Group Photo

Red has the longest wavelength of the visible light spectrum. It is the direct contrast to black so pairing them together creates a unique optical effect.

The black house was dark as night while the red humans were fresh as blood. The picture created a great pressure on those who viewed it.

"The boy's favorite pastime is drawing. He doesn't like to go out and often secludes himself in his room." Unbeknownst to Chen Ge, the woman had entered the room. She held two glasses of water in her hands. "Now, I no longer wish for anything but for him to grow up happily like a normal boy."

The woman passed a glass of water to Chen Ge while placing the other beside the boy. "Let's go outside, he is afraid of contact with strangers."

"Okay." Chen Ge returned to the living room, holding the glass of water. The woman sat down across from him.

"Do you have any other questions?" The woman seemed to have put her guard up again.