A game of chess

Evangeline felt that it was weird for Richter to offer to play some chess. She had planned for many scenarios but none of them included a game of chess.

"Why are you hesitating? I know you play chess, so don't try to fool me." Richter frowned while looking at Evangeline who was simply standing there.

"I'm sorry Sir Richter, but why do you want to play chess? Shouldn't you be preparing for the party instead?" Evangeline tried to change the topic, but to her disappointment Richter didn't take the bait.

"You don't have to worry about that, my subordinates will handle the preparations for the party, and as for why I want to play chess, well it's so that I can learn more about you. Seeing as you are a candidate for becoming my future in-law, getting to understand you better is a must, and for me playing chess would achieve that goal."