The Plan

Leo reached the village. He took longer than expected due to the beast attack.

When Leo arrived at the entrance of the village which was situated at the bottom, he saw Mia waiting there. This was one of two entrances to the village. The other was at the top. It was from that entrance Leo and the other entered the village when they first arrived.

Mia was standing in front of the gate with her arms folded. When she saw Leo she walked towards him not waiting for him to reach her. "Where have you been?"

"Training," Leo replied.

"We have got three of the four squads. We could not find the fourth squad. Ike's suspects they all have been taken. We don't have time to waste. We need to have a plan by tonight."

"Why are we working with the other squads?" Leo asked. Was it not better if they worked alone? If more people were to go in, then that would mean a higher chance of being caught.

"We need their help. We cannot go in alone."

"Having more people means having more risk of being caught," Leo said what was on his mind.

"But that also means having more chance of success, right?" Mia replied.

"That is true." That was also true, but that never went well.


The room had one window, but that window was closed. The floor was made of wood. Inside the room were many people.

Leo, Mia, and Emilia sat on one side. Ike and Bartel sat near them. Then there was another person.

Ike sat in a chair. His injuries were too much. The doctor ordered him not to go, but he broke that order and came here. He also refused to have the meeting at the hospital. "There are six of us and squad four's status is unknown that means they have gotten of us."

"More or less." Replied Mia as the status of squad four was still unknown.

"If only we could get into the city then we can know how their security works," Ike said. That would make it much easier.

"But they know how we look like," Mia replied.

Ike leaned back on his chair. "The best time to attack would be at night, but we don't know where the captured are being kept. That will make it difficult."

"Damn it! If only they had not seen us," It was Bartel who said that.

"Actually, not all of them have seen us. Only the people who attacked us could have seen us," It was Artos who said this. The leader of squad three.

"You are correct, but there is a problem. How did they attack all of us? Won't that mean they have some spy giving them information about us? So it is not at all impossible for them to know how we look like." Ike replied. He still could not believe how they attacked all the squads. This was a planned attack. They must have someone who is giving them information. But who?

"Well, that can be true, but we don't have a choice. We are small in number. Also, those people can stop us from using our Crystals. So we need to know where we should target if we want to have success." Artos said. This was a high-risk, high-return option.

"It is risky, but the benefits such as getting to know their powers, that power which stops our Crystal and location are too valuable, but who among us will go?"

Leo raised his hand. Finally, something interesting.

"Are you sure Leo?" Mia asked as she looked at him.

"Yes," Leo replied. This was what he wanted. He liked these kinds of missions where his life was at stake. If he got found, then he could not escape. Also, he wanted to know about that power Aldous used. Was it related to him in any way? And if he could know more about that power will that reveal the power of his Crystal?

"I can ask my father for help. He will send people." Mia said.

"That is a good idea. Then we won't need you two to go into their base," Ike said as he looked at Leo and Artos.

"No, going to their base is still necessary. We need to know where they keep the kidnapped and how much power they have." Leo replied. How could he let this chance go?

"Then I will go back to the town and report everything to father. Then I will come back with reinforcements."

"That is good. You can set off tomorrow since it is late evening now. Wild Beasts will roam the forests. Also, I and Bartel need to get our strength back. Leo and Artos can sneak into the city tonight. You would need to stay there for one day. Tomorrow at night you both should escape the city. Then we can analyze everything you have found. After that, we can launch a proper attack." Ike said. This plan was taking shape.

Emilia raised her hands. "I will also go."

Artos stood up. "You cannot go."

"Why not?" Emilia asked. She had to save Xander. He had saved her before, so she had to save him now.

"Because I will also go. We cannot have too many people going. Also, you need to stay here since Ike and Bartel have to rest. You have to be there if something comes up or the fourth squad returns."

"Bu--" Emilia got stopped by Mia. "What he said is correct Emilia."

"So things are settled then. Me and Leo will head to the city tonight. While Mia will go back to the town tomorrow morning."

The meeting ended after that. Ike and Bartel went back to the hospital to rest. The doctor was upset they did not listen to his orders. They both would need time to recover as their injuries were worse compared to Emilia's.

Artos said he needed to do something and left.

Mia and Emilia went to have food while Leo went for a stroll around the village.

This would be an important mission as it could lead to him unlocking the secrets of his Crystal. If he gets more information about it that will make increasing his power easier and killing Cao quicker.

Leo did not plan to return on the next day. He would stay there until he finds out about the power Aldous used. If he ran into danger, he could use then clone as a substitute.