As Kind as the Sun

Stopping the worker, Chen Ge went forward. "Are you looking for me?"

Wang Hailong was covered with sweat, and he gasped for breath as he pushed through the crowd. "My little brother spoke last night! He's just outside the park; he says that he has something important to tell you!"

"Bring me to him." Things were as Chen Ge expected. He looked at the long lines and gave Uncle Xu some simple commands. He opened the Minghun scenario to the visitors before leaving with Wang Hailong.

"I'm sorry to disturb your business." Wang Hailong swiped the sweat from his forehead. "Life has been really difficult for Shenglong, and I couldn't say no to him."

"I understand."

The two of them reached the entrance of the park. There was a van parked across the street, and the outside of the van was painted with a logo that read 'Long Hu Fang'.