July 6th 18 B.N.B. , Afternoon
Konohagakure, Land of Fire
Senju Clan's Complex
Yoshima made a small crater as he landed in the ground.
'That fountain was really nice, what a waste.' He stared at the crumbled remains of what was left of said fountain.
Yoshima glanced at Tsunade, she was still a bit shocked.
'Should I just pretend I am hurt? It's not like she actually used her full power to kick me away.'
Tsunade had a white blouse that only reached a bit past her breasts, underneath she had a dark mesh chain-mail that reached from her shoulders down to her upper tights. She wore a short red skirt as well. Proudly wearing the red and white colors of the Senju clan.
He noticed , she did not have the Yin seal at this time on her forehead. 'When did she first get it ?'
'I should look for making a Yin and maybe a Yang seal as well. It will certainly come in handy during emergencies. But I wonder if making a Yang seal is possible? Since Yang is just physical aspect of energy. Something to ponder later.'
Tsunade rushed next to him as she made a few hand seals, green chakra surrounded her palms.
As he stared at her breast, ahem, her clothes, he also noticed a thin black necklace with a blue crystal heading toward her twins.
'Hashirama's necklace! She must have gotten it from Tobirama after he died! She still has not given it to her brother.'
She looked up at him with worry, "Why didn't you evade? You clearly evade the first one!" Concerned marked her voice.
"Big Sis! Why would you hit him?" Her brother also came over with concern. "Are you okay?"
She placed her hands on him as he said. "You are really beautiful I got distracted."
Tsunade stared back with her mouth agape, followed by her classic laughter.
She stood up "Stop faking it! I can see you have no injuries."
Yoshima laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. "I never said you hurt me, hehe. But, you do hit with no remorse!" He stood up as he patted the dust of off his clothes. The rest was just wet.
'It is just water, I am sure I can just disperse it. Hmph, let me think.'
"It's your fault! Who told you to call me an Old Hag?" She pouted as she gave him a glace over.
"If not you, who?" He mumbled as he made a few signs with both of his hands.
"Water Release: Cleanse!" Yoshi mouthed as the water in his clothes along with the dirt that accumulated in him , floated into a small muddy water ball. He just let it drop to the floor.
"Who are you?"
"Wow! So cool! You know nature transformations?"
Yoshima saw Tsunade glance at both his forehead protector and his red hair with a gasp.
"What's your name?"
"Yoshima." He said simply. 'Now that I think about it, both her and me share blood. I share Senju from my grandmother, and she shares Uzumaki blood from her Grandmother.'
"I am not familiar with that name. Who are your parents?" She asked with a frown, seemingly in deep thought.
"Shouldn't you introduce yourselves first? Before asking me so many questions?"
Tsunade grunted before saying. "Tsunade."
"What was that?" He pretended to clear his ear and inspect his finger after.
"TSUNADE!" She yelled at him with her hands on her hips.
"Big Sis, where are your manners? We are Senju clan members." Her brother chided her before he pointed at himself and said with a funny pose. "And I am Nawaki Senju! Future 5th Hokage!" Nawaki said as he put his hands on his hips and laughed just like his sister.
'What have I gotten myself into?' Yoshi rolls his eyes.
"I am Yoshima Uzumaki, you both can call me Yoshi"
"Uzumaki? Are you from the main line?" Nawaki asked excitedly.
"Yes, we are distant cousins." Yoshima told him with a grin.
"Are you a student of Jiraiya?"
Yoshi laughed. "I haven't met that old perv yet, princess." He told her with a smirk on his face.
Nawaki chuckled, covering his mouth with his hands.
She snorted. "I highly doubt that, it sounds like a lie. You resemble him more and more."
"Come inside." She told him as she opened the door, and led her brother in.
Yoshima glanced back at the fountain and shrugged.
Inside the mansion, it was not what he expected it to be. He was expecting to have many decorations, souvenirs, gifts from many clans, their history pasted all over, photos, not what he was seeing now.
The mansion was very spartan, it had a Senju emblem on top of the waiting area, and a small place to put away sandals and put on some slippers to walk in. The floor was made of wood along with everything else. No carpets, or any other decorations.
After putting on some red slippers, and following Tsunade's lead, she opened a door on their right, inside it was a table that sat low, and 3 cushions on each side. A small altar with quite a few pictures were on the end of the room, surrounded by lit candles. He recognize both the First and the Second Hokage. Looking closely he could also recognize their brothers Itama and Kawarama.
'The one on the far left must be Batsuma'
He noticed the pattern on the cushions, one would be white while the other would be red, before repeating.
