Another Outstanding Performance

As Om made his way on the stage, the whole audience started shouting like crazy. People were whistling, shouting, crying, laughing, and all sorts of emotions were widely displayed in the crowd. And Om, who felt all these emotions from the audience, was feeling very happy.

He smiled and slowly said, "Hello, everyone. How are you guys doing?"

"GOOD!!!" The audience shouted.

"That's good. But, I am not feeling quite good right now. I came here without even having my breakfast. So, what I am going to do is that when my performance is finished, I will go to the nearest restaurant to eat. Well, of course, I won't go to the 5-star restaurant, but a middle-class restaurant for the middle-class people. And talking about these restaurants reminds me of an incident."

"So, Recently I took my parents out for a nice dinner in a very expensive restaurant. And ordering is very difficult with my dad because he has to make sure that everybody is on the same page," Om lifted his hand and looked at it like he was reading something, "Om, are you on the Veg-Szechuan page? No, you are not on the Veg-Szechuan page. Come to the Veg-Szechuan page. And I'm like 'Dad, I can't. I don't have a menu.'"

Om looked at the audience and said, "Because, waiters do this weird thing. When they distribute the menu, they guess who is educated or not."

"Hahahaha! So, this is why Om didn't get the menu!"

"Hahahaha! This is truly hilarious!"

"My God! This happened to me too! Hahahahha!"

"Yeah! You are right! This happened to me too! So, at that time, this was going on inside the waiter's head? Hahahaha!"

Om put his hand forward as if giving something out, "They're like, you get it, you get it. No. You don't. Oh! You look like you're going to pay. So, you get it."

The audience started clapping and laughing at the same time.

"Hahahahahah! Om has exposed the workings of the restaurants."

"Next time when I go to the restaurant, I am going straight-away tell them I'm going to pay. I'll get the menu first."

"Hahahaha! Yeah! Once I went to a restaurant with my friends and I had my wallet on the table and the waiter gave me the menu first."

"Man, this is very true. Hahahahhahaha!"

Om once again continued, "It's not that I hate the waiters because of this. I love the waiters. I seriously love them because the poorer the restaurant is, the less shit they give about you. It's like a privilege to have them."

Om changed his face like he was very uninterested in anything that was going on around him and said in a dull voice, "Urhg! You haven't decided yet. Bloody sh*t."

Then Om slowly walked away.

Seeing Om acting like this made the audience laugh even more loudly.

"They give less shit about you? Hahahahaha!"

"Dat Acting Doe!!! HAHAhAAHaHAHAH!"

"I can't take it anymore! Hahahahahaahaha!"

"The more I see this, the more I feel what Om is saying is true. I've had several experiences like this. HAhahahahaha!"

"This is so good. I love you, Om!!!"






"…Waiters will try the entire meal to convince you to do something. Which is something that my family did that no other middle-class family has ever done in a restaurant," Om looked at the audience silently, "…..We ordered the dessert."

Om suddenly opened his hands out wide and took 3 steps back, looking at the audience proudly.

Hearing this, the whole crowd went silent first, and then suddenly burst out with explosive cheers.

"OOOOOHHHH!!! Om, you're the real man!!!:

"OOHh!! OHHh sh*T! They ordered the dessert. My gawd!!!"

"…Never in my entire life have I ever heard a middle-class family ordering a dessert!! My god!! Is this the start of a new era?"

"Om, you are the true man! I wish I could also be like yo- *PUFF!* HAHAHAAHA! I can't do this! HAhHAHAAha! Look how proud he is!!! Hahahahaah!"

Om saw this and laughed lightly. You would be wondering why the audience was reacting like this. Then, I would say that they were just jokingly mocking how proudly Om said that his family had ordered the dessert in the restaurant. They knew Om was exaggerating and Om knew that the audience was joking. And this way, both the audience and Om were joking with one another.

Om once again brought the mike in front of his face and said, "…And the reason that no middle-class family orders the dessert is because of the logic every dad applies…," Om looked serious, "Why are we paying Rs 150 for one scoop of ice-cream when outside, we can get a whole box of vanilla ice-cream for Rs 70? And that too, it is a buy one, get one free. That's 2 Boxes man!!"

"Hahahahah! He is totally right! My father also says the same thing!"

"My dad also tells me the same thing. And now that I hear it from Om's mouth, it seems to make more sense."

"My dad also used to say this. Hahaahaha!"

