No one will go Against the Law!

Vaun looked at Diana with his mesmerizing eyes and said: "Hey! Do you really do not want to stop this things?"

Diana did not respond at Vaun and only looked at him angrily.

Vaun only shrugged his shoulder: "Okay. I warned you already."

Hearing what Vaun had said, Diana only smirked at him like he was already a dead man.

Pointing the gun towards the eight incoming swords, Vaun was still smiling like he was really thrilled.

'Well… Time to kick smack some ass.'

The gun in Vaun's hand started to make a buzzing sound.

Everyone looked at where the sound is coming from and saw Vaun's hands was being engulfed by a blue dazzling light. They were flabbergasted at what they are seeing right now. A man can create such dazzling blue light and it seems pure at that. What does it mean? It means that Vaun has a Pure Yang Body that produces pure qi and is suitable for dual cultivation.

Many woman in this world desire a man with a Pure Yang Body because having a Pure Yang Body can give tremendous boost in their cultivation. Pure Yang Body was hard to find in these world because of the lack in Yang Qi. Now that Vaun, a handsome young man standing right in front of them was about to fight their elder. Thinking about the possibility that Vaun might die, they all thought it will be a waste if someone like him is going to die so they all hurriedly stop Diana.

"Elder! Stop what you're doing!"

"Elder! Don't kill him! He has a Pure Yang Body!"


"Elder Diana!"

Many people started to shout at the top of their lungs because Diana was up in the air and she might not hear what they said.

Diana was surprised when she heard that Vaun has a Pure Yang Body. She wants to stop the eight swords coming towards Vaun, but she still cannot control it to its fullest.

Hearing what they said, Vaun started to sweat profusely. If this girls are really sure that he has a Pure Yang Body, then that means he will become a pleasure servicer for women.

Thinking about it, Vaun was fantasizing about him having a harem with beautiful women.

'Aye. It will be good if polygamy is okay here so that I can have many wives.'

Vaun's dream was after all having many woman beside him. He was a neet who watches anime and his most favorite genres are harem and ecchi.

With a sigh, Vaun looked again towards the eight swords that started to shake. He was puzzled about what is happening. Using his eyes infused with qi, he saw that the qi in the swords were not stabilize.

'Is she trying to stop the swords from approaching me? If what I think is true, then I need to stop acting like a rabbit so she doesn't need to worry about me getting to be killed.'

Vaun looked up at Diana who was in the air and only smiled.

"Cultivation released."

With that said, Vaun started to rose up in the air while pointing his gun towards the eight incoming swords. His aura was majestic and overbearing that he was the king of all.

Everyone again including Fei Fei, Lin Chen, Valeria, and all of the girls who was watching this scene was shock to the core. They only looked at Vaun while their jaws was about to drop on the floor.

A woman pointed at Vaun at said: "He… He's flying? He is goddamn flying!"

When they all heard what the woman had said, chaos had already begun.

"That… That's impossible! Someone as young like him cannot fly! Only Half-Step Martial Cultivators can fly." A woman said with a shock expression.

"No. Looked closely. The way he rose up in the air is stabilize and only Martial Saint Cultivators can fly with that stability." The woman said with an awe expression.

Hearing what the woman had said, they were shock again and almost fainted. They all know that Vaun was not even past 16 years old and he is already a Martial Saint powerhouse. How inconceivable was that?

Diana was the most surprised of them all because she suddenly felt Vaun calm and majestic aura. She didn't thought that the young man in front of him was already someone who is on par with her. She was so shock that she even forgot about the incoming eight swords.

Seeing their shock faces, Vaun cannot help but smile.

Vaun drew in a cold breath and was going to amplify his voice.

When all of them was so shock about the revelation, they heard Vaun's calm voice the permeated to the air.

"No one will go Against the Law!!!"


With a bang, Vaun fired the charge shot towards the incoming eight swords. The blue light the Vaun fired blow away the incoming eight swords.


The loud sang rang through the air the even beast was startled and scared.

All of the woman in the sect including Fei Fei and the others was suddenly terrified about its destructible prowess. They felt that all their legs have become weak and it started to shake uncontrollably.


One of the woman was scared shitless and suddenly fall down to her knees like she was a fragile jelly. All of them was flabbergasted at what is happening right now. Their Elder Diana, her strongest technique was destroyed by Vaun. It was really inconceivable because men were inferior to women in this world but how about Vaun? He was young, handsome, and of course strong at that.

They all looked at Vaun and they felt that they are about to pee. Clutching their legs as they looked at Vaun's handsome, perfect body, they cannot help but wet themselves because they were totally aroused.

Vaun on the other hand was looking at Diana who was about to get hit by the blue light that he shot out.

'Why is she not moving? Is she already tired?'

Vaun frowned and looked at Diana again closely. He saw that Diana was breathing heavily as her big chest started to shake because of her heavy breathing.

When Vaun was thinking about what is happening to her, he suddenly heard Fei Fei shouting: "Elder Diana! Get out of there right now!"

Vaun looked towards Fei Fei's direction and was suddenly stunned for a bit.

'Don't tell me, she really give it her all when she use that skill? If that's what it is, then she will die if she cannot dodge or block my attack!'

