Another Upgrade

"You're a Virgin?!" Vaun was shocked at hearing the woman on top of him that she was a Virgin.

He was really astounded at the woman on top of him because she really wants to have s*x with him. She said that it was the only way for the effects of the aphrodisiac to lift off.

Vaun knows that being pure is kept for their love one and they should treasure their virginity because you can only give it once to that someone. Vaun was really infuriated at himself he just asked many questions and didn't even feel what the other party feels this really hurts his pride seeing a girl grimace in her fate.

"Do you really want to give your virginity to some no one like me? You didn't even know me and you want to give your once in a lifetime purity?" Vaun asked in a sincere tone and wore an ugly expression because he really felt like this beautiful woman on top of him is really desperate in wanting to give her purity to him.

"I... I really need to. That's the only way I can live." The woman on top of Vaun shyly lower her head because she was shy at hearing Vaun's sincere tone and seeing his grimaced face, it only meant one thing to her, that Vaun was really worried to her purity. It touched the woman's heart but the woman was having feelings as well.

'Is it because of the aphrodisiac that's why I'm feeling like this?' The woman didn't really know what she felt to Vaun right now but she feels that she fell in love in this handsome young man below her who was sincere at her.

"Are there really no other way?" Vaun asked again and was really worried about her.

The woman shyly look at Vaun's eyes and saw that he was worried about her. This really touch the woman's heart so she shake her head saying that there is no other way.

Vaun saw the woman on top of him shaking her head saying that there really is no other way.

'Looks like that I really need to do it.' Vaun contemplated but was suddenly surprised because of his system.

"Upgrade success! Missions are now available."

"First Mission: The host must need to have s*x with the woman on top of him."

"Reward: The host will be completely cured from his phobia and will unlocked the bloodline section."

Vaun was shocked at the sudden revelation occurring right now. His system had just finished upgrading and it gives a mission from the start.

That's why the System was not answering him when he was calling to his system, it was upgrading.

When Vaun heard at what the system will give him if he had s*x at the woman on top of him, he suddenly scooped up all of his courage to prepare to what's gonna happen.

Vaun look at the woman and said:"Okay let's do it. I will do my best to please someone as beautiful as you." Vaun said in a charming tone that makes the woman really red.

"I am inexperience so I hope that you will be not disa... Hmp" When Vaun was talking he was suddenly get kissed by the woman and felt that something was twisting his tongue. Vaun was really surprised at the woman's tongue movements and it seems like she already experience in kissing.

The woman let go of Vaun's tongue and said shyly:"It's... It's my first kiss so I... I'm sorry if I did something not to your liking." The woman only lowered her head and was really red to her neck.

Vaun was surprised at the woman saying that it was her first time kissing but it felt like that she was experienced at it. Vaun look at the woman and saw his beautiful and cute demeanor at the same time. When Vaun saw the woman shyly lowering her head, he then was shy and was red like she was boiling. Vaun felt like being knew because this was his first time feeling like this, looking at woman closely, having physical contact, all was new to him.

'So this is what if feels like to be a normal huh?' Vaun thought.

Vaun shyly said:"Ca... Can you please not paralyze me. I promise I will not do anything that you will hate like running away." The woman look at Vaun and was stunned seeing Vaun's cute demeanor.

The woman circulate her origin qi and place her forefinger on Vaun's head.

Vaun suddenly felt a surged of Qi and was really surprised at the new feeling.

'This... This is Qi! It felt like holy or something like a saint.' Vaun thought and was enjoying the feeling that he felt on his head slowly spreading on his.

"You... Can move now." The woman shyly said.

"I... I can really move! Hahaha" Vaun laughed and suddenly hugged the woman and said:"Thank you!" Vaun suddenly felt something soft touching his chest. He look again at the woman and was about to say sorry but only saw the woman looking at him like she was longing for him. Vaun slowly get his face close to the woman and kissed her. Vaun was twisting his tongue and the woman was moaning loudly at Vaun's french kissing. Vaun knows what french kissing is, after he sometimes watch movies back in earth and they do that thing sometimes.

The woman didn't resist at all and was enjoying the new sensation she felt.

Vaun let go of the woman tongue and said:"Are you ready?" Hearing Vaun asked her, the woman only nodded.

Vaun adjusted himself and slowly and put his dragon in her soft spot.

The woman grunted a little and blood started to seep out at her lower body.

'She really is a Virgin!' Vaun thought and really felt blessed. Having your first time taken by a beautiful woman and even taken her first time too, he really felt blessed and not feeling any fear or anything.

"Are... Are you okay?" Vaun asked in a worried tone. The woman looked at Vaun with teary eyes and nodded.

"I will move now." Vaun started moving his hips up and down an the woman was moaning loudly.


Each thrust was loud that people may hear but they didn't care about that, they only enjoy their moment of being one. The woman suddenly felt a cool sensation entering her abdomen. Her eyes shone and suddenly exclaimed:"You... You have the Pure Yang Body!" Vaun was surprised at the woman and said:"What's a Pure Yang Body?"

The woman was stunned at Vaun and explained:"Pure Yang Body are the type of bodies to be bless by Yang Qi and they are most suitable for dual cultivation for strengthening each other through..." The woman shyly lowered her head and said:"S*x."

Vaun was surprised at the woman and stroked her head and didn't talk, he just only stroke the woman's head like she was a child. The woman felt warmth when Vaun was stroking her head and looked at Vaun with teary eyes and hug him.

Vaun was astounded at the woman and suddenly thought:"Is she still affected by the aphrodisiac?"

Vaun was about to say something but heard his system in his head instead.

"Ding... congratulations for completing the first mission."

"Ding... host phobia is already cured and can normally interact with girls again.

"Ding... you have been given a huge reward because you have s*x with someone with a higher cultivation you have been given a bloodline that is not from this world."

"Ding... congratulations! Bloodline Section has been unlocked and has been given the bloodline of the Ancient Holy Angel."

Vaun was astounded at his system and suddenly exclaimed:"What!?"