"Om is totally right once again! Lol! Man, this is awesome!"




"..So, I just want to ask. How many of you have ever called for the manager in a restaurant?" Om asked, looking at the audience.

Hearing this, some people laughed because they knew it was the manager's turn now.

"Come, on. Come, on. Don't lie to me." Om said after seeing only a few hands being raised.

As Om said this, more and more hands were raised.

"So, you have called for the manager. You have, you have, and you guys too. Okay, you guys are rich." Om said, pointing at different directions.

The audience started laughing as they heard this.

Om continued, "And I'll tell you guys why. When poor people have food, at the end of it, they thank the god, like," Om looked up, bent his back a little, and said in a weird tone, " 'Thanks, god. Thank you we got food', and then they just leave because they are grateful that they have food in their belly. Rich people? No."

Om shouted, " They're like, 'I don't like this. Call the manager'. And apart from waiters, I also love the managers. They are these mysterious creatures that appear like a ninja. They are like," Om made a *Buff* sound with his mouth and immediately bent forward, "Hi. Good evening, madam."

"Hahahahah! Oh, my gawd! This is correct! Hahahahah!

"Om has exposed the true identity of the managers! Hahahaha!

"Oh lord. Please stop. My chest hurts from laughing. I can't take it anymore. Hahahahahah!"

"Now, that I think about it, they do appear mysteriously. Are they really the ninja?"

"I don't know, but this is really hilarious. Hahahahah!"

Along with the unstoppable laughter came a huge round of applause. The audience was enjoying every single moment of this. They couldn't stop themselves from laughing and clapping for the Om who was standing on the stage, doing some weird actions and shouting like an idiot.

Om continued, "Umm…is there any problem? I have a tingling in my….managerial DNA."

"Tingling in my managerial DNA? Hahahahaha!"

"Managers are aliens; confirmed. Hahahahaha!"

"You are very hilarious, Om. I love you."





"….That's the thing that we middle-class people hate choices. We know what we want to buy when we leave the house. It's very clear. That is why we left the house. And rich people are like, 'I'll see what I want.' That's insane. I don't know what it feels like. If you go to a 5-star hotel, it's the best place. It has a good mix of people who are not used to this environment and rich people."

"And as I said, we middle-class people hate choices. So, one day I went to a 5-star hotel and there was this guy who was trying to order a coffee," Om looked up and said in an innocent voice, "Hi. I want to order a coffee."

"Sure, sir. Do you want light, cappuccino …espresso?" Om said in a polite way.

As Om said this, he looked lost. He looked around for a moment uneasily and then said, "The first one."

"Hahahaaha! First one! First one! Hahahahaah!"

"Om's acting is very good. Look how pitiful he looks. Hahahahah!"

"I can't even describe who much my stomach hurts from laughing. Hahahahaha!"

"This happened to me too. I was so f*cking confused with their constant blabbering that I ended up shouting 'Just give me a f*cking coffee'. So, this is very relatable for me."

"This guy is really a genius. How can he think up about such things."

Om continued in a polite manner, "Sure, sir. Light, Medium, Dark, Lethargic?"

"Hahahaha! More choices!"

"He really looks very pitiful. Hahahahaa!"

"Oh no! Hahahhaha! Now I understand why middle-class people hate choices. Hahahaha!"

"I too hate these choices. Just listening to these various things makes my whole head hurt."

Om breathed in anxiously a few times and shouted, "Just give coffee….. And then he ran away," Om said emotionally, "And never came back."

"What do you expect? Hahahahaha!"


"Hahahahahahahah! I can't stop! Save me! Hahahahaha! Save me!"

"He really ran away! Hahahahahha! Such a pitiful guy! Hahahahaha!'





And so on, Om's performance went on for a while and the audience also had to suffer from Om's 'torture' for the time being. Their whole faces, jaws, stomach, lungs, pancreas…wait! No. Not pancreas. In a nutcase, their whole bodies hurt when they tried to do something. Many people even had their whole face wet from tears. This was the magic of stand-up comedy by Kenny Sebastian.

Yes. What Om performed today was something that Kenny Sebastian had performed in his previous world. And you would be asking, who is this Kenny guy? Then I would have to tell you, he is also a legend of the stand-up comedy world. Most of his videos have got millions of views. And this is why Om chose to perform one of his performances and win the hearts of the people by it. And seeing the reactions from the audience, Om knew that his decision was correct.