A Letter Of Apology


Yes. There is no excuse I want to give because I know that it won't matter. I have already done a terrible mistake of disappearing without even saying a thing and I sincerely apologize for that. But still for those who are curious about why I stopped all of a sudden, then I can only say one word; Pressure!

Yes, pressure. The exams pressure as well as the pressure of presenting my work to you, readers. Last time I took a break from writing for about a month was also for the examinations. And After that, I continued writing. But, after the results came, which were pretty bad, I had to focus more and more on studies. Although my parents do allow me to write in my free time, but they don't want this to become a hindrance to my studies. So, to please them, I had to act like I was studying so they don't stop me from writing. But, again, this idea terribly failed. So, I decided to take a little break and actually study as my session is about to end and final examinations are getting closer.

And as I said, the second reason is that I realized that there were many problems with my novel and its characters. At first, I thought that I will just continuously write and no one would care. But again. I was proved wrong. Many readers such as #TheMDmaster11, #DarkYok, and especially #HeartFlame, pointed out my mistakes(with good intentions) and the places where I lacked. I even had a little chat in the comments of the review of #HeartFlame where he told me about some things that my novel lacks. I contemplated those things and a realization dawned upon me. I was wrong. The way I was writing, was wrong. And as I realized this, I was feeling very embarrassed. As a reader myself, I understand what these mistakes meant. So, I immediately started working on my problems. But as I went on with it, I realized that there were many things that I had not noticed earlier. So many things that I made myself look like a fool in many places in the novel.

So, my work increased. I started thinking about various things at the same time and understood that this was not going to finish up soon. At first, I was going to take a break until the 10th of December, but the lack of preparations for my exams and preparing somethings for the novel delayed it a little more. Now, I decided that I will start publishing the chapters once more from the 1st of January. I know, I know it is a long time and I am really very sorry, but please bear it with me and look forward to the new ways I am going to change my novel.

Well, that's it. If you have read till here, then once again, I am sorry and thanks for being such a wonderful reader. And at last, Thanks #SFSAuthorkun, I will be publishing more chapters soon enough. And yes, you don't have to give me power stones now. It would be useless to me right now.