Scarier Than a Murderer (1)

Inside the cluttered bedroom, there was hardly a place to stand. The floor was covered with clothes and books, and the coffee table was piled high with empty cans and food boxes. The only place that was relatively clean was the computer table.

"Fan Chong, you've been playing for too long. Try to do some exercise by cleaning the room."

Chen Ge walked to the computer table carefully and looked at the screen. The dark screen had a sentence written in blood—You killed Xiao Bu.

"This looks like it's written by a child." Chen Ge had seen similar handwriting in Room 104.

"Don't wear the headphones when you're playing; the music will just disturb you." Fan Chong was very experienced. He clicked on the screen, and the words slowly disappeared. With a flicker, the screen returned to normal. "The controls are very easy; you just need to click with the cursor. Do you want something to drink? How about a can of coke?"