Am I Dead?

In the fleshy corridor, the organs pulsed inside the wall, various vessels crossed the ceiling, and occasionally, blood would seep through. Compared to when Chen Ge first entered the place, the world behind the door started to change like a sleeping person slowly waking up. Walking down the hall, Chen Ge heard the conversation between two people coming out of Morgue No. 7.

"I hear the experiment failed again."

"Yes, they're all dead. No one survived to leave that room. It's so scary. I hope it's never my turn."

"You wish, I predict we'll be part of the next batch. Did you realize there have been a lack of newcomers lately?"

"I did. Perhaps that's the reason the experiments are getting more frequent—something has happened outside."

"Actually, I pity that body. Loved by a madman and has to endure the torture even after death, never to acquire actual peace."

"Shush, that is not something we can discuss. Focus on the work."