good.He had a small room where the gravity could be changed.(Just like the one in Dragon Ball Z)

Yuki asked for such a place, because it would help her raise her physical strength. In that aspect she was the weakest link in the crew. That was mainly because she was a navigator, and usually relied on her staff to fight.


Two days later Kuro and his crew were getting bored.Just how many days had passed?!Four and they still hadn't seen a life!They never saw any living thing except birds and fishes!"I am boreeeeedddd!"Kuro shouted as he got a bright idea.

"Let me sent a lightning fish forward!"

He created a fish out of lightning and at an extremely fast speed made it go forward to explore for any island close to here.Two hours passed and finally the lightning fish returned."An island two hours away from here!"Kuro shouted informing his crewmates who became ready.

Two hours later they could see the island.It was medium sized and had strange looking mountains.Green fields covered it and it had plenty trees.There were a few rivers.That was the Gaya Island.

This was a very famous island, for beginners in the Grand Line. The Gaya Island had over one million citizen and over ten thousand marines. It was ruled by the Gaya Royal Family, which was loved by it's people.

"Let's go explore it!"