Midnight Hearse

Chen Ge finally stopped next to Fan Dade and Fan Chong. These two visitors' situation was more serious than others. Fan Dade's eyes were unfocused as he stared at the ceiling. It looked like he was contemplating his life and future. His brother, Fan Chong, had returned to normal, but his body would spasm occasionally, and it looked quite scary.

"Feeling better?" Chen Ge sat down next to the bed with a thermos of hot water. Fan Dade looked at Chen Ge, and he really could not believe that this unassuming man was the culprit behind all those things that they had experienced.

"Thank you, we're feeling much better." After being scared so many times, Fan Chong seemed to have walked out from the haze of the break-up and found a new lease on life.

"Good." Chen Ge poured two cups of water and left them on the table. He planned to leave right after. The business was still running, so he could not be away for too long.