
Chen Ge maintained his pose for a full minute before he dared look behind him. His shadow had returned to normal like everything that had happened earlier was a dream. Chen Ge did not let his guard down. He tried to call Zhang Ya for several times, and after confirming that she had gone back to sleep, his heart finally relaxed. He collapsed to the ground, completely drained.

The stars lit up the sky, and Chen Ge did not know what to think. After a while, the white cat came over, and it placed its furry paw on Chen Ge's forehead like it was trying to see whether Chen Ge had gotten a cold. "You sure run fast earlier. What about our pact?"

His heart was still racing. Chen Ge felt like he had used too much of his brain power that night, and he was suffering from a lack of oxygen. The white cat's multi-colored eyes were dancing with condescension as if it was saying, "If you have the capability, why don't you stand up and tell me that?"