Tsunade took a seat in the middle cushion, she sat in a very unladylike manner, one leg folded beneath her, while the other she used to rest her arms in, in front of her.
'She is just like in the anime!'
"So, what do you want kid?"
'Kid?' "What I can't come for a visit?"
"Come visit? What do you think this is? An orphanage or a restaurant? We do not give free hand outs."
Yoshi was trying not to laugh, as she looked like a gangster with her one-sided sneer, and the way she was sitting.
"You say you are only 20, why do you act and look so much older?"
'Call me kid again.'
She got angry again. But her brother, snickering next to both of them, stopped her.
"Calm down Big Sis."
"Yeah, calm down. Where is my tea? As a guest, you did not even offer me a drink. What kind of host are you? Not even to a long lost relative. Tch." Yoshima shook his head, as if he truly was disappointed, followed by the same sneer she had given him earlier.
Which only worked to get her more angry.
"You!" She pulled at her non-existent sleeves in her arms up.
Yoshima unperturbed turned to Nawaki. "Are you in the Academy?"
"No, I am a full Genin, I graduated 3 months ago." Nawaki said with pride in his voice.
"Oh? Really? You must be very strong."
"Yes! Hehe." He rubbed his nose with his index finger.
Tsunade was giving him the evil eye. 'She must have known I now have him on my side now. Hahaha.'
"With that personality, how do you expect to marry me in the future?"
He seemed to be good at getting a rise out of her, and he admitted to himself, that he was enjoying himself.
Tsunade had an incredulous expression for a few seconds before her anger rose like a Valkyrie.
"Marry you?? Why would I marry a baby midget? You don't ev-"
"Tsunade! The guest is right. Go bring us some tea." An elderly voice said from outside the room.
She seethed while puffing out her cheeks and stomping out of the room.
One of the side doors opened and an old man walked in. He was wearing a wine red coat, with a white Senju clan emblem on each of the sleeves, underneath that he was wearing all white, even his slippers where half white half red to match.
Yoshima remained calmed on the outside, as he touched the floor and expanded his senses. 'He was listening the whole time? I did not even notice him. I must pay more attention to my surroundings. Attention to detail!' He chastised himself.
"Baron Yoshima Uzumaki greets Senju's Clan Head!" Yoshima said formally as he bowed his head a little. Hiding his thoughts from his face.
He heard two gasps one from Nawaki, and another from Tsunade, spying outside.
"Stand up straight young one, we the Senju Clan, are no longer nobles. We gave that up long ago. And as an Uzumaki, we are family, let alone you. There is no bowing to each other." The old man said with a kind smile.
'Let alone me? As a noble?'
He could feel the controlled and repressed chakra of the old man. 'He must be at least SS.'
Yoshima glanced at the old man as he sat straight. They both eyed each other, seizing up one another.
"Father, aren't you going to introduce yourself? Yoshima says it's rude not to." Came Nawaki's voice from the side, breaking the serious atmosphere.
"Cough, Cough. Ahem. My name is Kunata Senju, as you must likely know, your Great-Grandfather told me you might be coming over. I guess he was right."
'Damn old man, always scheming ahead.'
His daughter walked in with a tray saving him some face.
Yoshima admired Tsunade as she seemed like another person preparing and serving the tea. 'Growing up in Senju clan, she must have learned all the proper etiquette and traditions. She looks so graceful serving tea, nothing at all like her personality'
She must have seen him staring, as she filled his cup to the top and handed it to him, pretending not to notice he had not placed his hands around it before dropping it.
"Oops, I am s-"
Yoshima reacted quickly and used a very small amount of wind chakra to push the tea back inside and lift the cup back up, grabbing it at the same time.
"No problem accidents happen all the time." He was smirking inside, since he had 'accidentally' sent a few droplets in her direction as well. All the while, keeping an innocent smile on the outside.
He felt Kunata's eyes on him, but pretended not to notice.
"Yes, yes, you must be careful next time Tsunade, look at the young Uzumaki, even when an accident occured, he reacted quickly. I won't be here for the rest of your lives to tell you what to do , and what not to do."
"Maybe you two should learn more from him, how about you stay with us young one? Your clan's home in Konoha is close to the forest, while our ancestral home is close to everything."
'Scheming old man, changing the topic and using the situation to his advantage.'
"Is that a yes? I won't take a no. Okay, it is settled, we are all family anyways."
"Well, if you insist. But, I am here on a mission, I won't be able to stay more than the night here."
"A mission?" The old man was surprised but hid it quickly.
"Yes, I am afraid so."
