No One Can Bully My Employee

The rain continued to pour, and the sight was blurred. Chen Ge sat across from the phone spirit and watched this silently. The phone spirit was one street away from his mother, but those several meters was the distance between two worlds, viewable but not touchable.

"Do you want me to bring you to meet her?" Chen Ge asked softly. The phone spirit shook his head quickly. He used his hand to wipe the tears from his face, but the tears just would not stop.

After a long time, he sent a message to Chen Ge. "Call the police, she has waited long enough."

Through the window, the phone spirit looked at the woman who stood in the rain. His hand fell on the window lightly, and he said something before disappearing. The woman on the street seemed to have heard him because she turned toward the café as if subconsciously, but she could not see the person that she wanted to see.