Chapter 12: First Mission Part 4

July 6th 18 B.N.B. , Morning

Great Forest, Land of Fire

The ninja in the middle took a few steps towards him, as he introduced himself. "My name is Sakumo Hatake, the person on my left is Yowai Sen, and the one on my right is Daichi Kenshin. We are shinobi team thirteen from Konoha."

After staring at his squad members, Sakumo turned once again to face Yoshima. "Are you out here by yourself?" He had a kind looking face, with a warm smile.

Yoshima noticed that his eyes seemed to perceive every detail, 'This guy should have been born in to the Green Berets'

While Daichi asked. "Where is your squad?"

"Yes, I am alone, on route to Konoha." Yoshima stated once more.

"Alright, we are also going that way, you can accompany us,might be more interesting company than this two." He pointed at his squadmates with a thumb each while chuckling to show he was only joking.

"Hey! The boring one is you! Only worried about Konoha, and completing the mission." The one named Yowai said.

"I do not know if we should trust him, look at him, he looks so young to be a shinobi. What if he is spy or a ... a ninja wearing a disguise!" Daichi asked while staring at Yoshima cautiosly.

"I know he is not, he is an ally to Konoha, look at his forehead protector, and his fiery-red hair, like most from the Uzumaki-clan. Now that that's settled let's go." He seemed to use Body Flicker to disappear ahead.

Daichi grunted before following along.

Yowai gave him a weak smile, before he also moved after them.

'I can't believe I met the White Fang! His son was one of my favorite characters, an underrated genius! I hope I can learn something from Sakumo.'

An excited Yoshima followed after them, they had set the same steady cruising pace they had when he first felt them.

Arriving next to Sakumo, he asked. "Sakumo, how long will it take to reach Konoha at this pace?" While he did have a map, it did not show the distances, it had no form of measurement, or a way to gauge if the map was accurate.

"Why? Are you in a hurry Yoshima?"

"Yes, I have to report tomorrow morning."

"Oh, you have a mission? Don't worry, we will get there today, we will stop in a few hours and still get there before night time."

"Good, thanks."

They were moving from branch to branch.

"I know it is not of my business, but why are you by yourself?" Sakumo asked after a few minutes of silence.

"It's no secret, don't worry. I wanted to go out on a mission, and I chose a joint mission as my first one. I do not have a squad as I have not gone to an academy yet."

"How old are you Yoshima?" Yowai asked from behind them.

"Next year I will be six years old."

Yoshima was around 4' 3" or 130cm tall, considerably taller than the average height at his age.

Sakumo stared at him for a few seconds before chuckling. "You remind me of me, I graduated from the academy at six years old, and I just wanted to go out and prove myself on missions."

"At least I have heard of you, you are known as the Konoha White Fang, I still need to get a nickname for myself." Yoshima grinned.

"Well if you are anywhere as good as the swords you carry on you, you might get one, you are still young."

"Well, if you are anywhere as good as the rumors say, you might be able to test my skills in kenjutsu."

"I am not, the rumors are always exaggerated." Sakumo replied humbly.

Yoshima smiled, knowing full well that he was feared even more than the three sannin themselves. If he had not committed suicide, he might have become the strongest ninja of Konoha.

As they traveled through the forest they talked about life as a ninja, and living in their respective villages. Traveling in a group also scared most of the wild beasts from getting too close to them. After around six hours of keeping the same pace they slowed down to make a small fire and rest for a little.

Even though it was around sunrise, the sunlight only reached certain parts of the forest, due to the heavy foliage.

Yoshima took food out from one of the scrolls he carried on him, it almost look like he was picking out of a menu with pictures.

"Kai!" He took out a whole chicken served with potatoes and one barrel of juice. Releasing his canteen out of his tactical belt, he refilled it with juice.

Once he filled it up he glanced up to offer some to the others, but stopped seeing there shock faces.

"Is something wrong?"

"Is something wrong? He says." Daichi mumbled under his breath before getting back to his rice ball. He kept staring at his scrolls

"Well, you are very rich to buy sealing scrolls just for food! That, or you are so young to know seals." Yowai added.

'Well, in the anime not that many people knew seals, maybe they are harder than what is stated in the anime? I should be careful when using my seals in the future.'

"It was just a gift from my father for my first mission!" Yoshima acted like a young happy child.

"Do you guys want some? We can share some chicken and juice to drink."

Daichi grunted. "Juice? Should have brought some wine at least." He said as he made his way over and tore a chicken leg for himself.

Yowai at least said thanks after taking the other leg.

"Thanks Yoshima, but you should have your fill before offering us some, you are still growing." Sakumo told him with a kind smile.

"Don't worry, if I am not full, I can just hunt something to eat." Yoshima replied in kind.

After eating and drinking, Yoshima was eager to test his kenjutsu against the famous White Fang of Konoha, and Kakashi's father.

"Sakumo, would you spar with me? I need the experience." Yoshima asked him after cleaning after himself and leaving everything as they found it, and digging a hole to bury the ashes from the fire.

"We never stop learning, as there is always something to learn." Sakumo said as he took a stance and drew a straight-bladed tanto with a small circular hand-guard. His personality had changed completely.

Yoshima could feel the pressure from his killing intent, it was not aiming at him, but since he was not expecting him it caught him off-guard for a few seconds.

'I have to really get serious for this fight.'

Yoshima drew Kaen from its scabbard. It was a beautiful ruby-red double-edge straight sword. As soon as he took it out, he could feel a slight change in temperature in his surroundings.

"Ready?" Sakumo called out to him.


They both did not move, waiting for the slight change in each other before they moved. Their eyes never wavered, the wind blew softly lifting up a few leaves.

