MMA Bears Two - Part 5

Elizabeth looked puzzled. "This is fascinating, but who is the Cabal?"

"No one really knows. Pure bloods, shifters, maybe even something else, we're not sure. But they make a lot of money from the Tournament and it keeps their secretive organization alive. There's been a balance of sorts, agreements in place where the Cabal will only choose a champion from each clan. They will not interfere in clan business otherwise."

"Do you think they have broken that agreement?" Elizabeth asked.

"I do. Our dear friend Lorne paid the price for that. There was no other reason to pick him to fight than to undermine our clan. To make us appear toothless." The Elder stood up, looked out a window, and then spoke in a more hushed tone. "Bran, you have been chosen to fight as our champion. You are Lorne's replacement."

Bran looked both nervous and elated. "Really? Finally!"

"I would not be so quick to celebrate. I believe that the Cabal may be working with LoHawk. It has come to my attention that he put Lorne forward as champion at a secret meeting with the Cabal."

Bran stood up outraged. "Why!? LoHawk would only damage the clan."

The Elder sat down, wearily. "I believe he is so blinded by his hatred for non-shifters, that his anger towards me for allowing Lacey and her child here has turned him against us, more so than before."

"In the restaurant, that night," said Elizabeth. "He sounded like he thought he'd be the town Elder one day, and that that day wasn't too far in the future."

"Yes," said the Elder. "He's trying to remove opposition piece by piece. First Lorne, who was always open to others, and now you, Bran. He believes the current champion, Baagh, the one who showed Lorne no mercy and took delight in killing him, will do the same to you. That's why he's asked the Cabal to choose you as champion. Once you and a few others are gone, he'll move against me directly."

"I think we should pay him and his cronies a visit!" said Bran loudly.

"No, young one. With no direct evidence of his betrayal, we'd only create a martyr. Someone others who hate outsiders could rally to. Our only hope now is to defeat Baagh in the Tournament, I believe he is another agent of the Cabal. That will show our strength, that will make them think twice. Then we will deal with LoHawk when we gather enough proof of his guilt."

It was decided then. Bran was to face Baagh in the Tournament, a fight he'd been preparing for his entire life. When the Elder left, Elizabeth looked down at the cards in front of her, and then up at Bran. How she wanted to tell him that he should say no. How she wanted him to run away, to leave duty and honor behind. How she wanted him.

Bran looked silently at Elizabeth across the table. He could see the worry in her face, the look of fear in her eyes. "I'll be fine, Lizzie…" he said, unsure if he was reassuring Elizabeth or himself.

"I know…" But she didn't.

"This Baagh isn't going to know what hit him. I've always got something up my sleeve." At that, he pulled some cards from inside his sleeve.

"You cheat!" Elizabeth howled with laughter.

"They were just sitting there, honestly…"

They both laughed, but the reality of the situation again took over. "I want you to come with me," Bran said.

"Is that allowed?" asked Elizabeth.

"Most of the Cabal's representatives seem to be pure bloods. I'm a fighter, and I can have whoever I want in my corner. And let me tell you, there's no one I'd rather have there than you, Lizzie."

How Elizabeth ached to be with him, but all she could say was "yes, I'll be there". There was no doubt about that.

* * *

Elizabeth was nervous. It was rare for an outsider to be shown so much of the shifter world. Indeed, unless gambling at the Tournament – and you had to be a powerful elite to do even that – or a representative of the Cabal, most non-shifters were not allowed near the venue while the fight was taking place. The exception was those in the fighter's corner, and as no fighter had ever invited a pure blood into his corner, this issue had never arisen.

The venue was known as The Platform. To get there, Elizabeth, the Elder, and Bran had to travel for nearly ten hours on a flight to Scotland. Then, they took a long helicopter journey out across the North Sea to an oil platform; a huge sprawling drilling station which pumped oil up from the sea bed, below the ferocious waves.

Once they'd arrived, there was not much time to prepare. Bran, Elizabeth and the Elder were escorted through the industrial hallways of the oil platform, the walls lined with pipes and complex wiring. Finally, they reached their preparation area, a small room deep in the belly of the place.

Elizabeth was apprehensive, but trying desperately to keep her worry from Bran and the Elder.

The Elder gave some encouragement as Bran stripped down to his ceremonial gi. "I've watched this Baagh once before. Poor Lorne could not hit him as he was too quick. But you, young one, you are a talented fighter. I believe in you. Use your flexibility, your speed, do not flail, choose your strikes wisely. You're the only bear shifter who could catch a cat."

"A cat?" Elizabeth asked.

"Yes," Bran said. "This Baagh changes into a tiger, so while I'm bigger, he's faster and better with his claws."

"Bran, I've studied tigers in the wild!" Elizabeth said excited.

"No shit!" Bran said. Anything that'll help?"

"Yes, they have a weak spine. Don't bother going for the head or trying to flip it over, it's too fast for that. Strike it in the middle of the back if you can."

"I'll try, Elder?"

"Trust your instincts, and avenge poor Lorne, who I'm sure will be with you."

