Darkness Purging Blades of the Azure Crimson

"Sword Art Skill!"

As Vaun said these words, the disperse crimson and azure flames started to revolve around him like it was dancing while he is in the center.

They were mesmerize by the azure and crimson flames that was revolving around Vaun. They cannot help but stare dumbfounded at his control over his concepts.

They saw Vaun looked at them with that send them the chills because, they saw his right eye was color red while the left is blue. They don't know what is happening to Vaun right now.

"His... His eyes... Is it one of the Gods Eye? I don't know anything about the eyes that turns red and blue. Just what is happening to his eyes?" The beautiful woman who was watching was dumbfounded at what is happening right now. First was Vaun's age that deals a huge shock to her, second is her earth armament that was asleep because of Vaun's terrifying intent and now the third was she saw his superb control over his concepts.

Does this mean that he reach the peak of his concepts? By only reaching the peak then you can have a superb control of your concepts.

Vaun was only calm about what is happening right now. It was already calculated by him about what to do.

'Now that the two flames surrounding had already started to revolve around me, I should now warn them to step back.' Thought Vaun.

He looked at them and said loudly: "Hey! All of you! Take a step back if you don't want to get hurt."

When they heard his voice, they didn't dare to say anything as they only scram to the other side were his flames will not be able to reach them.

The beautiful woman only snort but didn't dare to say a word to him. After seeing his monstrous control over his concept, she don't dare to talk to Vaun again. Only someone who can go against the heaven or the son heaven can control the concepts to a terrifying degree.

He is only fifteen years old? How can he control his concepts and release its terrifying prowess?

She remove the thought of bringing Vaun to her sword pavilion after seeing his absolute dominance in controlling concepts. The Sword Pavilion might not contain someone like him who will only grow in the future who will be able to ascend the heavens.

Seeing them walk away, Vaun heave a sigh of relief as he can now unleash the true skill.

"Miss! Thanks for the sword by the way! Here catch!" Vaun throw the sword to the beautiful woman.

When Vaun throw the twin swords to her direction, it azure crimson flames have already banish when it leaves his hands.

She catch the sword flustered as she wants to say a something but no words are coming out. She wants to say to him that he can still use her swords but she don't know why she can't say anything to him.

Am I feeling that I am inferior to him?

This thought came into her mind. She wants to deny it but she can't after seeing Vaun's talent. He might be able to become an existence that she cannot reach. He is young, handsome, talented and kind to her close ones. This traits are one of his most fatal features in making woman fall in love with him.

She shook her head as she watch Vaun with complex emotions. She looked at him closely as she wants to unveil his secrets in becoming so powerful.

Vaun was concentrating on the Azure Crimson flame that was revolving around him, slowly shrinking as it was getting close to his whole body.

Vaun release a smile as he use his aura to shove of the flames that is slowly approaching his whole body.

Seeing the terrifying azure crimson flames that was slowly shrinking around him, they cannot help but worry. They might be harmless as they only encircling him slowly, not having any abstruse feeling from it. The more it was getting smaller, the more they are worried.

The beautiful woman cannot stand it anymore as she shouted at him: "What are you doing!? Do you want to die!?" She urged him to do something to the azure crimson flame that was about to engulf him alive.

She wants to hear his response, but it was only silence for him. Biting her lips, she didn't hesitate to brandish her swords attacking the azure crimson flames from a distance.

However before it could reach the azure crimson flames, a huge terrifying gale suddenly knock back her attack and they heard his cool calm voice.

"Darkness Purging Blades of the Azure Crimson."

The azure crimson flames suddenly surged, whipping her entire attack like a sword negating it. The Azure Crimson flames creates a wave of terrifying cold and hot qi as they cannot help but ran backwards while the other half-step martial saints decided to fly, leaving the ground where the azure crimson flames will not be able to reach them.

They cannot help but watch Vaun in mouths agape as they cannot believe this sudden explosive prowess of the Azure Crimson flames.

What the f*ck is that? We didn't know any techniques like that?

This thought came into their minds as they view Vaun again to a terrifying degree.

Peerless Prominence Martial Artist.

This was the words that came into their minds as they were surprise at Vaun's skills.

