Roughneck Bears One - Part 5

Aidan pinned Juliette against the wall of his room. He lifted her until he could sit her legs solidly on his shoulders, and buried his face in her wet pussy. She called out the moment his tongue pressed against the nub of her clit. He covered her mouth with his hand, he'd strangle anyone who'd made a comment about hearing her screams of pleasure. It was best, he silenced them now before one of his crew got out of line. It didn't stop Aidan from groaning as she filled his mouth with her honey. The sweet, sticky blend of her body made him lust driven and cemented his thoughts on her. She was special, perfect. He had to have his fill of her tonight, but he'd have to let her go. He couldn't subject her to his rough life. It would be selfish. It would be downright heavenly to have her all his own.

Aidan thought it best not think about all he would gain with her in his life permanently. He threw his energy into this moment, into the way she squirmed against the wall as his thick tongue pushed inside of her tight pussy over and over again. She kissed his fingers, between muffled whimpers. She clenched his hair in her fist, and her nails dug into his scalp. The more he sucked and licked her, the more she trembled against the wall. Aidan was relentless. His tongue flickered rapidly against her clit and stiffened when he would thrust it into her wet pussy. He loved the taste of her and the way her creamy center grew sweeter under his insistence.

Aidan inhaled her deeply. She smelled so delicious that he wondered how he'd ever gone so long without her sweetness. Her thighs tightened around his face, pressing against his strong jawbones. She was so close; he could feel the quivering in her tight pussy. Aidan pushed his tongue as deep inside of her as it would go and Juliette erupted. She moaned heavily against his hand as her orgasm tore through her body. He held her firmly in place and continued to thrust his tongue into her until it seemed like the quivering subsided. When he finally pulled his mouth away, she dropped limply into his arms.

Aidan wasn't quite done. His cock had been throbbing since she'd entered his room unannounced earlier. He had to feel her wrapped around him, her silken sheath was critical at this point. He positioned her on the bed, on her hands and knees. He wanted her the way he'd seen her in her office. Juliette seemed too weak to hold herself up. Her arms were still trembling, and her legs weren't much better. Aidan was a bit out of it himself. He didn't have any words for what it was like to have her come so strongly for him. He wanted more, needed more of Juliette. He would take all she would offer tonight. Aidan discarded his sweatpants. He stroked his hard cock and tried to calm down enough to take his time with Juliette. He couldn't make any promises. His desperation for her enveloping his stiff cock grew by the minute.

He entered her in one fluid stroke and groaned from somewhere deep as her inner muscles contracted around him. She felt so good, so tight and welcoming and Aidan was fighting like hell to hold back. He had to start slow or else who would shoot off and end things way too quickly. Each stroke was deliberate as he learned the curving of her body. He pushed inside of her until she covered him to the hilt and Juliette moaned heavily. She clung to the sheets of his bed. Her back was in a perfect arch, and it only heightened the connection for them both. Aidan gripped her round ass with both hands. He gritted his teeth together and pulled her back to meet his powerful thrust. Before he could control himself, he was pounding inside of her hard and deep. He could feel her contracting around him. Every movement of her hidden core caused him, even more, pleasure. She tried to hold back her moans, her screams, but it was too no avail. Soon, it didn't matter that anyone would hear them. Aidan would flatten anyone who chanced to make her feel uncomfortable about spending the night in her bed. Tomorrow she could go back to being the bookkeeper, but tonight she belonged to him. He intended to please her as though that had always been true.

Aidan plunged deeper, and she called out his name. He silenced his bear, roaring inside of him. The beast insistences that she was his mate was getting harder to ignore. The way they felt together, the way her body wrapped around his was all proof that they did indeed belong to each other. Aidan didn't know if he would ever get her to understand that, but he had to try. It was clear to him now that no amount of denial would make it easy to release her.

His body started to tense, just as Juliette started to push back against him. Her backward flung hips met his forward thrust with the wildness of a woman in heat. He groaned, he held her tighter, as his climax filled his body. She was a split second before him in a wild eruption that shook them both. He released with the same intensity, rocking them until they were flat on the bed and unable to let each other go. As he placed his forehead in the center of her back, he knew he was in deeper than he'd ever been and there was no way out.

* * *

"How long are we going to keep pretending?" asked Juliette as she lay in the cradle of Aidan's arms.

"Pretending what?" he asked.

The question annoyed her. Aidan wasn't the oblivious type. He knew what she was asking him, and he'd just refrained from answering.

"How long are we going to pretend like I'm not spending every night in your bed?" she asked.

