It is the middle of the cherry blossoms bloom and the village has just finished planting rice for the year. This heralds an event much looked forward to in the village, the spring celebration. I turned eleven not too long ago and am really popular in the village so I look forward to it more than most. Spring is one of two quiet periods in the village with the planting done and weeding yet to start. Last year it was a bit different since the two events happened so close together. This year it will be a full festival and everyone is excited.
In the middle of the village in front of the temple there is a large cherry tree and around this tree, the whole village will party. We have used most of the day setting up tables and gathering the food made. For me the highlight will be the taste testing of beer, we get to try small samples of everyone's beer and see who we like the most.
My sister is going to pronounce their engagement and marriage, I and my brothers will do the traditional ceremony of telling the groom to be nice and scare him. Started since everyone tries to do the best for their family, and since her groom is local not much scaring is needed. I intend to make my treat very real though just so no future shenanigans may happen.
The taste testing is after the engagement and then there will be a party like no other for the whole year. Some of the villages play instruments, some flutes and string instruments so there is dancing and merry for the rest of the night. Around midnight there is a bonfire and offerings to the gods, but by then everyone is drunk and years before it has been in good humour.
"I Hu promise to be a faithful wife and mother," Hu says and the two of the clasps hands. It is a simple ceremony, but strong in its own way. My father congratulates her husband and goes on to talk with his kids. Probably tolerating their dislike of the marriage, they will now probably not inherited since Hu is so much younger than her husband and will probably outlive him, especially if I have anything to do with the matter. "You know what will happen if you mistreat her?" My oldest brother La asks the husband and he nods and smiles. It is not an idle threat, we like our sister. Instead of letting go my brother smile to him to explain their thinking. "First I will beat you, then my brother will," La says and Lu smiles to the husband. "Then when you lay there gasping for air our little brother Su will come and do his thing." He says and I smile to the poor man with my best predatory smirk, he flushes and becomes somewhat weak in the knees it seems. I have a very positive reputation, but a man with knowledge of your body is no man to mess with.
La is a serious man with clear goals in life. He likes to farm and he has a girlfriend, with a little help he will be married to her and our families joined. Lu, on the other hand, is undecided, we have an okay relationship, but he teases me and prods me to reach. I think he is ashamed I shine brighter than him. Lu is not reckless however and if he had a goal he would be like La. Lu detests hard work however and there is little in the village to do other than hard work, even cultivation is hard work.
"He is a good man, but it never hurts to be sure." My dad says when he gets back from talking with the children. "They are part of the family now, we will look after them," Lu says with sincerity in his voice. "Yeah, they are good kids. Not entirely sure of their dad though." La says and looks over at the happy couple. He is at least enamoured with our sister, she looks less sure. "Well, she wanted it, now she will lay in it," I tell myself since everyone made sure to tell our sister that now with my position, other ways might have been found.
"Try mine first!" one of the wife's say and drag me after her over to where her table is. I have no problem with this since I will be trying all the beer here. Last year I only got a small taste test, now I have risen and will reap the reward in beer. Being dragged around by mothers wanting me to meet their daughters is also a novel experience. Seeing as they are more than willing to at least have a shot at getting to know me better both the younger and older girls are easy to talk to. I have no idea why I talk with these girls almost every day and now it is different. "What do you think?" the lady says and smiles at me. "Good, very good," I say and continue sipping at the brew, it is no lie. The beer is light and easy to swallow, not like the dregs we have been drinking at home the last month. The aftertaste rolls down the tongue and it has a fine consistency. "Little Yuan here can tell you all about how we brew." Her mother says and pushes the poor girl towards me. Yuan is really pretty and I do not need to be asked twice to spend some time with her.
Yuan is willing to talk and flirt, even though she is not too good at it, with me. But it is soon clear her family wants her to more than she does. Like it should be with any teenager, however willing she is to please her family. "Thank you, and tell your parents you have an appointment with me later so you are covered," I tell her and after some hawing, she runs off to be with the other girls. I so dearly wish I could have been as suave in my first life, and also finally got to use such a fine line. With confidence, I go on to talk, flirt and bond with the rest of the families while drinking copious amounts of beer.
As many such nights go, mine too ends up being a sausage fest in the end. I, my brothers, new brother in laws sons and some other guys older than me end up sitting by the lake drinking beer, stolen from the dregs of the barrels. Well, their beer is stolen, my keg is given from mam. Behind us, the bonfire is sparkling and the older villagers are having their party. Most of the girls are at home, but some of the older ones and younger married once is sitting some way from us on the shoreline. We know them, but still, most of us seem to shy to go over there. I am too drunk.
"Wow, little guy," La says when he sees me stumbling and not being able to stand properly. "You really drunk too much." He smiles and takes me under my shoulders. "Yargh, too much *hick* beer," I tell him and smile. "Love you brother, just love you." La laughs and calls for Lu to help me in bed. "Come on big guy, someone seems to have forgotten you are only eleven." They begin to sing on a horrible folk song while dragging me home. I puke in the bushes outside our hose and instead of putting me to bed my brothers leave me in the garden with a blanket. Kind of a good idea since I get up three times to pee and would have broken my neck on the stairs.
"No more, no more. I swear no more." I tell my mother while my headache is splitting my head. "Well maybe later." I repent when I recall how good beer is. "No repenting sinner here then?" My mother asks me and laughs in my face. Ha does the same thing, but I notice her pulling a face when she too gets a tinge of hurt. "Well, you drank like a hero of old." My father looks at me, chipper and ready for the day ahead. "Someone seems to have forgotten how young you are." He says and looks at my mother. "Hey, do not blame me mister "just one more glass"" My mother reminds him. I eat my porridge and leave the room to sleep a headache off.