Vaun looked at them whose mouths are wide agape as he cannot help but be confused.

'What is going on with them?'

He was about to move from his position when he suddenly felt a huge wave power through his body.

"Mission Complete! Host has Received 35000 body exp points."

"Ding... Physical Body State has reached 1st Level Martial Saint."

"Darkness Purging Blades of the Azure Crimson is now recorded in the Sword Art Status."

When Vaun heard his system,

He only shrugged his shoulder as he looks up. He saw the black clouds making a thunderous sound and different colors of lightning sparks are appearing.

He was about to talk when his system suddenly warned.

"Warning Lightning Tribulation has appeared."

"Does host wants to do Risk and Reward?"

When Vaun heard the word "Risk and Reward", he was confused.

"System. Is this a mission?" Vaun asked.

"The Risk and Rewards. Just like it said, host will Risk his life for a Reward." The system stop and continues: "If the Host die, host will receive and Exp penalty in level and decrease your level by 5 and the time of revival is one day in your world."

Vaun was stunned rooted at what he just heard.

Die? Exp Penalty? Re-spawn in my world with one day estimation? This is too absurd? No?

This thought came to his mind as he was imagining what is going to happen to him.

He already experience dying so he was not scared about it anymore but as for the penalty of Exp, he was worried as he clutch his chest feeling hurt.


Vaun swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he was nervous about the penalty of exp. He ponders for a moment before talking: "So, what is the Reward in facing the lightning tribulation?" If the Risk are so great, then the Rewards must be too.

"Light Concept and Dark Concept."

"Lightning Concept will receive 2000 exp points."

"Physical Body State will Receive 52800."

"REB will receive a 300000 exp points."

When Vaun heard the rewards, he cannot help but swallow a huge saliva again as he was so tempted. This rewards will make it easy for him in comprehending some concepts. The most he was surprised about was the Light Concept and Dark concept. He didn't know that this two concepts exist in this world. It really just like in a game with different elements.

"I'll take the challenge!" The Rewards are so tempting that Vaun didn't dare to think about the Risk. The only thing in his mind right now are the Rewards of it.

"Lightning Tribulation commencing. Lighting Tribulation Strikes will be consist of 12 tribulation lightning stages. Each Strike will multiply by two times."

When Vaun heard the word two times, he was stunned and rooted on the spot while beads of sweat was appearing in his back.

Two time? Multiply by two times? This huge black clouds that was surrounding the whole Absolute North was a lightning strikes that will multiply two times?

When tribulation clouds always appear in the heads of those who will reach the Martial Conqueror stage. The lower the innate talent is, the smaller, the weaker strikes of the clouds. The first stage of tribulation lightning consist of one strike that will multiply by two. The second stage lightning tribulation will consist of two strikes, the third one has four strikes until to eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, and the ninth lightning tribulation has a one hundred twenty-eight strikes.

If the Vaun will receive the 12th stage lightning tribulation, he will receive a total strikes of one thousand twenty-four lightning strikes. This was the most unprecedented lightning tribulation that will happen in history of the Martial World. A 9th lightning tribulation still didn't appear in the history of cultivation and only the 6th lightning tribulation was the only most promising future of a cultivator.

They might not even survived the tribulation of the lightning strikes of the world. Some even died before reaching the stage of 7th stage lightning tribulation.

Vaun only looked up while inhaling a lot of air as he shouted: "BRING IT ON!"

When they heard Vaun, a thunderous sound suddenly flashed and a faint white lightning suddenly struck Vaun.


The first lightning tribulation has struck down Vaun making him howl in pain.

Even though Vaun already has the physical body state, he cannot help but howl in pain.

He felt that thousand of ants are biting his body to bits as he cannot help but grit his teeth. This was the most painful thing he receive in his life since he come into this world.

Vaun felt that the feeling was getting weaker and weaker until another huge wave pour down on him.


The second stage of lightning tribulation has struck him down making him only grit his teeth. Since he already receive the 1st stage, the second stage was not that painful, but still its stronger a little bit than the 1st stage.