'Ha, two can play this game old man.'
"How old are you? Have you graduated from an Academy yet?" Nawaki asked from the side.
"Don't you see my forehead protector Nawa?"
He glanced at his tea before taking a sip and said. "This is some good tea!"
Yoshima turned to Tsunade who was still staring at him with her mouth slightly opened.
"Serve me some more tea, and stop staring at me Tsu Tsu, you are going to make me blush." He told her abashedly.
Tsunade blushed slightly while closing her mouth. "How did you change your chakra nature element so fast? With no hand seals? How do you have so much control? Are you just a midget? But actually an old person? What's under your forehead protector? Do you have a Yin seal? Did Great-Grandma Mito teach you too?" She took a deep breath before composing herself and adding. "Who is Tsu Tsu?" She mumbled the last part.
"Didn't you said you will not marry me? Why are you so interested all of a sudden?" He said with a chuckle.
"Who is interested in you?" She grunted while turning her body slightly to the left.
"Tch, stingy." He mumbled. Yoshi noticed the old man had been staring at the interplay between them for a while now.
"Yoshi, what mission are you doing? How long will it be?"
"Well, the Uzukage will only let me do up to C class missions. It is a joint mission with Konoha, as for how long, I estimate around 2 weeks or so." He replied.
"Who are your parents Yoshi?"
"Ikeda Uzumaki and Mitsui Uzumaki." He didn't see anything wrong with telling him.
Kunata's eyes widened a little as he caressed his beard.
'He must know my family line.'
After nodding to himself, Kunata turned to Yoshima and said. "As a noble, you must inform the Hokage of your presence here in Konoha, as all decorum must be taken. We can't have our ally nation be offended by a slight for not being prepared."
"Have Tsunade come with you, she is the heir of the Senju clan, and even though we are not nobles, she holds a lot of influence amongst the village. She will inform the Third Hokage as well as show you around before the mission."
"Why not go early, and you can also see your Uzumaki's ancestral home in Konoha?"
'What are you playing at old man?' Yoshima wondered.
Changing the topic, Kunata asked. "Yoshima, what do you want for the future? What do you believe in?"
"That is a very deep question." Yoshi said. Not really having thought about it deeply. "I am doing what I do for my loved ones, I want to make a better world for them. I know there is a lot of ignorance in the world, as well as past wounds. And many in the world fear Konoha, not only are you the strongest nation, but you are allied to us. The other great nations, also hate the fact that the new generations have to pay for the tail-beast you gave them, thinking it is their right, as they have had it for many years now."
Taking a deep breath , he continued. "The nation's leaders not only have hatred, but greed, they want what we both have, and they do not give a damn about the people that live in their nations, only what they can get out of them."
"If possible, I would prefer a nation like my home, our Uzukage, is elected from amongst the clan, serves as both leader of the Clan, leader of our village, as well as the Daimyo of the land. If he were to abuse his power, then there would be a vote to elect someone else."
He knew they were not ready for a constitutional republic. Where everyone mattered, down to the poor farmers. The military is just there to protect the people, and the leaders where chosen to represent the people that elected them.
Tsunade was staring at him with interest. While the old man seem to ponder what he said.
"I want to do that too Father! I want to do that here in Konoha too!" Nawaki said.
It snapped the old man from concentration as he said. "Good, good, good. I am proud of the new generation. Good." Not hiding his happiness in the least.
"How about you meet your Great-Grandmother, both of you, have Tsunade show her to you, she usually stays at the Uzumaki clan grounds since her husband, my father passed away."
He clapped before standing up and saying. "It's getting late, Tsunade, why don't you lead him to the room next to yours? It's clean and that way you can show him around early tomorrow."
"It was nice meeting you Yoshi, very nice."
He turned around and left towards the door he came from.
Yoshima wondered where he was going in such a hurry. "So, where to?" He turned around to face Tsunade.
She seemed deep in thought as she just turned around and led him to another hall, they crossed a small courtyard with another garden, and reached an area with three doors, she led him to the middle one.
"Will you warm my bed tonight? It's a cold night?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and stared down at him. Tsunade got visibly mad, she turned around and mumbled. "He is just like Jiraiya." Stomping away.
"I Guess this is my room." He mumbled as he saw Tsunade entering the room next to him.
The room was very spartan as well. Just a bed, a nightstand with candles, and a pajama on top of the bed with the Senju Clan emblem.
After putting the pajama on , he lay in the bed and wondered what tomorrow would bring.
This chapter was way to long, I split it in 3, but now I am just going to reduce it to 2. Unless you guys want it just how it is?