Karaoke Room

Alex's group was near the Karaoke place Sayaka wanted to go to, but before they were able to reach the place the group saw a familiar face. Beautiful silver hair flowing down her waist, an elegant demeanor, a body that could make any man drool, and a face that could even make other girls attracted to her beauty. This was the Student Council President Evangeline Kain.

When she saw Alex's group she acted as if she was surprised to see them, even though she overheard them that they were going to this place and followed. She simply overtook them by asking her driver to drop her off near the place, where she walked a few meters onward.

"Oh my, what a coincidence to see you here." Evangeline had a look of surprise on her face that could've tricked anyone... Anyone except Rachel.

When Rachel saw Evangeline standing before them, she was sure that Evangeline must've followed them, or overheard their plans.

"Really such a coincidence MADAM President... I wonder what you're doing here?" Rachel asked Evangeline with a snarky tone.

"Nothing much just doing my job as your Student Council President," Evangeline answered with a smile on her face.

"Oh my! So it's now a job for our madam president to stalk her fellow students." Rachel said with her own smiling face.

"Oh no, I think you misunderstood, Ms. Rachel I was here because there were reports that some students have been harassed in this area."

"Oh really?"


The two girls were smiling but the tension was growing higher. Sayaka was watching the whole scene amused. Two of the most popular girls in school were fighting for the affection of one guy and said guy doesn't even seem to care.

"So now that we have cleared up the misunderstanding. Can I ask what the four of you are doing here?" Evangeline asked while sneakily heading towards Alex's left arm and hugging it.

"Why are you holding his other arm again?!" Rachel shouted at Evangeline.

"Well seeing you're already holding his the right arm, I thought his left arm might be lonely," Evangeline answered happily hugging Alex's left arm.

Alex the man who was being hugged by two beautiful girls was concentrating on a different area. Oliver was still out of it, while Sayaka was having a blast seeing two beautiful girls have a real-life catfight.

That's was when Sayaka had a brilliant idea. "Hey, Ms. President why don't you join us? Where going to a Karaoke place to celebrate winning an exhibition match awhile ago." When the two women heard Sayaka's suggestion they had two extremely different reactions. One was extremely pissed the other was super delighted.

"Why thank you Student Sayaka... I would love to join you. Also, there is no need to call me Ms. President just call me Eva most of my close friends call me that. If you would allow me to call you Sayaka I would be very pleased indeed." Evangeline with her winning smile directed all her goodwill at Sayaka.

"No problem Eva hope we can get along, no need to call me Sayaka, just Saya is alright aside from my family and Rachel you're the only other person who could call me that... Well, I want another person to call me that but he's preoccupied at the moment." Saya looked at Oliver who was still in his own world.

"Oh my, thank you, Saya."

"Sayaka! What the hell are you doing?!" Rachel let go of Alex and approached Saya fuming mad.

"Well since she's here, why not let her join?"

"What the hell do you mean since she's here?! Don't you remember she's the enemy?!" Rachel whispered.

"Well what's this? Is Rachel Regius actually scared of a little competition?" Saya tried to tease Rachel, who responded just as she thought she would.

"Who the hell is afraid of competition?! I was just concerned for her wellbeing since this match isn't fair at all. Alex has only eyes for me, so this isn't really a competition at all." Rachel said encouraging herself.

"Then what's there to fear? Let her join it's futile anyway... Right?" Saya answered having fun at the entire situation.


The new group of five finally reached their destination rented a Karaoke box, and ordered some food, Saya was now able to buy the ice cream she was craving.

Evangeline and Rachel started having a singing competition using the Karaoke machine's scoring system. The two of them had beautiful voices and while singing in a simple Karaoke machine they even started dancing like idols.

Oliver who was in his own world had ordered some food and was silently eating.

While everyone was doing their own thing, Alex excused himself and told Rachel he was just going to the washroom. Alex decided that leaving Rachel for a moment would be fine since Oliver was here, even Sayaka who seemed to be easy-going was actually quite the expert.

A while ago, while the four of them were walking Alex noticed a group of boys was following them. They had entered the facility and rented the room next to theirs. Alex headed to the other room and slipped a mini transceiver into the room where the group who was following them was. Alex then wore headphones that were connected to his smartphone which was connected to the transceiver, he was using to listen to their conversation and record it.

"Hey, when are we going to raid them? I can't take it anymore! Didn't you see the chick that joined them midway she's drop-dead gorgeous!"

"Not yet, we need to wait for the others. Didn't you see one of the guys they were with, didn't he look like someone who could break us in half."

"Yeah, what kind of guy was that? Was that their bodyguard?"

"Hmph, well no matter how strong he is he won't be able to handle crazy Jack."

"You invited crazy Jack?!"

"Well, he was the only guy I know who could handle that guy that had the body of a monster."

"But what if he goes overboard again, won't we get caught?"

"Don't worry I bribed the guy at the counter. I even offered that he could do anything to one of those three girls."

"Hehehe you really thought of it all." The group in the room started laughing.

Alex who was listening to their conversation was getting a tad bit angry. Still, he couldn't attack yet, he needed to wait for their so-called reinforcements before striking.

A few minutes later another group of rough-looking boys came. They looked at Alex who was standing in front of a room with his earphones on and didn't bother him. Alex, on the other hand, looked at them quickly and determined none of them posed a threat to him.

The group entered the room of the ones who wanted to attack Alex's group. When they entered Alex followed in but before he did so, he stuck a disruptor on the door. This little device would render the CCTV camera in the room to start malfunctioning for thirty minutes, which was more than enough time for Alex to teach these hooligans a lesson.

"Hey, at last, you guys came. I was getting impatient, you can't believe how great the catch is today... Hey, who's that?"

When the group turned their heads they saw Alex, one of them recognized him and shouted.

"Hey isn't that the guy who was with those girls!"

Once he was done shouting Alex attacked. First Alex knocked out two of the guys near him, seeing the others being attacked, the group started fighting back. The group of boys were amateurs, they had no idea how to truly fight, they kept on swinging their arms in wide arcs which made it easier to dodge and counter.

The group of boys was being easily subdued by Alex, when crazy Jack saw what was happening he pulled out a handgun from within his bag. The remaining boys who saw crazy Jack holding a gun started panicking.

"Hey Jack, isn't that too much?!"

"Tsk, of course not, we needed to silence him anyway so why not kill him?"

Crazy Jack answered the screaming boy. Alex, on the other hand, looked at the gun and sighed. The gun that was pulled out was a Gyrojet, what was the guy trying to do? Show him an antique.

Not bothered by crazy Jack holding a gun Alex charged forward. Crazy Jack was not actually crazy he just acted like it, to gain respect and fear from his peers, seeing the charging Alex unafraid of the gun he was holding made him panic. Jack who was panicking reacted too late and was easily subdued by Alex.

It took Alex exactly one minute and thirteen seconds to subdue all the boys, he then proceeded to make a call.

"Good Afternoon Chief Renold there is a present that I need you to pick up."


Exactly eleven minutes had passed when Alex returned to the room where the others were. The two princesses were still having their singing contest, Saya who noticed Alex's return giggled.

"Hey, Alex what took you so long? Did you perhaps have to do a number 2?" Alex not knowing what a number 2 was didn't bother answering Saya.

"Hmph as always you're such a bore."


When Alex's group was finished with their celebration they left the premises and were greeted by a bunch of police cars outside.

"What happened here?!" Rachel shouted.

"I was framed, I didn't do anything?!" The man who was at the counter a while ago was shouting as he was pulled into a police car with a bunch of other guys.