If You Don't Tell me, I'll Come Back Everyday

Jiang Xiaohu obviously did not want to get too close to Chen Ge, but his limbs were tied down, so he could only watch as Chen Ge sat down beside him.

"You look so nervous—is it because there are too many people in the room?" Chen Ge looked at Jiang Xiaohu with concern. "Relax, we're all here to help you."

Then he turned to look at Doctor Pei. "Do you mind if I have some alone time with him? The child doesn't seem like he's used to being surrounded by so many people."

Doctor Pei had difficulty written on his face. Honestly, he did not think that Jiang Xiaohu's anomaly was because of the crowd. "I don't think that's wise. Jiang Xiaohu has the record of harming others, and if we leave you here alone, I'm afraid…"