Glen (NSFW)

"What kind of porn do you usually watch?" I asked Glen.

"Um, well I like amateur porn over professional," He muttered with an awkward smile. "What were you… um… watching just now?"

I opened my laptop to show him the porn. In the video, a teacher was fucking his disobedient student for not turning in homework; the reason I was even watching it was because it reminded me of Brad and myself.

"You like older men?" Glen chuckled.

"Not per se," I replied. "But does this turn you on?"

"I don't know," Glen scratched the back of his head. "I mean, a lot of things turn me on."

"So wanna watch straight porn?" I suggested.

"Um, sure,"

I clicked away from the gay section of the porn website and scrolled down to look for anything interesting.

We soon decided on a video that featured a blonde woman receiving a massage from a man who was going to finger her. Straight porn didn't really excite me as much, but I could always focus on the male anyway.

"So um… shall we?" I asked, gripping my pants.

"Sure, haha." Glen bit his tongue.

I slipped off my pants to reveal my dick, which was miraculously hard again. Glen gulped and took his own cock out as well.

Glen had a cute cut cock that curved slightly upwards, with his head pink and his shaft cream beige. His expression looked so timid yet here he was exposing his cock out in the open to his roommate whom he had just met.

"We're really just doing this, huh?" He nervously laughed.

"If you're uncomfortable with it, we can always st-"

"No, I'm not." Glen interrupted. "Forget I said that."

I began to stroke my own hard-on while my eyes were on the naked man on the screen, occasionally stealing glances at Glen's nice dick. He became more comfortable as I masturbated and began to jerk himself off more naturally, with his posture less stiffened.

I looked over at Glen again.

His eyes were focused on the screen and his mouth was blowing slow hot breaths as he wrapped his hand around his shaft and tugged his dick up and down. Glen suddenly noticed that I was staring at him.

He gave me a little stare and moved closer to me.

"Can I?" He asked while his hand was creeping closer to my crotch.

I nodded.

Putting his hand on my dick, his eyes were glued onto it. He tugged my foreskin down to reveal my glans, and started to move his head down towards my cock.

To my surprise, he started sniffing my dick.

"Does it smell… bad?" I began to ponder.

"No…" Glen replied, much to my relief. "It smells like nothing actually."

A 'straight' guy was literally smelling my cock for no other reason than curiosity. Funny how life worked, huh?

"Do u have a boyfriend?" Glen questioned, his face still in front of my cock.


He stiffened.

"Wait so is this okay?" His expression became more serious.

"No, no, he doesn't mind. It's fine." I said.

"Okay then…" His face moved closer towards my cock. "Can I...?"

I nodded silently.

He opened his mouth and stuffed my erection into his warm and wet mouth.

"Watch the teeth." I cautioned and leaned back, feeling Glen's mouth enclosed around my hard-on as he frantically moved his head up and down. His teeth gently grazed the side of my erection, his mouth sucking practically like a vacuum.

For someone who didn't seem like he had a sucked a dick before, he was taking really good care of my package.

Glen bobbed his head and tried to go as deep as he could, but before he could reach the base he stopped and made a gag sound.

"You alright?" That felt really nice, to be honest.

Glen moved his head up away from my penis, saliva dripping down his chin as he continued to gaze at my crotch. Using his right hand, he started to jack me off and with his mouth he nibbled along the length to my tip.

"No homo, huh?" I joked.

"Orgh!" He made a sound, my cock stuffed in his mouth.

I put my hands on his head and gently pushed him downwards on my cock, my length going deeper inch by inch.

"Come on, go a bit further." I encouraged, slightly pushing my hips upwards.

He gurgled and attempted to suck deeper.

"Mm, good. Deeper."

I deepthroated Glen and with a bit more force, pushed his face down. It was the first day we had met each other and now he already had my seven-inch wand down his throat like a slut. I imagined if he sucked me off every day, and I could then teach him how to give better blowjobs and he would practice on me. I wouldn't have to masturbate by myself anymore when I wasn't with Brad. I could just come back to my dorm after a long day and release my load into Glen's open mouth.

Within no time, I felt a burst of cum surging from the base of my cock.

"Hey, Glen." I called. "I'm already close."

A phone started to frantically buzz all of a sudden. The both of us looked over towards the table to see that it was mine that was ringing. Brad, who I had saved on my phone as 'Hubby' with a heart emoji, was calling me.

"Wait!" Glen probably recognized the picture of Brad that I had set. "Is that our English professor calling you?"


"Um…" I had no idea what to say. Frantically, I ended the call.

"Wait a minute. Hubby?" Glen looked extremely surprised. "Wait! Don't tell me... that you... your boyfriend..."

There was no way I could deny it like this.

Glen looked like he was still processing what he had just seen, trying to put two and two together.

"You're fucking our professor?"

"Um, we are… just..." I tried to explain. "It's nothing serious and I-"

"No, no, it's alright. I won't tell anyone." He said.


"No wonder you were watching that teacher and student porn, you have a thing for professors!" Glen laughed. "And you're literally dating one right now. I mean, damn. That's kinda cool!"

I nervously laughed, still unsure what to say.

"I'm not one to snitch, hahah." Glen smiled. "Your secret's safe with me. I mean, you trust me enough to let me suck you, right?"

"Yeah... and thanks?"

Now my boner had died down and I wasn't even horny anymore. Great.

I put on my pants again.

Glen smiled at me and walked towards the washroom to clean himself.

Wait until Brad hears about this, I thought.