They were all mouths agape when they saw the huge lightning striking down on Vaun. They already evacuate from a far and they only saw Vaun getting struck down by using a kind of artifact and different types of things to see Vaun in a distance.

"This young man is sure promising. That huge tribulation clouds that engulfs us was really for him. This phenomenon is to surreal and I will not believe such a thing will happen if I didn't see it with my own eyes. He gave us a surprise again don't you think senior sis Chen."Said by a woman dress in red with a slit that shows her delicate waist and her ponytail was swaying in the wind. Her dress has the emblem of the phoenix in it.

This woman was Xiao Rou and the one that she is talking to is Chen Chen of the heaven phoenix empire.

Chen Chen looked at her a bit before grumpily said: "Hmph! If only I can enter the state of comprehending as he did last time, then I can also attract something like that."Even though her voice was not that loud, someone still heard it as they cannot help but feeling shock again.

"What!? He... He once entered the State of Comprehending? Sh*t! Just how lucky can he be!?"

"So that's why he can attract a tribulation clouds like that. Only a monster like him who have all of the best qualities can stand atop the world."

"Shh! What are you saying? If the Martial Conrad is here, he will slap you to death you know!?"

The man instantly shut his mouth when he heard the word Martial God.

They started to discuss about Vaun again. They really don't know what to do anymore if they still should continue their expedition. But after this lightning clouds appeared, it will definitely atrract many powerful figures to investigate this phenomenon.

Vaun on the other hand already endure through the third stage and the fourth stage is about to struck down upon him.


The fourth stage has begun and it is more powerful than the three stages.

He close his eyes to not feel the pain as he started to shout some words: "This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill. Fifteen percent concentrated power of will. Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain and a hundred percent reason to remember the name."

He started to sung some words to ease his pain even for a bit. He could only grit his teeth and endure the lightning tribulation stages.

The Fifth stage...

The Sixth stage...

The Seventh stage...

The Eight Stage...

The Ninth Stage...

Vaun was enduring it all. By only persevering against all odds makes him indestructible.

The higher the stages, the more powerful and strikes he will receive.

When Vaun reach the Ninth Stage, a huge lightning tribulation in a shape of tortoise struck down on him making him howl in pain. He could only shout out loud to release his pain, making someone who hears it having a goosebumps.

Many people who is watching this scene from afar specially those powerful expert who have just arrived because of the sudden phenomenon started to look at Vaun in shock and astonishment.

An old man who is stroking his beard cannot help but nod his head: "Amazing. What sheer will! To be able to ascend the legendary tribulation of the Ninth Stage... He really makes one speechless!"

Many people also nodded and a beautiful girl was beside him and was pouting at him: "Grandfather! Are you really that amaze by him? If I reach the Martial Conqueror stage, I can create this phenomenon."

Hearing what the girl had said, the old man only laugh heartily as he stroke her head: "I know I know. Our Yan Yueji is the best in the sword pavilion. Hahaha you really are just like your mother when she was a child."

This beautiful woman was the one who Vaun borrowed the twin swords and her name is Yan Yueji.

Yan Yueji only harrumphed while looking elsewhere, not talking to her grandfather anymore.

The old man laughed wryly as he sigh.

"Old demon. It's been a long time eh!" When the old man was about to talk to Yan Yueji, he heard a familiar voice. He turn around and he saw an Old man who was wrinkles all over his face. His clothes was ordinary but base on the aura he is releasing, he is not someone you can joke about.

"Hehehe, if it isn't old man Changle. Just what is the reason you call for me?" The old man looked at him while snickering. He was haughty when he saw this familiar face.

"Hehehe. You really know me Old demon." Changle wore a serious face and said: "That young man over there, I need to bring him back home."

The old demon was stunned as he hurriedly said: "You too? Did your wife said to you too?"

Changle was shocked at what he just heard as he cannot help but asked: "Wait you too? My wife suddenly said to me to find a young man named Vaun and bring him back to her."

He looked towards Vaun directions and said: "I know that he is amazing but why should I be the one to looked after him and bring him back? I think I turned into a lowly ser..."

Before he could finish what he wants to say, a loud rumbling noise came from where is Vaun right now.

The Tenth tribulation lightning is about to start.