
Cerin meets Tryfon (again).

Tryfon stared angrily at the list on the wall like it was his greatest foe in life and a baleful aura leaked from his sickly frame. The assigned groups had been chosen and their names and pictures had been put up on the wall.

77 names and faces had been sorted into 11 different groups but somehow, he wasn't a part of it. As he scanned through the tops of the lists, where the designers were placed he noticed a familiar yet unfamiliar face staring down at him.

The discrepancy of the sickly picture on the wall and the vibrant person he had seen was enough to temporarily distract him from his rage but it didn't last long. He stood in front of it in a daze and was doubly shocked when a soft hand brushed his shoulder and an even softer voice breached his stupor.

" Are you okay?"

Tryfon spun around at a speed faster than his unathletic body could allow and felt a sharp pain from the left side of his neck. He finished turning slowly and could only hold his sprained neck as he faced Cerin. A small spark of pity flashed through The girl's eyes and and only served to deepen his bad mood.

A million not so polite responses ran through his head but he quickly calmed down enough to not take out his anger on the girl and instead said;

" Fine enough, excuse me"

And then he stormed off.

Cerin had actually just dropped Serana at home after yet another trip to the hospital and had ordered house arrest on her with Ryella as the jailer. While she hadn't actually been hit, Cerin still feared that the large amounts of stress and shock would prove negative on her health.

Because Cerin was so concerned over Serana she simply dismissed Tryfon's actions as one of the many moods adolescents often got themselves into and didn't thank any more of it, choosing to focus on the list instead.

However as she read through the list his mood suddenly made sense. The fashion industry was definitely not as popular as those of singing or acting so the amount of applicants to a street show were definitely not a lot. By that logic he definitely should have gotten in to the show, yet his face was not on the board.

This was especially weird because unlike the stricter requirements for designers to have a full portfolio of designs and to have basic knowledge of the industry and materials all models had to do where to fit the basic health requirements, which Tryfon definitely did,

Speaking of which…..

Cerin quickly scanned the faces of her own models and a small frown played out on her face. The small frown grew ever so slightly as she looked through those of the other designers and she immediately detected foul play.

Not that the models that she had been assigned were ugly in any way, but from being underweight to overweight to just plain unhealthy, the standard was much lower than that of the others.

As she thought this a brief flash of the Sixth's memories flashed through her mind and things became even clearer.

After all the fashion world was not only small but it was entirely rigid and was based off of connections. Cerin laughed at herself for expecting fair play and realized that even a competition at such a small level couldn't escape the rules of the industry.

A quick search on her phone about her competition showed her everything that she needed to know and she quickly began to redesign her plans for the future.

Cerin found her feet walking in the same direction of the angry adolescent as she thought and yet another scheme hatched in her mind and along side it, came a new set of designs completely different than the ones that she had submitted…. Not that she had planned on using them anyways.

She sneered as she remembered the greed in the lady's eyes has she had looked over Cerin's designs and was sure that those very same designs would show up on the runway of the show with only slight modifications. And no matter how hard she tried to declare that they were hers, they would have some 'proof' against it.

Nevertheless the designs she had made were only half completed and looked magnificent on paper but would only look subpar at best in actuality. Combined with the slightly above average at best models that were available the phoenix designed clothing that she had drawn would only make them look like gaudily dressed chickens.