Boys' Night Out (NSFW)

The hot tub was hidden behind the bushes on the side of the main pool, in a more secluded area of the club. Brad and I were the only ones there in the bubbling hot water; Kyle was with Kaito and Lara, and Zayn had gone off somewhere else.

The ripples in the tub water reflected stripes of red and violet, and the palm trees in front of us were covered in dangling string lights. The crowds were still partying around the main pool area and near the bar, with Charli XCX's music being played on all the speakers.

Both Brad and I were submerged in the water, sitting on a step. The water covered both our chests, leaving most of our body underwater.

Feeling frisky, I gently placed my hand on his lap. Brad gave me a quirky smile and slowly inserted his hand into my swim trunks. His fingers found their way around my still soft dick and rubbed it. My hand also moved up his trunks and towards his crotch, feeling his already hard boner under the water.

Brad pulled me in for a wet kiss, our tongues feeling each other. Brad then used his other hand to play with my nipple, immediately making me harder than ever. I put one leg over his and proceeded to sit on his lap, facing him.

I looked down upon his adorable face and kissed him again, starting to rub my erection on his body through my swim trunks. Brad followed suit and grinded his hips, rubbing his member on my ass.

I eyed Brad's bulging muscles and began to touch them as well, feeling his hard, tan arms under my fingertips and palm.

"You like that, Ped?" He teased, flexing his arms in front of me.

"Your arms are so sexy," I gripped on his biceps.

"All thanks to the gym," He snickered. "And my utmost dedication."

I felt his gorgeous muscles harden under my grasp again, as he flexed his shoulder muscles this time.

"For a college professor you sure are fucking ripped." I muttered drunkenly.

"I'm new to being a professor, remember?" He laughed, touching the tip of my nose and making the sound 'boop'. "You silly dweeb."

"You're the silly dweeb, you…" I struggled to think of a right word. "…daddy,"

"Did you just call me daddy?" He grinned.

"Did I?" I chuckled, kissing his face again.

"Mm, then come to daddy," Brad held me by my waist as I admired his muscles again.

I moved down to touch his abs, which were hard as rocks. I traced them with my fingers and pushed down on his abdomen.

"You're making me so horny," He whispered in my ear.

"Oh yeah?" I grinded my butt on his erection, making him let out a small moan.

Brad gripped my boner again and started to stroke it, looking me straight in the eye.

I panted, feeling the pleasure of his strokes and the heat of the water, both making me lose my breath.

"I'm close…" I groaned.

Brad quickly stopped his handjob, and brought his hand onto my face.

"Can't have you ejaculating in the hot tub, hahahah!" He laughed.

Our faces were brought close together again as I felt his mouth slurping on my tongue.

"Mind if I join you two?" Kyle unexpectedly put his hand on my shoulder, startling both me and Brad.

The alcohol must've gotten into my head, because I just replied with a "sure" and let him.

Kyle put his arms around my chest from behind me and flicked both my nipples, then exploring my torso area with his hands. I started to breathe more heavily as I felt his and Brad's hands all over me. He then moved on to grope Brad's chest, dragging his hand from his chest to his abdomen.

"You two are so fit, oh my god…" Kyle muttered, now groping my butt and giving it a squeeze.

He then began to lick my neck, slightly humping me from behind as his hard-on was rubbed against my back.

I could already feel eyes on us.

Three guys touching each other in a hot tub must've brought in more attention than when it was just us two. But while that was not bothering me, another thing was.

My dick was literally going to explode after that edge, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Brad, let's go to the changing rooms for a moment." I panted.

"Sure." Brad replied.

"Aw, already going?" Kyle lamented. "Well, see you around guys."

The moment I entered the changing rooms I turned to Brad and kissed him again. I gestured to him to kneel in front of me.

I pulled down my trunks and gave my pumping cock a gentle tug.

Almost immediately a jet of semen was sprayed onto Brad's wet face, making me whimper with every shot. The semen was stuck on his beard and all over his eyes. Brad wiped some off his eyes and licked the cum.

"Ah, ah…" I whined, finally being able to release.

"Now get on your knees," Brad motioned with his hands.

I kneeled in front of him and watched intently as he pulled out his erection. I brought it close to my face and licked it along the underside of the shaft towards the glans, making him shiver.

"Fuck!" Without a warning, he shot a stream of cum straight into my throat, a salty flavor in my mouth. I enclosed my mouth around the head of his penis and caressed his tip with my tongue, allowing every load to be shot directly into my oral cavity.

"Oh fuck me!" Brad almost yelled, yanking me by my hair.

The changing room door suddenly opened, and Zayn entered.

"Oh…" He looked at us for a second and immediately turned away. "Um… have fun!"

Brad and I turned to each other, our mouths gaping open.

"Wow." We both said at the same time.


After the party ended and we all bid our farewells, Brad and I left to go back to his place.

Sitting on the Uber home, I looked out the window and saw the moon gracing us with its ethereal glow. I was suddenly reminded of Nathan.

"Brad," I turned to him.

"What is it?" He quickly replied. "Are you feeling sick? Do you want to vomit?"

"No, no, it's not that."

"Oh, so what is it?"

"Remember when I told you about that friend who experimented with me years ago? Well, he's my best friend right now."

"Oh, really?"

"And he just confessed to me the other day."

Brad paused for a moment, then asked, "What did you say then?"

"That I… I basically told him I liked him but I couldn't be with him because I was seeing you."

"Well, do you love him?"

"I do, as a friend. But he's my best friend, and I really don't want to hurt his feelings."

"So what do you want to do about it?"

"I… don't know. I'm confused."

Brad hugged me tightly.

"Emotions can be difficult Ped. But they cannot be ignored. You may want to talk to him about it, and maybe give him some space to get over you."

"Maybe…" I stared off into the distance, looking up at the dark night sky.