It had been five days since she showed up to his room wearing only her robe. It had been a bold move at the time, just as she intended. She'd wanted to do as little talking as possible when she got to him. She didn't want time to talk herself out of something she so badly wanted. It had been worth it then, and even more worth it now. The coming weekend was Aidan's, Liam's and Jacob's time ashore. They were going to use the time to talk to Andrew about the money. She was going too, and she didn't want to have to lie to Liam about what she was doing with his brother. Juliette was sure that most of the crew already knew, but she wanted an answer to give them if she was asked.

Aidan still hadn't given her one. Juliette tried not to let her frustration show. She knew it was a possibility that she and Aidan would sleep together, and nothing would come of it. It was why she'd initially decided against it. Now that they'd set a steady routine, it only further complicated matters for her. She didn't like sneaking into his room in the dead of night and out before anyone could notice. She didn't like waking up with his scent on her skin only to have him ignoring her most of the day. It was irresponsible on her part to have allowed herself to get so entangled in him, but she'd needed him. She still did.

"Just forget I asked," she said dryly.

Juliette rolled from Aidan's arms. She heard his frustrated exhale and ignored it. The guys would be up and moving in about an hour. She wanted to be showered and back in her room by then. Her workday didn't start until nine-thirty, and she could use the extra sleep. Her muscles ached all over from their strenuous lovemaking the night before. Juliette wished it hadn't been so good. It would be much easier to walk away from if it wasn't.

"Juliette, you know I can't make you any promises. It's too early to say anything is happening between us," said Aidan rationally.

Juliette knew he was right, but that didn't stop her feelings. Technically, they'd only been seeing each other five days and then they'd only been sleeping together. There wasn't anything to their arrangement but the sex. So why did she feel so bruised? It was probably due to her growing love for Aidan. She'd known that he was special to her before the sex, but then when she was in his bed, no one else existed. The way he touched her like she belonged to him and he never wanted to let her go, made it all so confusing for her. She was afraid that her emotions were getting wrapped around her orgasms or something like that. Except, it didn't feel that way. It felt like her emotions were finally getting a voice. She wanted Aidan to feel it too.

"You're right," she said as she pulled on her sleeping clothes.

Juliette brushed a hurried kiss across Aidan's lips. "Enjoy your day," she said softly as she headed for the door.

Aidan stopped her. He spun her around in his arms.

"Don't ever dismiss me like that again," he said. His voice was firm, but his eyes were gentle. It wasn't what Juliette wanted to hear. She stared into his eyes. Aidan always had so much control. Juliette didn't know what it would take for him to lose all control and fall in love with her, the way she was falling in love with him. Or if he ever would.

"I'll keep that in mind boss. In the meantime, I'd appreciate you letting me go. I don't want anyone to see me sneaking out of your room," she said coolly.

Aidan slowly let her go, and Juliette hurried out into the hall before the first tears could fall from her eyes. She'd known better than to get involved with anyone while here. She'd known that Aidan would be the riskiest of all, but now that he proved that he was far better at keeping his emotions in check than her, it was the time she let it go. They weren't anything, he didn't owe her anything, and no one would bring it up. It was as good a time as any to turn her back to this before her heart slipped even further into love.


He'd let his pride get the best of him. It was why he didn't pursue her when she'd left his room. In the back of his mind, they would discuss it later when she came over. Only Juliette never came back. Five days of having her every night followed by two days of barely seeing her were starting to take its toll. As they flew back to the shore, he stole a glance at her. She looked just as beautiful as she had the day she landed in his life. He wanted to say something to get her attention, but she wasn't interested in him. She didn't even look in his direction. He didn't need this shit right now. They would be on land for seven days, and he only had that time to convince Andrew to do the honorable thing. It wasn't going to be easy to concentrate on that when he had Juliette on the brain. His mood must have been clear because after a few minutes of trying to make small talk his brothers just stopped. Aidan didn't have much to say to them, and Juliette wasn't speaking either. This was a shit storm that he'd created. If he had never kissed her, he might have saved them all.

Aidan tried to connect with his bear, but the beast ignored him. It was angry. They'd discussed this and Juliette was the one. Then, Aidan ruined it because he wasn't ready to admit his feelings for her. Now, he may never get the chance. Aidan closed his eyes. He would try to sleep the rest of the trip home, but Juliette's scent teased him. It was hopeless unless he figured out how to address her, then he would lose his one true love and all that came with her.

Once they landed, Aidan took his time. Jordan and Liam exited first. Liam turned to help Juliette with her belts, and Aidan tossed him a look that spoke of a fight. Liam backed away with his hands up and a hardy smile. Jordan laughed as he and Liam walked ahead.