Move Faster

"Chen Ge, should we wait for Captain Yan's support team to come before we head into the mountain together?" Ol' Wei looked at his phone that had no signal—the time shown was 00:50 am.

"It takes at least one hour to come from Jiujiang to Lin Guan Village. If we need to wait for them to enter the mountain, the sun will have already risen." Chen Ge's group had been walking through the forest for almost two hours, but there was still no sign of any village. All they could see were mountains and mountains.

"But can we do this with just the three of us?" Ol' Wei was worried that if there was a real altercation, they probably still needed to worry about Master Bai.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Chen Ge had initially been worried about Master Bai's physical condition, but after one hour of trekking, he realized that his worry was unfounded. Master Bai was healthy since he had grown up in the mountain and knew the local geography very well.