Time To Save Them.

The Kingdom Of Gaia had 5 capitals. The Royal Family had control over 3 of them. The 2 other were controlled by the Rebel Army, meaning the Royal Prince, Lafazar.

Kuro and Haken had left the ship, in search of more information about the kingdom. Yuki and Ketsu were working on the ship, while Miru was also out, trying to find resources to cook. The duo of a captain and swordsman, were venturing inside an ancient looking city.

They had found quite a bit of information. First, the Royal Army, had attacked and invaded a Rebel Headquarters, and dealt heavy damage to it, but failed to actually occupy it.

The Royals had even more loses, counted at 25K troops, while the Rebels only lost 12K volunteers. Obviously the kingdom rebels had way less men, but still, they managed to deal double the damage to the royals.

Kuro and Haken were proud of them. Despite not knowing them at all, if they managed to do that, it was another reason they'd help them, they were full warriors.

They would always help warriors in need.

The two ventured deeper into the city, and found even more information. It seems the Royal Family was going to gather over an army of over a hundred thousand, and attack the Royal City Of Varvid, controlled by the Rebels.

A hundred thousand people, that was 1/10 of the total population of their country... Such a massive army was going to completely destroy the entire city. Kuro's face turned grim just thinking about it.

"Haken, we need to stop that battle. It might cost a few lives, but we have to." He told his crew mate who nodded.

" I don't want blood to be spilled for no reason. Maybe we'll also meet a new friend here. He might join our crew." The swordsman of the crew smiled and said.

'I might just get a new training buddy.' He thought, he always fought Kuro, who he typically failed to defeat unless he used some kind of a trick.

A new crew mate to help him train would not really hurt.

"The Royal Army is attacking the capital!!" A person shouted, the news spread out very quickly, and the duo came to know about it very soon. Kuro looked at Haken, who did the same, the two nodded and disappeared in a gust of wind.

They were going back to the ship, so they could travel to the capital of the Rebels, one of them. Varvid, was not going to be an easy journey, especially when you have to protect it from a hundred thousand men.

They just had to hold off the invaders until the duo could come and help them. Kuro was pretty sure he could deal with at least half of them with his own power. Not to mention he could also use Conqueror's Haki.

"Yuki,Ketsu. Please do get the ship ready! We need to leave for Varvid! The Royal Army has attacked. Also where is Miru?"

Kuro shouted loudly, as he entered the ship with a large jump. Yuki looked at him and rolled his eyes, she was slowly getting used to this sort of antics. "Miru just returned, he is busy in the kitchen, I'll tell Ketsu to turn on the ship." Yuki didn't even bother to ask why, and walked towards ship's door, which connected it to the other parts of the ship.


"Let's gooo!" Ketsu shouted as the 'Sonic Burst' was activated, this time Kuro used his lightning and Darkness Power, mixed with his Greed Devil Fruit to power up the Sonic Burst, which made it even faster.7

The current speed of the ship was around 400 kilometers per hour, which barely made the ship visible to the other people. With this speed they'd reach the Varvid's Sea Port in less than a day. The distance was around 4000 kilometers, so in around 10 hours they'd be there.

"Make it faster!" Kuro roared as he put even more power, the ship neared around 450 kilometers per hour now. He was not holding back at all. He did not want any person to die for no reason.

He would stop this war. He'd stop this civil war, and defeat that stupid king, Bick in front of his own kingdom! That was a promise!

He, as Kuroken promised that.


"Sir, we can't hold them back anymore!" A rebel shouted at his leader, Lafazar who bit his lips in a feeling of despair. He couldn't stop the enemies. He couldn't help peace spread in his kingdom... He was losing...

He gritted his sword and roared," MEN! GRAB YOUR WEAPONS! IF WE DIE WE ARE GOING TO DIE IN THE FUCKING BATTLEFIELD!" The eighteen years old boy roared, as he jumped towards the battlefield, slashing his sword at the enemies.

"FOR THE KINGDOM!" The rebels repeated the sentence several times, they were going to do their last stand.

40 thousand men against a hundred thousand men. The ending was clear, but they would not surrender. They would at least do as much damage as they were capable of doing! Screw the royals!"

Bick gnashed his teeth in anger, his men were being slaughtered left and right, he did not like that at all!

"Use the cannons! Destroy them completely! I want to see them all dead before the end of this day..." The arrogant king yelled at his attendants and helpers, who all quickly left, to relay the command to the soldiers.

"You are not going to continue living past this day... Lafazar... I'll show everyone that my father was wrong! He should've chosen me as the king, no you!"

" I don't care if I used underhanded ways to become the king, I was meant to be a king from the beginning!"

"You are just a fake... a fake... Yes a fake... HAHAHAHA!" Bick yelled out, as his eyes turned red, clearly in happiness, that his brother was going to soon die...

" I won't even leave a full corpse behind!"