"Can I..." Bran looked at Elizabeth and then the Elder.

The Elder knew immediately what he wanted. "Of course, I'll give you both a moment alone."

When the Elder left, Bran put his hand out towards Elizabeth, who quickly held it.

"Bran... I don't know what to say..." Elizabeth looked down at her hand, now being caressed gently by Bran.

"Then let me try. After this, let's go for a bite to eat, then, if you're lucky, I might let you finish that physical examination." Bran smiled, and held Elizabeth tightly.

A gong rang out nearby, and as they parted Bran whispered into Elizabeth's ear. "I love you, Lizzie."

She didn't know what to say, she simply kissed him on the lips, possibly for the first and last time.

Elizabeth stood with the Elder, who told her to stay close as there were a few there who thought she didn't belong. The room was industrial in look. Steam emanated from pipes on the walls, the floor was a rusted metal, and yet still the Cabal and those betting watched from the sidelines in their suits being served expensive drinks, laughing, waiting for the brutality.

Suddenly they began chanting Baagh's name, the large room filled with their shouts. There he was, the shifter who'd shown Lorne no mercy. The shifter who had no doubt taken part in the Cabal and LoHawk's conspiracy somehow.

The same stout, balding man introduced the fighters, he joked about Swiftclaw hopefully putting up a "better effort" this time round. Bran's blood coursed with anger, how dare they disrespect Lorne's memory!

Then, the gong rang. It was time to fight. Baagh stood, lean, sinew, agile. He hopped up and down on the spot grinning across at Bran. Just as it had been with Lorne, Baagh struck first. He feigned a punch with his left, and then struck with his right battering Bran's jaw.

Bran felt his heart race. This was not training. Not anymore. This was life and death.

But he would wait, wait for the right moment.

Baagh threw a roundhouse kick, catching Bran on the side. The impact shifted up through his body as his insides shook violently.

But the time was still not right.

Now, Baagh taunted him. "I put down your old pal Lorne. He cried like a child! A coward!" Baagh suddenly transformed into his tiger form leaping towards Bran, who quickly ducked out of the way. Baagh rolled on the ground, quickly regaining his orientation, but angry at the miss.

He transformed to his wide grinning human self again. "So, you're a bit faster than you're old friend, doesn't matter, I'll enjoy tasting your flesh as I did his!"

Again, Baagh shifted to his tiger form, throwing a claw which pierced Bran's arm, causing two wide gashes.

The crowd cheered Baagh's name. Elizabeth screamed to the Elder "why won't he change into a bear!?" The Elder only put his arm around Elizabeth to comfort her in response, the truth was he didn't know.

Bran slowed his breathing, taking it in. The smell of blood, of sweat, a place where his father had fought before him. A place where he would truly show his strength in the memory of those gone.

Baagh snarled, slashing out once more, this time to Bran's thigh, which gushed blood. Bran stumbled, his face creased in pain.

Elizabeth couldn't bear to look, but she had to, she simply had to.

The crowd smelled blood, they expected Baagh to soon finish Bran. But Bran was thinking. As the tiger moved dangerously around him, circling, he saw in his mind a forest. Tranquil, peaceful, and in it the huge gentle shape of his friend Lorne, happy, content.

Baagh had toyed with Bran enough, it was time to go for the kill. He charged towards Bran as fast as he could, hissing loudly; but suddenly the world turned, Bran had been waiting for his moment, and now this was it. As the tiger charged, Bran sidestepped, transforming quickly into his powerful bear form. Baagh missed him, and in that moment, Bran brought his paw down on Baagh's back as hard as he could.

A loud snap rose above the cheering.

The room became silent, and Bran, now human once more, stood victorious over the broken body of Baagh, who whimpered terribly.

The gamblers began to beg for blood. They wanted Baagh dead for losing the fight, for losing them money.

A hush fell across the room as the gong rang. It was time for the Decision.

Bran looked to the crowd to see Elizabeth, shaking her head.

"In memory of the noble and great Lorne," Bran shouted out of breath. "I give you mercy."

The jeers were deafening, but Bran did not care. He limped across towards the person who mattered most to him. In the dim light, in the depths of the oil platform, he embraced Elizabeth and kissed her for the second time, one of many.

The flight took eleven hours this time, and Bran slept through it, partially sedated to ease the pain from his wounds. Elizabeth sat with him all night. When she'd first arrived in Swiftclaw she would have jumped at the chance to see shifter physiology heal first hand. Now, she just wanted him to be okay. She knew his wounds were superficial, but still, she just wanted him to recover.

Once home, the town of Swiftclaw sat in an eerie silence. It was the middle of the night, and the Elder helped Elizabeth put Bran to bed, where he fell asleep quickly.

"I'll give you both some privacy, but I'll be outside on the main street keeping an eye out, making sure LoHawk or his men don't take advantage of Bran's current state," said the Elder.

"What will happen now with LoHawk and the Cabal?" Elizabeth asked.

