Alternate ending: James Bourne

Oliver and Sayaka instead of going on a regular date were training in Ken's residence again. The two had more fun training swordsmanship together, than going to the mall, or watching a movie. Ken seeing the two students of his smiling happily as they improve in such a fast pace made him feel excited. At this pace they could probably fight Ryu's student after a year or so. That is if they fought using just swordsmanship.


While the three of them were having their training routine someone was watching them from a distance. This man was none other than Specter from the Shadow Mercenaries. He couldn't believe his eyes, as he saw a dead man was right in front of him training.

Though the demeanour has changed as well as the size of his body, but that face and the birthmark he had on his left hand as well as Specters feeling of familiarity. His instincts were telling him that the person he was watching was none other than his comrade James Bourne.