Roughneck Bears Two - Part 4

"Just give me a few minutes and I will be out of your hair," said Liam as he entered her home.

He filled the entry, and she looked up at him with a pure love that he didn't know how to deserve. He reached for her, and Ava walked into his embrace. Her warm body was easily welcomed, her heartbeat against his chest and matched the thump of his own. She was his, and he didn't want to lose her. It was his greatest fear that she would know everything about him and still leave. For now, he just wanted to pretend there was nothing to tell. All that was, he held in his arms with her head pressed against him. She was perfect and shouldn't have to make anyone jealous so that they understand her value. She never had to show him what he was missing, Liam already knew. He felt it whenever he was away from her.

Ava pulled away from his arms and looked back into his eyes. He knew she was searching for his reasons, and she wanted to know what was going on. He would have to tell her and give her the chance to process all of this all on her own. She reached for him, and he took her hand. Liam followed Ava into her small living room and took his seat on her sofa. She excused herself to dress more appropriately, and he tried to get together his thoughts. When Ava returned, she sat away from him. The pajamas covered her full form, and he wanted to touch her skin that rested beneath it. She was waiting for him to help her understand.

"I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have been so abrupt in how I stayed away," said Liam.

"If you didn't want me anymore…" Started Ava.

"I've never stopped wanting you and I never will. Don't believe that," Liam said.

Their eyes met, and he saw the hurt she was trying to hide. He stroked the side of her cheeks, and Ava turned her face until her mouth was against his palm. She kissed him tenderly.

"I've been selfish. I've held on to you because it is impossible for me to envision my life without you," said Liam.

"You say that like it's a bad thing. Did it ever occur to you Liam that I've gotten just as accustomed to having you in my life?" asked Ava.

"Yes, but you don't know the things that I know. There is more to me than the rig, and my brothers, and the life we've created," said Liam.

"What is it that you think will drive me away?" Asked Ava.

Liam stopped. He looked at her. He saw the determination in her eyes. Without even knowing what he was telling her, she was ready to prove that she could stand with him. It was something he'd been unprepared to see. She wanted to defend him and accept anything he had to say to her.

"I'm not just the man you see in front you. In fact, only half of me is. I'm a werebear Ava. My heritage means that part of me is human and the other part- the bear part is there too," he said as gently as he could have.

Ava's mouth dropped open. Her brows pushed together. Liam knew that she was trying to process everything that he was saying to her. It was a lot to take in, but it was true. There was no way that he could change the truth for her. It stood as it did and she would just have to be okay with it.

"So you're telling me that part of you isn't human?" Asked Ava.

"Yes. My family is part of a large werebear clan. As far back as we can tell, we've always been werebear. Most of the men I work with on the rig are werebears including my brothers Aidan and Jordan," said Liam.

The more he spoke, the more she seemed to withdraw into her thoughts. He was losing her. His bear whined within him as he tried to come to grips with the endless possibilities of this meeting. He'd given her the facts, and she had to do what she could to decide if it had a place in her life, but there was nothing more he could do.

"So does Juliette know?" Ava finally asked.

"Yes, Aidan told her when they were first starting to date," he responded.

"She never said anything to me," whispered Ava as she continued to take in the information.

"It was probably at Aidan's request. We have to be careful of who knows our heritage. Not everyone is understanding, and we don't need any questions about it," said Liam.

"I don't know what to do with this Liam. I don't know what to say about everything you are telling me," she whispered.

"I know, but now maybe you will understand why we can't be together. I love you, Ava. You are the only woman that I have ever loved. Yet, any life we would live together would mean that you would do so knowing that you are with a bear. Any children we have will be born human and later learn to shift, just like me," said Liam.

"So why did you stay so long if you knew this. Why did you let me fall in love with you?" asked Ava.

"Because you are my mate and I don't want to live without you by my side. I didn't want to take the chance that you would choose to leave," said Liam.

Silence surrounded them until finally Liam thought it best he just leave. She had all the information now, and she would make her decisions. He wanted her to choose him, but as he rose to leave he kissed her tenderly one last time.

Liam closed the door behind him but was clear that he was leaving his heart on the other side. There was nothing to do now, but to allow Ava some time.

* * *

Ava was fidgety as she waited for Juliette to arrive. She found that she had more questions now than she did a few days ago. After Liam's confession, she couldn't get it out of her head that he was part bear. It seemed so far-fetched and completely unlikely. She promised herself that she wouldn't make up her mind about what she felt until she talked to Juliette. Juliette was on time as usual, and the women greeted each other happily.

"I feel like I never see you anymore!" Exclaimed Juliette as she pulled Ava into a tight hug.

"I know. You decided to run off and get married, and now you just don't have time for me anymore," said Ava.

"Well, hopefully, we can change that soon. Aidan and I are starting a family, which would mean me spending more time on a land. The rig is no place to raise kids," Juliette said with a laugh.

"Yes, especially not half bear kids," said Ava not so subtlety.

Juliette stopped in her tracks. She looked at Ava with curiosity and a little bit of guilt. She swallowed hard.

"Okay. What do you know?" Asked Juliette.

"I know the man I love just confessed to me that he doesn't want to be with me because he doesn't believe I understand about his bear heritage," said Ava.

"The man you love?" Juliette asked.

Ava bit down on her bottom lip as Juliette slowly realized who she was talking about.

"Oh. My. God. You and Liam??? You and Liam!!!" She exclaimed so loudly that the couple next to them looked in their direction.

Ava giggled, and swiftly nodded her head in confirmation. "We've been seeing each other since that night at the bar, but it was never really anything. Then, when he came ashore, this time, he all but walked away. A couple of days ago, he finally told me why."

"You and Liam," repeated Juliette, "That is so crazy. I mean it explains a lot that you two have been seeing each other so long and that you would fall in love with him. He's great, but how did I not know this?"

"We weren't exclusive, and I didn't want to turn it into something it wasn't," said Ava.

"Well let me tell you that the fact you're still together after all this time, means that it is definitely something. The fact that he even told you that he's a werebear means he believes you are his mate," said Juliette matter of factly.

"He said something like that. What exactly does it mean to be his mate? Why didn't you tell me that Aidan was a bear?!!" asked Ava.

"Whoa one thing at a time. To be his mate is simple. Werebears partner for life, when the bear chooses his mate, it's just like having a soul mate. No one else will do. I didn't tell you about Aidan for the same reason Liam didn't tell you until now. I didn't think you would understand," said Juliette honestly.

"Am I so shallow?" Asked Ava. She was a little stunned that her friends would believe that she couldn't grasp the complexity of them.

"No. You're just a person rooted in what is real, and werebears feel like a myth. If Liam told you, it's because he is in love with you. His bear has chosen you and if you love him, trust me when I say it's worth being with him. Nothing changes about him, except sometimes he takes on the form of a bear. Which when wrestled against some of the guys you've dated, is the more accepting of secrets!" said Juliette.

Ava joined her in laughter, and the two spent the rest of the dinner talking about what it would be like to be married to brothers. It was presumptuous, Liam might never ask her. Either way, Ava made her decision. She didn't know what it would be like to see him as a bear, but she knew her heart longed for him. If she was indeed his mate, then he was feeling the same loss that she was feeling. She had to get back to him and soon. If she didn't have to spend another night without him, then she wouldn't.