Chapter 3: Yoshima

Scott glanced all around him as he was carried away by his new mother. The hospital they were on was small, they soon walked out , most people inside were wearing what he saw the nurses wearing. Weird white outfits with a small Japanese or maybe Chinese character on the top left of the chest. He also noticed a strange red swirl on their back as well. While the patients he saw wore tight fitting clothes. 'Was he near a gym?'

As they near the parking lot, he couldn't help but glance at the few cars there. There were not that many, but what stood out was their design, they look nothing alike to what he knows. Not only did they had weird designs, the seats seemed uncomfortable on most of them, made of wood with no cushion on most.

'I am no longer in earth, am I?' Scott wondered as they neared a silver vehicle. His mother did a weird hand gesture as she neared the front hood. Inside there were more weird black symbols that look almost like art, and at the center lay a brown cylindrical container with a symbol on top. Scott watched as his mother pulled the container and it disappear into smoke, leaving him wondering if he imagined it all and gawking.

His mother giggled as she looked at him, it was a funny sight , his mother was still wearing hospital robes. It did cover all the important parts, but from the perspective of anyone walking by, they would see a young woman with silver-silk hair, her face a bit tired , sweat glistening wearing a hospital robe giggling like a schoolgirl , and a small newborn wrapped in a white towel, with his mouth open staring in awe at a vehicle.

Scott watched in amazement as she pulled a very similar container from what seemed like the air itself, all he heard was a small 'puff' and a bit of white smoke. She placed the container in the middle , closing the hood.

The drive was not too far, maybe an hour at most, as there were carriages and people walking on the roads. What surprised him even more, were modern looking buildings, there were even three skyscrapers. It was weird to him, seeing modern buildings, cars, yet people were wearing roman-like sandals, some rode in carriages, there were no streetlights, cars had no lights to light the way, no radio inside the car.

Halfway through they passed on top of a arched bridge, below a huge river split the small city in half. He could see many boats , and a few ships near the port downstream to his left.

At the center of the bridge, which was the highest point, he could see he was in a smaller city than what he expected, there were many hills and small mountains surrounding the city.

They traveled to a secluded valley in between two mountains, not too far from the village. A river passed through the front of the garden. A waterfall could be seen a few miles back.

'I wonder if that land is part of the property'

The place was a huge mansion in the shape of a uppercase 'H', The center was three stories, while each wing seemed to be just one floor but very long. The gate to the driveway had a golden swirl on the center, the gate opened as they got near.

As they crossed a small bridge and approached the parking spot near the front door, Scott could make out what look like a track near the left wing.

She looked at him and spoke what he now assumes could only be Japanese based on the few words he knows from watching anime. Servants were waiting for them, if the hospital robe bothered them, they didn't show it as they bowed and welcomed them in.

The inside was decorated luxuriously, the tigerwood floor made a huge contrast with his mother's bare feet. She walked up the stairs to the second floor, walking to the first room on the left. A baby crib on the far left corner, toys and other assorted items decorated the room.

She was talking to him, while making some weird faces at him. She pulled her robe aside, as she brought him closer to her chest.

'No!' He tried using his tiny hands to push her away, but his feeble arms couldn't due anything, and her plump breast gave him no leverage.

'Well, she is your mother, just drink, open your mouth, it's not weird or gross. You are a grown adult, in a baby's body being breastfeed, there is nothing wrong with that.' Scott continued to motivate himself, knowing it was inevitable that he drank from his mother's breast.

'Ah, just don't enjoy it, even if it is for my own good, traitorous mouth of mine.' He sighed as he gave in.

After filling his stomach, he fell asleep to her singing.


Scott woke up in his crib, the moon shone bright through the window. He tried to stand up, but his bones were not fully developed yet, and he didn't wanted to hurt his body.

He looked around his room, seeing a few stuff toys, he was no longer sleepy, not knowing what to do, he decided to meditate a little.

Taking deep breaths, and loving the feeling of it, he noticed the breathing did not provide as much energy as it did in the womb. Clearing his mind he began to meditate.

Scott could feel a warm feeling inside his body, focusing his mind he followed the trail of the energy to his abdomen where he noticed a huge amount of condensed energy. That surprised him, but not as much as seeing another energy, this one cooler, sharing the same area. The energies seemed to balance each other out, working in perfect balance. He did not know what to do with them, so he left them alone for now.

'Learning to meditate without a body proved very helpful, I can sink deep in a matter of seconds.'

He now focused his mind outside his body, if his body surprised him, what he could see now was even more of a surprise. He could feel and see with his 'mind's eye' energies floating in the very air itself, it was very abundant and surreal. There were two types of energies, one seemed as if alive moving towards the moon's light, there was not much of it. The other one, the most abundant one , seemed to be drawn to a weird symbol on the left side of the wall in his room. He focused on the symbol, it was bright and looked like the symbols on the car.

Not knowing if he should absorb it onto himself or not, he decided to focus on what he knows.

One, his mother is a badass who seems very strong and lights up like a beacon to his senses, or what he decided to call mind's eye. He can barely look at her, it's a very bright light. It seems to be like her personality, very beautiful, yet wild and raging around her body.

Two, his mother is speaking Japanese, but she doesn't look Japanese at all. One of the nurses, or at least he assumed that's what they were, looked like a typical Japanese woman, she even had black hair and eyes.

