Only One Solution

The woman in the picture had no make-up, and she looked like she had just recovered from a big illness. There was a unique charm to her. Earlier, at Hai Ming Apartments, Chen Ge had criticized Men Nan's father for having an affair even though his wife was so beautiful, and now he understood why. Chen Ge moved his gaze to study the shy boy in the picture.

Is this child really Men Nan? An incredibly talented child when he was still a baby, but how come he could not handle a mere mirror monster after he grew up? Did his talent shrink as he grew older? The story told in the letter was real. Chen Ge did hear people say that toddlers could see many weird things that adults could not, but as they grew up, everything returned to normal, and the memory that they had disappeared.

It shouldn't be so simple. Chen Ge was reminded of what Doctor Gao told him. After a deep diagnosis, he discovered there were three personalities within Men Nan.