In the blink of an eye they had both crashed once, twice, three times before separating.

Yoshima couldn't help but smile in spite of himself. 'This is the feeling I have been missing.'

He noticed a small smile at the corner of Sakumo's lips as well.

They continued for a few more minutes that felt like hours. Until they both separated once again.

"It is time to get serious Yoshima." Sakumo called out as he focus his chakra into his tanto, surrounding it in visible white chakra.

Yoshima's smile banished as he also focused his chakra on his sword, red-colored chakra surrounded Kaen, it was almost as if a small flame surrounded it. The overbearing heat could be felt all around him.

'He is faster than me, and a lot better in his control. His moves are very precise and not flashy at all. I can use my version of Lightning Chakra Mode, but I still have not gotten much practice using it. I will just focus on moving my chakra to my muscles and improve my overall stats.' He turned to his sword before saying. "I'll rely on you Kaen." Under his breath.

This time Yoshima rushed him, keeping the sword vertical and in front of him for quicker movements.

He swung his sword down as he clashed onto Sakumo. There was a red trail behind Kaen's path, while Sakumo left a white trail.

As soon as their weapons clashed into one another, they were both repelled, Yoshima had a smaller and weaker body, and was propelled into a tree. He did a backflip and landed on his feet perpendicular to the tree, using chakra to stay on it.

Yoshima glanced up, Sakumo had just taken a half step back. There was a huge difference between them.

They both smiled.

"You are really good Yoshima, it is a good thing Konoha and Uzushio are both allies!" He joked.

"I should be the one saying that, you never got serious." Yoshima said with a shake of his head.


July 6th 18 B.N.B. , Afternoon

Great Forest, Land of Fire

Konoha had a few gates you could come in from, but the main gates of Konoha where the most used. As the dirt road led all the way to the Hokage's office as well as the Hokage's Monument(Hokage Rock).

That's the gate they were coming into now, the gates were made of metal and wood, they were wide open. Hermitage was spelled on the gates, while it said Konohagakure on top.

There were four shinobi guarding the gates, as they approached and formed behind the small line, they were asked to see their shinobi I.D. card.

As they all presented their I.D.'s they saw Yoshima's, the Shinobi who was checking it did a double take on it before bowing and saying. "Welcome Sir Baron Uzumaki, would you be requiring an escort into the city?"

Yoshima was not expecting such a response, but his training took over and he replied quickly.

"I appreciate the offer, but not thank you."

As they walked in, he could feel stares from all three of his companions. One seemed jealous, one intrigue, and the other one was harder to read.

"I hope we can see each other later Yoshima, take care." Sakumo nodded at him, as he and his squad moved to report on his mission.

'What should I visit first? It is getting dark, should I find a place to stay?'

'I wonder if I should head towards the Senju clan, or should I just go to the Uzumaki clan's residence? Is there anyone there?'

Yoshima took a map out, if he followed the main road, a few hundred meters ahead on his right would be the Senju Park, and next to it would be the Senju's ancestral home.

'I'll see if there is anyone there.'

Yoshima walked this time, he wanted to enjoy the sights, seeing Konoha in real life was very surreal. It was a lot bigger than Uzushiogakure, that was for sure.

Yoshima continued to follow the road before passing a park that had banners on the side with the Senju clan emblem.

It was a huge park, passing the gate house, he knew from the anime, that it had a giant tree with a pond, as well as a playground.

Yoshima continued walking past it, there was a sort of hidden road that was covered by trees on each side, it was easy to miss.It took you into a medium size gate with a Tengu statue on each side. The center of the gate had the Senju emblem, and it would split in half once the gates opened.

Yoshima walked towards the gate and pressed on the doorbell. The gates opened by themselves. Yoshima shrugged as he made his way into the old Japanese style mansion. It was mostly painted red with a few black or dark blue tones. It had a small pond with a few fish swimming on it, as well as a zen garden.

As Yoshima approached the front door he felt a chakra signature walking from behind one of the plants.

"Who are you kid? This area is off limits."

Yoshima had pretended not to have noticed him and walked to the front door.

He turned around to see a short child with light-brown hair, and green eyes, he had a blush on his cheek that seemed permanent. He had a Konoha forehead protector on as well. He wore a dark teal poncho top and light green pants.

"Kid? How old are you?"

"W-well, I am definetly older than you!" He puffed his cheeks.

"Besides, this is Senju Clan's property, the original founders of Konohagakure, my grandfather was the First Hokage while my Granduncle was the Second Hokage, and I will be the Fifth!" He stared at him as if to dare him to deny it.

Yoshima walked forward to rub his hair and said. "Sure kid, follow your dreams and one day you will make it so , if that is what you really want."

"It is!" The kid said proudly.

"W-wait, why are you rubbing my hair! Only my Big sis can do that!" He said as he took a few steps back.

"Who is your Big Sis?"

"You do not know? My big sis will be the Fourth Hokage! Her name is Tsunade!" He said proudly with his hands on his hips.

"That old Hag?" Yoshima said.

Feeling a killing intent behind him, he jumped to the side, good thing he did, there was now a small crater where he once stood.

"Who are you calling hag!? I am only twenty!" A pissed Tsunade yelled at him.

He had forgotten to dodge the kick that came next as he was dumbfounded by her. Not only was she more beautiful than the anime, or , he had to admit, had big jugs just like in the anime, but she was Tsunade! The Tsunade!

Yoshima only had time to manipulate all his chakra to his left side before the kick came, sending him crashing into a garden fountain.

"Ah!" He saw Tsunade place a hand on her mouth.

'That hurt! She probably expected me to dodge that.' Yoshime thought as he crashed into the ground.