We're a Family of Lawful Citizens

"Looks like me, the favor he asked is related to me, smokes cigarette, and is happy go lucky." Chen Ge did feel like Doctor Chen was describing his father, but then he thought about it and realized that was not right. "I am such a big helper and lawful citizen; how could my father impersonate the police and speed drive? There has to be some misunderstanding."

Doctor Chen looked at the bloodied tape that was turning in the recorder, and he did not comment but just nodded slightly. "That is what I thought as well. Whether that was your father or not, the favor he asked was definitely related to you."

"Tell me."

"For that, we have to go back to the Third Sick Hall. I followed the man's instructions, and with Men Nan's main persona's help, we successfully closed the door. However, about half a year later, I realized that the door was opened again."