Chapter 2

"You're discarding your name?"

"Yup, it's not like you don't know about my past Xiulan. After all that name was given to me by the clan and not my parents, so I don't have any special feelings towards it."

Just like he said, the name Ye Shi was not given to him by his parents. By the time Ye Shi was born his father had already died from an incurable illness, and his mother also passed away soon after she gave birth to him. So the name Ye Shi was given to him by the same clan who just kicked him out.

Walking out of the clan the 13 year old boy who was kicked out of the Ye Clan and discarded his name, began conversing with a woman whom in the whole world only he could talk to and hear.

"Oh, so what name are you going to use from now on?"

"Bailong. Tiansheng Bailong."

"Heavenly White Dragon? Isn't that name too arrogant even for you? Even if I don't point out how you haven't yet become a Dragon, you haven't even broken past the Body Tempering stage, so regardless of who you say your name to, all you'll recieve in return is mocking."

Despite knowing that what Xiulan said was true, Bailong shook his head and smiled even more arrogantly, "If I truly cared about others mocking me, I would've broken into the Qi Point Refining stage many years back so that I wouldn't get mocked. Also it won't be long before I begin absorbing the Primordial Yang Dragon Blood into my body, once I do that it'll finally be my time to soar into the sky."

Like that while conversing with Huang Xiulan who was living inside his heart, Tiansheng Bailong began walking towards the Beast mountain which was situated to the east of the Tianhu City.

Beast mountain was the common name by which those living in the Tianhu City called the mountain which was close to the city. The Beast Mountain was a vicious place which was not only infested with various Savage Beasts, but there was also a Rank 5 Savage Beast which known as the king of the Mountain.

As dangerous as the Beast mountain was, at the same time it was also a paradise and a place of income for cultivators. Despite how strong the Savage Beasts were, for strong enough cultivators the savage beasts were a source of earning resources by selling their cores, meat, and other parts. At the same time the mountain was also filled with Spiritual plants which could both be used individually or concocted into pills to consume and use to boost their cultivation.

Though the Savage beast cores cannot be used to directly boost a person's cultivation, they are used by Alchemists to concoct pills, Blacksmiths to make weapons, and Formation Masters to create formations. Similarly the beast meat was capable of slowly enhancing the physique of those who eat them.

Like this Savage Beasts and Spiritual Herbs had myriad of uses to both cultivators and ordinary humans alike.

Walking out of the city under the eyes of the crowd who would point at him and discuss with either pity or mockery, Bailong increased his pace and rushed into the Beast mountain. Entering the Beast mountain Bailong began running towards his destination.

Due to having spent so much of his time in the Beast mountain during the past few years, Bailong didn't need to stop to make sure his direction was correct, and went down the familiar path before he finally stopped in front of a cave deep within the mountain.

As Bailong got closer to the cave, the temperature around him began rising fastly, and by the time he was in front of the cave Bailong's whole body was covered in a mild perspiration formed due to the heat.

From the time Bailong entered the mountain he came across many Savage Beasts, however almost every single one of those beasts looked away and not one of them dared to look at him, much less attack him. This was the reason Bailong was capable of staying in such a deep location inside the mountain with his pitiful strength at the peak of Body Tempering stage.

Entering the cave Bailong immediately stripped naked without any hesitation and jumped into the pool of scalding hot water which was located at the deepest end of the cave. The pool of water was letting out smoke and was bubbling showing how hot the water truly was.

However, despite continously heating and turning into steam, the amount of the water in the pool didn't decrease a single inch and seemed to be always full. From above the pool one could notice that inside the deep end of the pool there was a red and blue color material which seemed to be the reason behind the mystery of the hot and undecreasing pool of water.

Having already been used to how mysterious the pool of water was, Bailong didn't pay it much attention and soon sat down in a lotus position more than 9 meters away from the beginning of the pool, less than a foot away from the read and blue material.