Three, the other nurse had red hair , but she had red-colored eyes, she was also very tanned.

Four, there were energies floating around in the air and in all living things, as far as he can see.

Five, some technologies here were very advanced while some were not. He had noticed earlier a lightbulb, but instead of a switch it had another symbol on the wall to turn on or off. One of the nurses had also taken a picture with what he had thought was an antique camera, so he had not paid much attention.

Six, they drove here on a vehicle, the container that his mother had changed made the car turned on.

Seven, his mother had made a container disappear into thin air, and summoned another one like magic.

Eight, when she did weird hand movements with her free hand, he had felt energy concentrated before the hood opened or the car started, even when the gate to the mansion was opened.

Nine, humans here can use energies.

Lastly, ten, his family appears to be rich, not only did they had many servants, but he had seen a huge terrain, and he was inside a mansion.

'The things that I can discern from that, he is not in earth anymore, he reincarnated with his memories intact in another world maybe dimension, maybe even in the future , who knows how many years he spent in the void. As for the rest, I'll have to wait and see.'

He fell asleep after a while. Waking to someone picking him up.

Opening his eyes he saw his mother's blue eyes staring at him, talking animatedly with another person. He glanced at the person next to her, he was lean and tall, had a very calm demeanor-look to him. He had red hair tied in a ponytail, and green eyes, which were staring back at him.

His mother continued speaking, while the person he assumed was his father just added one or two words in, his voice soft and calm. His mother had a light blue dress on, while his father wore loose white pants, wooden sandals, a loose white long-sleeved shirt, and a black coat on top.

They kept repeating something while holding him, it sounded like... 'My name?'.


He smiled and nodded at them.

'Oh shit! I am supposed to be a baby.'

His mother laughed while his father just smiled.

'Thank God, are there gods here? Or a God? Anyways good thing they just find me adorable , haha'. He giggled with them, which made his mother laugh even more.

Looking at his father again he begins to wonder. 'So, this is the tough father I thought I had? What's with that?' His father looked more like a professor or even a librarian. He barely even says a word!

'How did he get a woman like mother? Maybe I should ask him for some advice once I grow up again.'

They talked some more while carrying him.


Three months passed swiftly, in that time he has learned many words from his parents talking to him. While he had not talked so as not to scare them from seeing a three-month old baby , he practiced in his room at night time.

Yoshima, as he had been named, learned his father worked mostly in the right wing, he seemed to be a calligrapher, painting Japanese scripture on paper and objects. He seemed to be good at what he does, as he entertained many guest daily.

While his mother, his mother was happy and headstrong. She seems like a fierce Valkyrie, but very protective of him. Scott, no Yoshima smiled thinking about her. She spent most of the day playing with him, while he himself was older than maybe both of his parents combined, he actually had fun, as he couldn't remember having smiled as much in his past life.

Yoshima had managed to crawl a month and a half ago, and now he is taking baby steps around the mansion whenever his mother is not around. The servants are easy to slip by, but somehow his mother always knows where he is, or if he tries to slip by , it's almost like she has eyes behind her head!

Yoshima also found that her name is Mitsui, and his father's name is Ikeda.

Right now, he had made his way to a library near the end of the hall in the second floor. The doors needed someone to tap the sigil on the wall.

The sigil, to his mind's eye, looked like the one in his room, but this one while bright, it didn't gather energy around it, it just drew enough to open the door or close it.

He had tried using a broom to tap it last week, it hadn't worked. Somehow, it knew when a person tapped it, maybe even drew the energy from them for it to work.

To counter his height problem, he had slowly moved a small wooden stool a bit closer each day to the sigil, and today, Yoshima finally had the stool right where he wanted it, underneath the sigil.

He slowly climbed on top of the stool, pulling himself up. After a small struggle , he made it to the top, leaning on the wall he raised himself on his tiptoes, he could almost reach it.

'So close, just a bit more, there.'

He felt a little energy traveling from his core in his abdomen moving up towards his chest and down his arm, coming out of his fingers onto the sigil.

The doors slowly opened, Yoshima slowly climbed down the stool, moving his inner energies to both his hands and feet. While his control was not anywhere good, and most seemed to just leak off of his body leaving him feeling a bit tired if he used it too much, and yes , he could only do that for less than five seconds at a time , it was great for someone with such a body.

It strengthened his feeble body, and some seemed to seeped into his muscles.

He had figured this out when he started moving the two energies inside his body a month ago. Back then, he could only move it to one part of his body at a time for less than a second, before loosing control of it, and most just dispersed into the air.

He let his body fall, and walked in as the doors slowly closed behind him.

It was a huge library, a room as big as any public library he had seen on earth. There were three huge book shelves in the middle that had many sections to them.

He approached the one on the far left. The book shelves contained many books and scrolls , but they did not seemed in order. He picked books and scrolls at random, trying to see if he could find a map , or anything that could help him.

Having searched what must have been at least one hundred books and having no luck. He decided to put it off until after he learned to read.

Yoshima sighed as he dropped his body to the floor.

'All this for nothing.'

Yoshima gasped as he had looked at the opposing wall, it had a huge map, and a zoomed map below it.

'No fucking way, I am in Uzushiogakure!' He couldn't believe it.