Side Chapter: What if Alex was a normal rich boy

A handsome young man with a sharp look was stepping outside a very huge mansion. He was wearing a high school uniform, a red blazer over a white polo with a red tie with black pants and wearing expensive-looking black leather shoes, which just made him look even cooler, this young man was Alexander Samarita the son of the most wealthy man in Berdonia, Carlo Samarita.

He was a young man that was homeschooled since the beginning of his education, but now he was forced by his father to attend a local public high school. His father claimed that this was part of his training as the next head of the Samarita household. He was also told by his father that this was his chance to interact with kids his age and make some friends. Also as while he was attending school, his allowance was going to be limited as he tries to blend in with the other students. Of course, he was expected not to rely on the family name while he's attending school.