"We need to prepare for the worst outcome. maybe Tiger mountain sect will come back and try to lean on us again. But I doubt it, they are bullies and probably see wrongs where there are none." I say and look the council over. We have gathered the village council which is the school board and the elders in the village. "Xi and Tion have been working on some preparation. I want Tion to tell you of how such fights usually happen and then Xi present how he thinks to counter."
Tion rise from her seat and stand before us. "Sects and schools are very secretive in their dealings. After all their greatest value is in knowledge and fighting reveals much of this knowledge since most followers of a Dao can observe others and learn. In addition to this, there is seldom fights over territory since sects and schools keep away from each other. They require the separation to get the best spots to train their Dao both because of secrecy and because of how heavenly energy acts." She takes a moment to breathe while her last words sink in. "Your interaction with Tiger mountain sect is in this-this regard entirely textbook, the weak trampling the strong." Her smile after this is kind of sad like she has no belief in our ability to fend off the other sect. "If this continues you will see single members from the other sect testing the waters. If you manage to fend them off they will come back to kill you all and let someone else pick up the pieces after having looted all they can. They will bring overwhelming power to ensure they do not let any witnesses alive. If you do not manage to fend them off they will harass you and ground you down beneath them over time until someone else stands up for you." Her words are depressing and it seems there is little choice. "Our only option is to fight them then?" My father asks and Tion nods before sitting down again.
"It is a sad thing that such barbarians are running around in our great country, but there it is," I say and smile a sad little smile to them all. "My father's question is so far as I know the right one, and tradition and their culture of barbarism seem to leave us little choice." There is silence among the men gathered here, and Tion. "Can we not call for help from the Lord?" Tun asks and again begin to Tion rise, but I gesture for her to stay seated. "I have asked Tion to send a letter, but if my visit in Nassan and rumours from there are true there will be no help for our Lord. The Tiger Mountain sect might even be supported from over the border and that would mean war. No, we need to prepare us self for the tribulation ahead. In that regard let us listen to Xi's plan to defend the village." I tell the gathered men and gesture for Xi to rise and lay forth his plans.
"We have already met one such "tester" as Su called him and dispatched him easily. Su, Tion and Ha examined the man afterwards. Based on data we have they are certain Tiger Mountain sect are close quarter fighters, as much as such a term can be used for followers of a Dao. We all saw one sect member cut a stone from far off." Xi takes a pause in his telling and finds a glass of water to wet his throat. "After some discussion with the men in the village, we have decided that we need to exploit this weakness of theirs. Hunters are able to take out the lesser of these men with ease at a distance and we need to improve on this capability in the village. Su calls such attacks hit and run. The problem is that we have a fixed position and even with such tactics at some point, our enemy will manage to penetrate. Tion tells me this can happen quite easily." Again he stops to let his words sink in, or maybe he is tired of his own voice. I have never heard Xi talk for so long.
"In preparation for this, we have designated certain areas as safe spots and Su is financing further defensive works. Even as impressive the "Tiger slash" was it did not penetrate the stone so we have decided to build stone defences with narrow entrances. Here we hope to hide the villagers, not on the defence. Everyone will know where the defences are and guards will be appointed for each. There will also be medical personnel for each and a central location. Training on what to do in the event of an attack is central in our plan. Hunters and woodsmen will be outside the village and attack our enemy as they can from afar while close quarters fighters try to hold them still." Xi looks kind of exhausted with all the talking and take another break and drink water before continuing.
"None of this is happy thoughts, but we are certain that if we all work together we will be able to survive this storm like we have done some many others." there is silence when Xi is done speaking and one of the other elders clap. "Thank you for such a detailed description of what we will be doing if attacked." I take a moment coming back from thoughts of formations and defences so I don't recognize that the man is Xi's grandfather. "I support Xi as the leader of our warriors in the defence of the village." The man says and gets support around the room. Xi rises again and bows to the men before smiling a bit mischievously "I will remind everyone here that all warriors must be in our dear honourable schoolmaster Su Mings service. We are a local village to our lord after all." There is some laughter, but less heartfelt. We are not after all inspiring rebellion. "It is decided Xi will lead our men into battle and we support Su Ming in preparing for the troubles ahead," Tatum says and there is a murmur of acceptance around the room.
"What will you begin with?" I ask Xi and he looks at me over his steaming cup of tea. "I will begin with training the men. As you have taught me, men are the worth everything else is there to help them." I nod at this and look out on the view over the school. We are sitting in my office where there is the best view of the school from the main plateau. "Good, I will support you where I can so just tell me what you need." "Thank you, but your teaching of the men and working with them is all I think I can ask for." He bows his head to me and I shake my head. "No, that is not all, I will begin teaching better medical practices and we will be buying plenty of supplies for the men," I tell him. I do not intend to let all my work fall just because Xi thinks he can manage by himself. "Tell me when you need something. We will have a weekly meeting and I will instruct the elders of your progress."
I am hoping our preparations will be enough, but I am not looking forward to what is to come. Spending time thinking on it does not help either so I get off my ass and begin my own preparations. I look into making techniques of my cultivation for hurting others that are easy to master. Like potions where the opposite is poison, healing and hurting go hand in hand. Thoughts like this have swirled around in my head for a long time so going the distance is not too hard a task to master and I soon find several easy to master arts where my healing powers can be used to hurt. Either by momentarily strengthening the user body or inflicting increased damage on the enemy.