"Nothing, for now. I must gather proof of LoHawk's betrayal, and try to find out what the Cabal is doing meddling in clan affairs." The Elder turned to look at Elizabeth. "I fear dark times ahead for Swiftclaw, but with people like you in our midst, we have every chance of prevailing. Good night, Elizabeth."

The Elder walked out of the office. Elizabeth went upstairs to bed, but as she lay there looking up at the ceiling, her mind was a torrent. She felt a need to be near Bran, to feel him close. Walking quietly through the darkened apartment above her office, Elizabeth entered into Bran's room. There he was, spread eagle across a large double bed, snoring loudly. Elizabeth giggled to herself, lay herself next to him, and fell asleep in his arms as content as she'd ever been.

* * *

She awoke to a happy sight. Bran had recovered remarkably well from the previous night, and was lying next to her staring at her while caressing her face gently.

"Looks like you fell asleep in the wrong bed," Bran joked.

"No, Bran. It was the right one."

Elizabeth's heart raced as Bran leaned in and kissed her gently on the mouth. Their tongues slipped between each other, gently teasing and exploring. Elizabeth stretched her hand out, and felt Bran's chest. Firm muscle, and then below the ripples of abs. As they kissed and Elizabeth touched Bran's body, she could feel a stirring beneath. She wanted him, more than anything, she wanted him forever.

Bran let out a groan of satisfaction as his fingers ran down Elizabeth's back to her curves. He squeezed her firmly, and then moved his hand around to her thigh, before touching her pussy. She was wet, and as Bran caressed the lips of her pussy with his finger, he looked into her green eyes. The eyes he had fallen for the second he'd seen them.

Elizabeth smiled, biting her bottom lip with pleasure as Bran pushed his finger inside her pussy, gentle at first, then with increasing passion. Bran then began to kiss her neck lightly, softly, as he moved down to her large, firm breasts. Taking one of Elizabeth's nipples in his mouth, he teased it with his tongue rhythmically. Soon it was hard, and as Bran moved over to the other nipple, he pushed his finger deeper inside her. She let out a grown, digging her nails into his back.

He liked that. He liked to see her unleash that little bit of animal which was inside, which is inside all of us.

Licking down her body, Bran reached her wet pussy and sucked on her clit, while flicking it softly with his tongue. Elizabeth felt an orgasm building, it shuddered up through her body, and she let out a loud sigh of release. Bran now pushed his tongue inside her pussy, exploring inside as her juice dripped into his mouth. He reached up, massaging her breasts as enjoyed going down on her.

Elizabeth gazed down, looking into his golden eyes as he caressed the inside of her pussy with his tongue.

Now she was seeing the beast within, Bran stood up and lifted Elizabeth out of the bed. She faced away from him against the wall, peering over her shoulder expectantly at him. She bit her lip and pushed her ass out towards him. Bran smiled, and took his throbbing cock in his hand, gently pushing inside Elizabeth's pussy.

She could barely contain her pleasure. She let out a groan, and as she did Bran started moving in and out, slowly at first and then faster. He held her close to his body as he thrust, caressing her neck and face.

Elizabeth could feel it again, another orgasm building. Bran was powerful, but he seemed to know how and when to move. She'd been with some men who were never attentive, but Bran seemed entirely preoccupied with pleasing her – and that was definitely a good thing.

As she climaxed again, Bran lifted Elizabeth up, placing her back on the bed. Elizabeth lay there, her legs spread open for him, but before he took her again, she reached up and felt his hard cock, covered in her come. She moved up and down with her hand, loving the look of pleasure on his face.

And then he was inside her again. This time faster, more powerful. He lay on top of her as they kissed, their tongues now completely unimpeded, darting around each other's. Elizabeth could feel another orgasm coming on, this time more intense than the last. Bran pushed deeper, and Elizabeth screamed loudly.

"Oh my God, do you think the Elder can hear us?" she said laughing.

"I don't care, do you?"

And she didn't. But now it was time for her to take control. She wanted to please him so badly, as he'd pleased her.

"Lie on your back," Elizabeth said quietly.

He did, his cock hard and eager. Elizabeth now took his cock in her mouth moving up and down, teasing, sucking. She could taste herself, but she didn't care, if anything that turned her on more. As she moved up and down she prepared herself, watching Bran's reaction. Finally he groaned loudly, and at that she pulled his cock out of her mouth and let his come spray over her chest.

After Bran caught his breath he said smiling, "where did that come from?"

Elizabeth laughed. "Oh, us pure bloods have a few tricks up our sleeves ourselves as well."

They embraced, the morning light glinting through the window welcoming both of them to a new life.

Hours later, when they left to get some breakfast, both were surprised by the welcome they received. Residents from Swiftclaw came up to them in the street shaking both their hands. One even thanked Elizabeth. It seemed the Elder had spread the news that Elizabeth's knowledge had helped Bran to defeat Baagh.

They went to Well-Done. A place they would always fondly remember as their first date, even if they hadn't known it at the time. On that day, the owner of the restaurant gave them their meal for free.

"You'd think you'd just won a war!" Elizabeth said enthusiastically.

Bran grinned, "I did… We did." They kissed each other, and once more pure blood and shifter were one.