I Will Be Here with You

The cleverer the man, the more arrogant he would be. Yang Chen desired a clear—even if it was just one time, it was a proof of competence.

"I disagree." Ol' Zhou was the first to reject the idea. "When we came in, you said that we're all teammates, but now that something has happened, that is thrown out of your mind? Don't you think you're being a bit much?"

"Ol' Zhou…" Duan Yue smiled at the crowd apologetically as she pulled on Ol' Zhou's sleeves. It appeared like she was used to apologizing on Ol' Zhou's behalf since the man was a man filled with justice and would often run his mouth on certain events.

"I also do not think that we should abandon them." It was Xiao Lee who spoke. Since he came in alone and had no team support, he was afraid that if the same thing happened to him, he would face the same issue as the Fan siblings—cruelly abandoned.