Without thinking about it further, Vaun suddenly use the float like a butterfly, sting like a bee to move faster that the blue light so he can saved Diana. He didn't want to use this technique of his just to kill her, because he created this skill that was meant for justice. He does not hate Diana because she was only doing the right thing and that is to protect. That's why, Vaun did not hate Diana when she attack him with her skill because she was only trying to protect the sect. After all, in this world, men who are stronger that women was demons because of their technique to disguise as human and the demons most favorite are women because of their dense yin qi.

Diana was scared of Vaun's attack. She tried to descend but was suddenly cannot move from the air.

'Why I still can't handle the backlash of this skill? Looks like I was not destined for this technique.'

She was breathing heavily because she tried to move from her position but cannot. It looks like that she was restrained by someone or because of the backlash of this skill the she used.

Looking again towards the blue light, she closed her eyes as she accept her death. She was in total despair because she didn't thought that someone like him was so strong. She just mess with the wrong guy.

However a calm voice suddenly pierce the shell that engulfed her heart with despair and helplessness: "Let me take care of this."

When she heard the calm voice, she slowly open her eyes and saw Vaun's back. She was shock at first and was about to say something to Vaun but only heard him saying: "On a path to take it all away, there can be no better way of knowing in a world beyond controlling."

She again looked at Vaun with a shock face, why did Vaun said this to her?

As she was thinking about it she saw Vaun lifting his hand. From looking closely, she saw that Vaun was wearing a gloves that has a mark of the dragon in it.

'What is he doing? Is he trying to block that attack with that gloves his wearing?'

Diana was so puzzled about what is happening to him. She already calm herself down but she still didn't know why. But deep inside in her heart, was a tiny piece of Vaun that will continue to grow if she will see him always.

When Vaun reassured her that she will be safe, she totally believed him. She didn't not think about it any further, she just straightly believe in him.

Vaun glance at Diana and saw her puzzled expression. He cannot help but let out a chuckle because the cold beauty that was about to kill him, looked like an idiot right now.

Looking again closely at his attack that was slowly approaching, he put his hands in front and amplify his voice so anyone can hear him: "I am Indestructible."

Putting up his hands in front, the gloves in his hand was about to clash against the blue gigantic light.

Seeing this scene, all of the women cannot help but panicked.

"Be careful!"

"Get out of there!"



Many women were shouting at the top of their lungs when they saw Vaun was prepared to take his own attack just to protect Diana. This touch their hearts thoroughly and they all fell in love with Vaun.

Fei Fei, Valeria, Lin Chen, and the other two was looking at Vaun with a red face.

Hearing what they said, Vaun was touch because he didn't think that they will care about him.

'Looks like the women in this world is not that unreasonable.'

With a smile on his face, Vaun directly clash against in his own attack.


Loud sounds can be heard throughout the heavens.

"I'll have you know that I will become indestructible!"

With a flick of his hands, a vacuum suddenly appeared in his palms that totally absorbs the blue light.


His hands was shaking as he tried to fully absorb the blue light. However Vaun suddenly was sent flying away because of the impact from the remaining Heaven and Earth energy that scattered.


"Ding… +9800 body experience points."

"Ding… physical body state has 6th level Half-Step Martial Saint."

"Ding… received heaven and earth energy. 2000 points will be transferred to REB."


Vaun spat out a mouthful of blood as he hit the ground. Holding in his stomach, he felt like it was being drilled but suddenly disappeared.

'This system of mine really saves my life. Just a small amount of heaven and energy and it hurts like fuck*ng hell!'

Remembering what his system had said to him, he was really grateful for not absorbing the heaven and earth energy of the Martial World.

Wiping the remaining blood on his mouth as he get up, he heard a voice that was full of worry: "Vaun! Are you okay?"

Looking towards the source of the voice, he saw six beautiful women rushing at him.

Seeing their worried faces Vaun cannot help but smile: "So Miss Fei Fei is worried about me?" Lifting up his eyebrows as he spoke jokingly to Fei Fei.

Hearing what Vaun had said, her face turned beet red: "Hmph! Who would be worried about you?"

Fei Fei only harrumphed at Vaun that made Lin Chen, Valeria, Shi Mei, and Reberta to laugh at her.

"Trying to deny when your face cannot."

"Ahahaha Senior Sis Fei Fei is so funny."

"Aya... Senior sis is shy?"

They were all laughing crazily to her like nothing happened before.

Vaun only chuckled and looked towards the middle aged woman.

"I won right? Miss Diana." Vaun was smiling resplendently because he was assured it was his victory. But he didn't know that each smile he gives, will make women fall in love with him.

Diana, with a red face only nodded her head as she was shy. She was single for her whole life as she hates the opposite s*x because of their maliciousness. However after encountering Vaun, she felt that not all of them are bad.

Seeing her nod her head, Vaun was instantly filled with joy.

The rebellion suddenly appeared in his hands that cause all of the women to be startled.

"Wha… What is he doing?"

"Is… Is he going to kill Elder Diana?"

"No! We can't let him do that!"

Fei Fei and the others was startled at Vaun. Diana even took a back step because she was scared.

However Vaun didn't pay attention to them and only said angrily: "Come out now! You fucking piece of sh*t that restrained Miss Diana from moving. Scram here for your daddy!" Vaun looked towards a huge boulder of rock and suddenly, a shadow appear above it.

Hearing what Vaun said, Diana also hurriedly looked over and saw a figure standing above the huge boulder rock.

All of them looked towards the boulder rock and cannot help but took a deep breath.