Chapter 28

I walk over to our unwelcome guests and greet them with respect. "Greetings elder Yo, what brings you esteemed gentlemen to this humble gathering of ours?" I ask them after having bowed to show my respect. I am trying to use my power at the same time to burn out all effects of alcohol in my system. "Greetings master Ming, we were just passing by and heard all the festivities and were hoping to join in." Yo answers after having bowed back when I did. I smile but can feel the vapid disregard it belays to the gentlemen. They have never wanted to join in and now is no different.

"Show them the power of our school" Yo commands and one of his men draws his sword, an extra long katana. His draw is an art in itself because of the swords length. He flips it and catches it from the air before smiling, a showoff. On the other, it is a demonstration. The man takes a stance and begins running, to what I am at first not certain of, but it turns out to be one of the stones we intend to use as a sculptor in the garden. It is a giant granite stone. "Tiger slash" The man scream at the top of his lungs and slashes the stone. Sparks fly as he cuts into the stone and when it is over I can see three parallel cuts in the stone. It is terrifying since the grooves are deep in the stone. The man turns and smirks when he cheats his sword again. "We are two worldly men and I am sure we can come to some understanding," Yo says while my eyes are still fixed at the stone. He smiles with what I can only term a shit eating grin. I turn to him and smile back "I am sure we can come to some sort of understanding."

Instead of going to sit around the bonfire where we were celebrating the founding document of the school I take them the long way back to my parent's house. "I see you have been busy building a fitting compound for your school," Yo says like nothing has happened before. I stop and begin showing them around buying the rest of the time to scurry out of the way. "Yes, my idea is to turn this into a recreation area where students can contemplate the Dao. Creating a space where thoughts can roam free is difficult. I do believe we have some good ideas for it though." I tell them and begin walking over the area, to my surprise they follow.

Walking through town is kind of eerie, there is no one around before we come to my parent's house. Xia stands there waiting in the doorway for us. "Put a kettle on for tea dear," I tell her and she disappears into the house before us. Yo's entourage bumps me out of the way and begins searching the house. I hope no one else is inside there and while I and Yo wait outside I am nervous. More nervous than when it was only him and his entourage with me alone. A single man comes outside and just nod to Yo. Yo gestures and says "after you", so I lead him inside.

I do not lead them into my quarters, but rather into my father's sitting room. "Please have a seat," I tell Yo and show him to my father's chair. "So this is how you live, not traditional, but I like it." Yo tries his hand at small talk while we wait on Xia and the tea. "I know, it is more suited for the winters and we do have plenty of wood," I tell him trying to keep the good tone going hoping that this day stays at pleasantries and there will be no more violence. It is not to be since we stay silent the whole time even after we are done drinking the tea. Xia has even taken out my mother's good china and Yo compliments it, but there is no more talk.

"You left us waiting." Yo starts his talk with "it was a most unpleasant wait." He continues and I wince inside. "There was no disrespect intended," I say and he just glares at me. "Whatever, now we are here." Is all he answers my apology with. "Let us talk business. This is a very dangerous world you and yours are stepping into, many dangers for an unaffiliated school like yours." He looks on me with what I think is supposed to be a fatherly look, but there is no love in his eyes. "Since we are such good neighbours we try to look after upstarts like you and make sure they do not come to any harm." I nod at this and smile to him "what a pleasant and kind outlook." The smile returns to his face "yes, well we try. Protection, of course, cost something." I sigh and open my palms. "In that case, I am very sorry, I have used all my money paying for the construction." At this, he nods "Money is no problem, we can help with that. No, what we are looking for our knowledge."

"Well this is a school and I am more than happy to let anyone enroll," I tell him and smile. "I want your library." He says with steel in his voice and I can almost hear the sword of one of his companions being drawn. "We can of course pay." He says when I don't rise at once. "Well, the protection would be good and I do need money I tell him." One of his companions throws a purse filled with money on the little table between us. Had it not been a sturdy table it would have broken, I can hear the wood groan. "Follow me," I tell them and bring them further into my house where my own quarters are. I, of course, pick up the purse filled with money first.

I pick down most of the books on the shelves and then go into the floorboards where copies of the old manuscripts are hidden. Dust and sand have covered the box and I blow it off before handing it to them. They smile at me and then walk out like everything around them is theirs.

"Thank you for being such an understanding and reasonable man," Yo says and smiles to me, his smile is condescending and filled with hatred for me. I think it is because I did not stand up and fight them. Backing down and retreating is not something this man is familiar with. "Thank you for your patience and good luck in your endeavours," I say and walk with them outside. I am joined by Xia on my side. One of his thugs swipes the coin purse in my hand as he walks by me "for making us come down here." he says and laughs, his companions laugh with him. Yo does not even turn back. "Don't be a smartass." One of Yo's men says before turning back and retreating from us. They slink more than walk out of the village even though we are not aggressive and they are armed.

I see them off standing beside my wife Xia. Behind us, I can feel the eyes of the rest of the village. "Did they pay?" Is the first I hear from Tun when they are well gone. I turn to look at the old priest and shake my head. "You saw them take it back just now," I tell him and shrug. "If it buys us peace it will have been a bargain," I say and Tatum gives a small laugh at this. "They are bullies, they will never be happy with what they got." Others are nodding at this, among them my father. "If they did not buy it, it will buy us time," Tion says and comes to my rescue. After this the party does not resume, some are up for drinking after the bullies visit, but few. I go to bed with my wife instead and dream of red snow.